Marrying Dr. Maverick (Montana Mavericks: Rust Creek Cowboys, #4) By Karen Rose Smith

Download Marrying Dr. Maverick (Montana Mavericks: Rust Creek Cowboys, #4)

Hitched for love--or business? Find out as Karen Rose Smith returns to Rust Creek Falls in the latest installment of the Montana Mavericks: Rust Creek Cowboys!

Rust Creek Ramblings

It seems as if all we've been hearing about these days in Rust Creek Falls is folks falling in love and getting engaged. But this latest one tops them all. Dr. Brooks Smith, our favorite veterinarian, the most confirmed bachelor in all of Montana, is taking himself a bride!

The fact that he has chosen Jasmine Jazzy Cates, his new assistant, a visitor from Thunder Canyon, is only fueling speculation. Rumors are this love match is really just a business proposition, but sweet Jazzy may have something more in mind. Can she turn her convenient husband's wedding fever into a lifelong condition? Marrying Dr. Maverick (Montana Mavericks: Rust Creek Cowboys, #4)

Protagonistas: Brook & Jazmine

Profesiones: Veterinario & Empresaria

Pais: USA Romance, Mystery Thrillers, Contemporary Very good book. Brooks has been trying to get his father to slow down. Both are veterinarians but Brooks's dad won't make him part of his practice until Brooks has settled down and gotten married. He is adamant on the subject and Brooks is just as determined to stay single. He first tries setting up his own practice to take some of the workload off his dad. He needs an assistant to help run the new office and settles on Jazzy. After just a week he realizes she is perfect for the job. There is also a simmering attraction between the two of them that they fight in order to keep a good business relationship. When his dad ends up in the hospital with heart problems Brooks decides that entering into a marriage of convenience is the best way to take care of his dad. He asks Jazzy to do that for him, offering her something she really wants in exchange. I loved the chemistry between the two of them and also the way that they were so compatible with each other outside that chemistry.

Jazzy is one of a group of volunteers from Thunder Canyon who have come to help with the flood relief. She was happy to get out of Thunder Canyon for a while. She recently broke off a relationship with a man when she realized she was only with him because her family approved of him. There was no real passion between them. She has realized that she is a pleaser who tends to want to do things that make other people happy, sometimes at a cost to her own wishes. By coming to Rust Creek Falls she is able to be away from their influence and decide what she really wants. She meets Brooks in the local saloon and they hit it off. He asks her if she would be interested in working for him as his assistant as he sets up his vet practice. Jazzy feels an instant attraction to him but tries to ignore it in favor of taking what sounds like an interesting job. I loved the way that she took to the job right away. She has great ideas and is able to implement them easily because Brooks actually listens to what she says. The spend a lot of time together over the next week and get pretty close. They have a lot of things in common. Jazzy realizes that she is falling for him, but also that he has no interest in a relationship because of his past. By the time he asks her to participate in the marriage she is fully in love with him. She knows she is risking a broken heart but says yes anyway. I loved the way that she takes care of both Brooks and his father, giving them a kind of care that neither had had in a long time if ever. The way that she stood up to her family when they tried to talk her out of the wedding was great to see - she was finally to the point where she was willing to stand up for her own wishes. I liked her sense of honor when she talked to Brooks' dad later on.

