This is a charming children's story, targeted to ages 4 to 10, about a loyal, friendly dog and his encounter with a ghostly presence. The illustrations are spot-on, and the story is one that will give children a satisfying haunted house story without being overly scary. Man's Best Phantom
“Our new home is old. Long, green vines creep all the way from the ground up to the roof, and when the wind blows too hard, the window shutters bang on their hinges. The house belonged to Carson’s great-grandparents.” Horace, a loyal and loveable pup, is excited to move into his family’s new home! He can’t wait to explore the sprawling gardens, chase – er, meet – new animal friends, and rummage for treats in unexpected places. When strange things start happening, though, Horace realizes he may not be the only dog in the house… Man's Best Phantom