DK Biography: Martin Luther King, Jr. By Amy Pastan

As an Australian I found educational & MLKJ's work inspiring. It is a quick read, suitable for teenagers but not unsuitable for adults. The photos are decent but I wanted more of them. I have no idea if this book left out any important historical details. It seemed to cover the main events of MLKJ's life & work. It possibly could have commented more on the books he has written. Helpful overview. English I started reading this book with my son. But when the dialog started getting too violent for him, I finished the book on my own.

I learned a lot more about Martin Luther King, Jr. while reading this book. I was astonished about all the riots and violence towards people who wanted change. English Informative. English very good book I have read this book before in fact i have read this book 7 times before but it is still very good. English Martin Luther King, Jr.: A photographic story of a life. By Amy Pastan. DK Publishing, 2004. 128 pages.

Genre: Nonfiction biography
Series information: DK Biographies
Recommended age level: Young adult (13+ years)
Subjects and themes: Martin Luther King Jr., African Americans, civil rights movement, 20th century American history, segregation, Jim Crow laws, nonviolent resistance, hope, freedom, racism, hate

This biography tells the remarkable life story of Martin Luther King, Jr., a leader of America's civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Having grown up in the South at a time when the Jim Crow laws and general ignorance and hatred denied black people the same basic rights as white people, King organized peaceful, nonviolent protests to fight this injustice. Gaining support for his cause, he worked tirelessly until his assassination in 1968.

What a page-turner! This biography is so jam-packed with information, but it never seems to get bogged down or dull. The writing is interesting and fast-paced, and every page contains fascinating full-colour pictures. The definition boxes are a wonderful addition to the book, explaining difficult words like de facto segregation. I really enjoyed the brief sidebars on related subjects (i.e. Black Panther Party) and historical figures (i.e. Rosa Parks), as well as the timeline of Events in the Life of Martin Luther King, Jr. found at the back of the book.

It was interesting to read about King's early life in the South. Discovering details about his childhood, family, schooling, and preaching helps the reader to better understand his motivations later on in life. I truly found this account of Martin Luther King's life to be gripping and fascinating, and would highly recommend it to any young person wishing to learn more about this historical figure. English

Tells the amazing story of struggle and triumph of one of the greatest Civil Rights leaders, Martin Luther King, Jr. In this groundbreaking new series, DK brings together fresh voices and DK design values to give readers the most information-packed, visually exciting biographies on the market today. Full-color photographs of people, places, and artifacts, definitions of key words, and sidebars on related subjects add dimension and relevance to stories of famous lives that students will love to read. Supports the Common Core State Standards. DK Biography: Martin Luther King, Jr.

so informative and yet doesn't feel like a boring textbook of history. The way Pastan writes King's life is so engaging! I know this book is for middle school aged students, but honestly I found it very mature and well written. Didn't learn anything new because I already studied him and the Black Civil Rights movement in school, but its was such a great reminder of all the ways he contributed to it. English Well written biography. Lots of photographs, a timeline of events and sources for further study included. English This is a really good book because it shows us that it doesn't matter if we're black or white. I like Martin Luther King Jr fighting for the rights of black people. English Since his life was the civil rights movement of the time, there isn't much more to talk about. I wasn't looking for anything scandalous but I thought more about his family might be mentioned, not that they were ignored. I liked the legacy chapter. English 5/5 stars
A very short retelling of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life story. A really moving book that shook me from within. It hurts me to think that race could have ever been, and even today in some cases/places, such a huge source of discrimination and riots. The bloodshed and the tolerance, Martin Luther's King's relentless protest against racism and violence truly changed how I looked at the world earlier today before I picked the book up. I honestly understand what his famous I have a dream speech really meant, now. I enjoyed every bit of the book. I felt the pain etched within the pages. :/ English


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