Brooks has been worrying about his father. The man is a workaholic and doesn't take very good care of himself. He has asked to join with his dad in the vet practice but his dad insists that Brooks has to be married first. Brooks was engaged once but the woman broke it off because she didn't like the idea of living in a small town and having a husband with such crazy hours. She wasn't faithful to him either. Now Brooks has no intention of getting married, blaming himself and his job for the breakup. He decides to set up his own practice in hopes of drawing enough business from his dad that he'll be forced to slow down. When he meets Jazzy at the saloon he is drawn to her but also senses that she would make a great assistant for his new practice. He offers her the job and as they set it up he is more and more attracted to her. He fights it because of his past and because he doesn't want to lose her. When things go really bad with his dad he asks Jazzy for the fake marriage thinking that it will solve the problem. He doesn't expect the attraction to grow and also to start feeling things he never expected to feel. It was fun watching him fight those feelings so hard and seeing that it just wasn't working. When he finally gave in to the attraction he panicked, feeling that he was being unfair to Jazzy because he broke his word. I loved seeing the way it was his father who straightened him out on what was really happening to him. Romance, Mystery Thrillers, Contemporary Karen Rose Smith proves once again that she is an excellent writer. Her signature style shines in Marrying Dr. Maverick, and by the end of this story you feel as if you've developed an intimate relationship with the books rich cast of characters.
Excitement builds as the first chapter closes, and it’s clear that you’re in for a great ride.
Jazzy and Brooks (The novel’s main characters) are an exciting couple to get to know. Once you start diving into the books reality, you’ll soon find yourself wishing it was your own.
Marrying Dr.Maverick is an excellent read!
Romance, Mystery Thrillers, Contemporary 3.5 Stars Romance, Mystery Thrillers, Contemporary 4.5 Star Review – Marrying Dr. Maverick (Montana Mavericks: Rust Creek Cowboys #4)
I recommend this book.

I enjoyed this book by Karen. This book includes passion, laughs, heartache, and betrayal.
If you have not read the below I would recommend reading those books first.
Marooned with the Maverick by Christine Rimmer
The Maverick's Summer Love by Christyne Butler
The Maverick & the Manhattanite by Leanne Banks

Dr. Brooks Smith a veterinarian is frustrated as his Dad is exhausted and will not let him help with the work load at his practice until he settles down and gets a wife. He decides instead to open another practice in the town to lighten the load on his father.
Jasmine Jazzy Cates, his new assistant is really helping out Brooks with all the organizing and getting to word out about the new practice.

When his father is sick Brooks decides they should have a marriage of convenience so his father will let him take over the practice. But what seemed at the time a good idea might not really be a good idea. When feelings start getting in the way will they be headed for heartbreak or happily ever after? With Brooks being a confirmed bachelor before they were married is Jazzy in for a fight in making him fall in love?

The chemistry between these two is great. Love both the characters and you really feel them draw you into the story.

Look forward to the next books in this series listed below.
A Maverick under the Mistletoe by Brenda Harlen – Due out in November
Romance, Mystery Thrillers, Contemporary


I'm sort of over the storyline of getting married in a business arrangement of sorts. I was into this book until it popped up that he asked her to marry him to make his dad happy. and of course she agreed bc no marriage needs at least one sensible person. the only thing that made this storyline different from the other ones who've also overplayed this storyline is that people actually pointed out how fast and unusual it is for both of them to be moving that quickly. that never happens in these books so maybe this was in fact a different storyline and I'm just not seeing it.

nope, same ole same ole.

Brooks is a bitter man who can't get over the fact that his 20 year old girlfriend from a decade prior had the wherewithal to realize that she was too young to get locked in to marriage so young. she was the most sensible one of the book and she wasn't even in it. get on with your mature self, Lynette.

