The Truth (Lionboy Trilogy, #3) By Zizou Corder

At the end of LIONBOY: THE CHASE Charlie Ashanti has restored the lions to their home in the wilds of Morocco and been reunited in the port town of Essaouira with his parents, Magdalen and Aneba. But just as Charlie is beginning to think that his adventures might be over, who should reappear but the nasty lion-tamer Maccomo and the raffish Rafi. Before he knows it, Charlie has been kidnapped once again and is in the hold of a ship bound he knows not where. All is not lost, however. Eventually the entire cast of the LIONBOY trilogy find themselves on a Caribbean island, the home of the sinister Corporacy. Can Charlie bring the story to a triumphant conclusion by vanquishing the Corporacy and ridding the world of its nefarious schemes? The Truth (Lionboy Trilogy, #3)

I'm going to start off with a Harry Potter comparison: remember that very first line of The Philosopher's Stone? The voice jumped out at you; it was the voice of a narrator who knew what an epic tale she was spinning. Same goes for Lion Boy. With the most perfect chapter one possible, the author has got our protag, his parents, his background and his problem established. The very last line is the jewel in the crown. No seriously.

We slip easily into Charlie's viewpoint. His delight over being treated as a grown-up make him real; his sense of justice and views on ethnicity (especially considering his brown skin colour) make him someone to cheer for. Though his multilingualism is a little difficult to believe (Charlie speaks English, French and Twi fluently, along with Latin and Italian), you can't help admiring the loyalty and stubborness he maintains even when fearing for his life.

Action is aplenty, which makes this perfect for reluctant readers. After all, who's never dreamed of joining the circus, or uncovering a company conspiracy? And don't forget the lions, who're exciting enough even if you didn't dream of joining the circus or uncovering a conspiracy. Their contrasting personalities -- at once cheery friends and powerful predators -- establish them as real characters, and the countless chases keeps the storyline on its toes.

An intriguing look at a futuristic world is presented: there are very few cars, and asthma seems to be the main sickness. There are hints of a Corporacy capitalizing on this, and a few science-y aspects are thrown in for good measure. The world development has definite potential, and hopefully future installments will provide a more in-depth look.

WIth unique characters, a speed-of-sound plot and cat-speaking, Lion Boy can be enjoyed by anyone. Oh! And it's middle-grade. Enjoyable by anyone + middle-grade = a win combo. :D Hardcover I finally read this book after it had been sitting on my to read list for almost 8 years. I purchased a copy after looking for years in charity shops and not finding one. Now I know how the story ends. I enjoyed the story, mostly because there was cats and we got to hear their thoughts. The triology was definitely an adventure and I'm glad I read it. Hardcover 5 stars

I started this series because a friend recommended it to me. And I’m so glad she did. I absolutely loved it, the first book was a good set up, book two was a really good story and book three brought it all together in ways I never saw coming. I loved the ending. It was so fun. Hardcover SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER
Al final he terminado la trilogia, a este libro le he dado 1,5 estrellas. La verdad es que de la trilogia es el que me ha parecido mas flojo, tanto que creo que hasta sobraría el libro. Para ser un libro que supuestamente trataba sobre los leones y el niño, hemos tenido leones en las ultimas 5 paginas. La historia no me ha atraído nada porque ha girado en el secuestro nuevamente de Charlie. Muchos personajes innecesarios solo para decir que existían muchos humanos y muchos animales involucrados en la Corporación pero en si tampoco es que si desaparecieran de la historia lo notaríamos en absoluto.
El personaje de Charlie esta vez me ha parecido que parecía mas mayor que en el resto de libros, que si que puede ser que fuera madurando un poco en toda las historia, pero es en el que menos niño me ha parecido. Rafi y su historia ha sido un poco metida con calzador. Tampoco me ha gustado mucho que parecía que en esta historia debían pasar cosas malas, como por ejemplo, la muerte de Ninu o Elsina. Encima al final como que le disparan a la leona y en la misma pagina vuelve a girar en plan no no no ha pasado nada...como si estuviera alargando la historia pegando ideas y de repente se diera cuenta de que tiene que ir acabando porque el final del libro esta cerca. No sé, la saga no me ha gustado como ha terminado. Aunque en general no ha estado mal, no volvería a leerla pero ha estado correcta...fácil de leer y entretenidilla. Hardcover This last book was an amazing wrap up of the entire Lionboy Trilogy. Like before, I loved the adventures we got to go on; however, this time, Charlie is the one who has been kidnapped. By the Corporacy, and none other.

Like I've mentioned before -at least I think I have- I'm in love with this series. No matter how very unrealistic this is with animals speaking English or boys speaking cat, I love it! Now keep in mind, if you want to try it, you most likely will think some of it is cheesy, as little boys can't go after their parents because of a dangerous Corporacy community, or stop bad guys, and most certainly can't talk to animals and understand everything they say. But it's so charming, that I couldn't help but love.

And listening to the narrator was so fun!!

