Managing Change in Organizations: A Practice Guide By Project Management Institute

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I enjoyed this text. I've often held that one of the issues tied to the failure of change/strategic initiatives has been the confusion between operational objectives and strategic goals. The discussion of the use of project management to oversee initiatives as well as the separation of operations and value added efforts is in line with the notion that organizations need to be able to manage performance as well as manage change. A relatively short read with a lot of good guidance. Kindle, Paperback C'est un des premiers essais de rassembler conduite du changement et gestion de projet dans une seule approche et c'est assez russi ! Kindle, Paperback Great bookI am using it for graduate school. Kindle, Paperback The best practical 'how to' book on Change Management for project, program & portfolio managers that I've read. Brief and to the point. Kindle, Paperback Thank you for this book! Kindle, Paperback

Managing Change in Organizations: A Practice Guide is unique in that it integrates two traditionally disparate world views on managing change: organizational development/human resources and portfolio/program/project management. By bringing these together, professionals from both worlds can use project management approaches to effectively create and manage change. This practice guide begins by providing the reader with a framework for creating organizational agility and judging change readiness. Managing Change in Organizations: A Practice Guide