I could've skipped this one but I'm a sucker for these crappy romance novels so my review makes no difference. Romance, Mystery Thrillers, Contemporary Karen Rose Smith Brings us a wonderful romance where the brain and heart are not cooperating fully. A young man, who has sworn off marriage since his fiancé's betrayal and a young woman, who is trying to find her place in the world meet and enter into a business relationship. When sparks start flying what do you do? Do you role with the punches or stand your ground?
Jasmine Jazzy Cates took a leave of absence from the Thunder Canyon Resort to travel with Dean Pritchett's volunteer ground after a huge flood hit Rust Creek Falls. Jazzy is ready for a break from her family and their protectiveness. She loves each and every one of them, but when you come from a big family, everyone thinks they know what's best for you and there in lies the problem. What she truly wants is to finish her business degree so she can open a nonprofit organization to rescue horses, but her family wants to see her married and settled.
Brooks Smith, DMV, lives in Kalispell, about twenty miles from Rust Creek Falls, where he works with a group practice. When his mother passed away he spent lost of time helping his dad who is the town veterinary so it was only natural he would want to follow in his dad's footsteps and become a vet. With his dad getting older and not in great health, his plan has always been to return to the community and they would become partners. His dad informed him that it was not happening until he was married and settled down. With Brooks' history that was never happening so a rift had formed in their relationship and had broadened as years went by.
Jazzy and Brooks had an accidental meeting one night and during their conversation Brooks makes the quick decision to open up a clinic in Rust Creek Falls. Since the flood there was more than enough work to sustain two vets and at the same time it would decrease the work load on his dad. Brooks feels with Jazzy's business knowledge that her assistance would be a godsend. Both are excited about this business adventure, but the sparks start flying with all this chemistry between them. When Brooks' dad is suddenly admitted to the hospital with a cardiac episode, will he finally give his dad the one thing he most desires? Will Jazzy agree to the arrangements or will she finish her dream of rescuing horses?
I loved this story. We have strong, lovable characters. The plot flows effortlessly and will keep the reader turning the pages. I would recommend this story to anyone who loves a good romance. Romance, Mystery Thrillers, Contemporary Dr. Brooks Smith wants to make his dad slow down. Jazzy wants to find a new job in Rust Creek. Are these two a match made in heaven... of course. Their wedding, which initially starts off as a business arrangement soon changes to a love match. But can these two accept their feelings? Romance, Mystery Thrillers, Contemporary Perfect meeting between of Dr. Brooks Smith vet and Jasmine Jazzy Cates. ... from that point on, I definitely couldn't put the book down.
The book was fun, lighthearted, packs of great kinds of emotion. ... & where honesty leads to ..... Enjoyed the thread throughout the storyline for the love and care of animals.
Barrett, Brooks's Dad was a great character to meet and ... loved his personality and additional mix with townfolk, Brooks's and Jazzy's daily lives.

Hey, go ahead read too and find out for yourself.

I am now going to start reading the next book in the series. A Maverick under the Mistletoe. :-) Want to hear more about Montana Mavericks : Rust Creek Cowboys ..... Brooks mentioned he is going to throw his support to Collin Traub, for the mayoral candidacy in the election... and wonder how that will all play out .... & while they continue to pickup the pieces of that huge flood that brought Jazzy to town. Romance, Mystery Thrillers, Contemporary The question is: Hitched for love—or business?

Dr. Brooks Smith, our favorite hunky veterinarian, the most confirmed bachelor in all of Montana, is starting a practice in Rust Creek Falls. His father is also a vet and has a practice there as well. Brooks wants desperately to go into partnership with his father. His pa's health is failing and he eagerly wants to take the load off him. His father refuses with the same old ultimatum. Brooks cannot join his practice until he is married and settled and he is dead set in his ideas. So Brooks does the next best thing by starting his own practice in Rust Creek Falls hoping to get some of his father's business which will lighten the old man's load, hopefully sparing his health. What Brooks did as good his ole man only sees as betrayal.

He knows he needs help setting up and running his new clinic and decides to go to the Ace in the Hole for a beer. There he runs into Jasmine Jazzy Cates and they strike up a friendly conversation and hit it off. He hires her as his new assistant as she is saving money to complete her business degree. She's a visitor from Thunder Canyon who has been volunteering for the town's restoration efforts since the flood. They develop a close friendship and when his father has a heart attack he asks Jazzy to wed him in a marriage of convenience. She accepts but the MOC is not easy as their feeling for each other only grown and strengthen. Brooks was jilted some years back and was extremely heart-broken. He refuses to get seriously involved with anyone, including his marriage of convenience bride. The road to happiness is quite a bumpy ride but enjoyable nonetheless.

This is a very good read and I love the series. I highly recommend both. Romance, Mystery Thrillers, Contemporary