Here are some of my favorite characters: Charlie (duh), Magdalen and Aneba (duh), Sergei the bald bottomed cat (duhhh), all the lions (duhhhhhh)...really, all of them besides the bad guys. But even the bad guys were interesting and funny in their own ways.

Also, I love how the jaguar is just like, Hi, I'm George, in English. That made me laugh a lot for some reason.

Content: Mild language (dam*s and dar*s and a little more possibly), name calling (though it didn't seem as bad this time), mild violence (kidnapping, stuff lions do, etc.) Hardcover

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I really enjoyed this final book in the Lionboy Trilogy! Charlie is finally reunited with his parents, only to be snatched away again, kidnapped and taken to a secret Corporacy base. The lions are tracking him down, along with Charlie's parents. All his friends are coming to the rescue, but will they find Charlie before it's too late? And what about the evil Rafi, who has been a thorn in Charlie's side since the beginning? Is Rafi really as evil and corrupt as he seems, or is he just a lost soul who doesn't know any better? Charlie's friendship with the cats and lions will help in his fight against the Corporacy, but will it be enough?

I really appreciated that all the characters in this book have two sides to them. No one is entirely good or entirely evil. The good guys make mistakes, and they act selfishly at times, but they always recognize their errors and make up for it. The bad guys are certainly evil, but they also have strangely good qualities. Maybe they are horrible to humans, but treat animals well. They connive and deceive, but at the end of the day, they just want a cup of tea. Sometimes it's an odd mixture, but it keeps things interesting!

I was laughing at all the ridiculous and wild plot twists and strange animals and weird people! Sometimes the coincidences are entirely unbelievable, but in a world where a boy can speak cat-language, it somehow works. Hardcover In the beginning of the book called Lion Boy, this boy named Charlie, had two parents who where professors. And they where a happy family. There was something special about Charlie that he soon discovers. One day he comes home, to find out that his parent have been kidnapped . He ventures out to rescue them. When he does this he hears this strange voice talking to him. He finds out that it was a cat that was talking to him. The cat was telling him that his parents had been kidnapped. His mom had left him a note that didn't seem at all like the way she usually wrote. charlie goes off with Rafi, a strange character he doesn't really trust, so he manages to run away in the night. Charlie goes to the dock, and jumps on a police launch. He then transfers to another bigger boat. Amazingly enough, this turns out to be a circus boat. There are lions on the boat, and he is able to understand what they are talking about. Charlie realizes that it's not only cats he can understand, but also lions, and probably other animals too. This circus boat is going to France, where the first show will be. The head of the circus, Mr Tib, sees how good Charlie is with the lions, and makes him the lion boy, which is the title of the book. Suddenly a young lion tells Charlie an amazing secret, that his parents are being held prisoner on a submarine, heading for Paris. There are exciting adventures that follow, I don't want to say how the book ends.

I liked this book a lot. First of all, I would really love to ba able to talk to animals myself, especially my two kitty cats at home. I'm sure they would have a lot to say. Right now, I just have to guess what they're thinking. Second, it's an exciting adventure, and you can;t wait to find out what happens next. Finally, the book has a lot of compassion. The lions are very kind to Charlie, and try to help him to find his parents. And Charlie listens to their problems, and is very understanding. Charlie could have been very lonely without his mother and father, but the cats and the lions are good company. The book has a dramatic conclusion, and I was sorry when it it ended. Hardcover I love this children's trilogy. One of my favorite things about this book is that the Charlie character is really smart and resilient without being annoying. Plus I loved that the cats talked like cats would really talk instead of taking on entirely human personalities. Hardcover I used this book with one of the 10 year old boys that I privately tutor; in some ways, it wasn't the ideal reading experience for me because it got read chapter by slow chapter. He enjoyed it enough, though, that he wanted to read the second in what is a trilogy. Unusually for trilogies -- which seem to be almost compulsory in YA lit these days -- this is not a stand-alone book. Indeed, if I have any criticism it is that the book ends on a cliff-hanger, with absolutely none of its issues or mysteries solved. The train, literally, has not made it into the station. In many ways, I think this breaks a sort of rule of fiction. Even with trilogies or series there should be some sense of an ending for each individual book.

But this gripe aside, this is an inventive fantasy about a determined and resourceful boy who runs away in order to find his parents . . . who have gone missing under mysterious and worrying circumstances. Charlie Ashanti, the book's protagonist, can speak cat (including the tongue of lion, biggest of the cats) and one of his (many) adventures is liberating a group of lions from a circus. There are various sub-plots, lots of colourful goodies and baddies, and even a good big-business conspiracy. Fairly high vocabulary demands, I think. I would recommend it for imaginative children who love fantasy. It should appeal to both boys and girls. Hardcover selalu suka buku cerita petualangan kayak gini. meski banyak yg misterius sekaligus ga masuk di akal, overall bukunya menghibur ^^ menantikan edisi selanjutnya Hardcover
