Leyendas Puertorriqueñas By Cayetano Coll y Toste

Cayetano Coll y Toste Ó 6 DOWNLOAD

Cayetano Coll y Toste, ilustre poeta y profundo conocedor de la historia y las costumbres de su Puerto Rico natal, recopila en estas Tradiciones y leyendas puertorriqueñas casi un centenar de cuentos, mitos y fábulas protagonizados por nativos, descubridores, colonizadores y criollos en la isla caribeña. Fechada en 1925, esta primera edición que aquí presentamos en formato facsímil recopila en dos tomos estas leyendas que cubren tres siglos y medio de vida colonial, desde 1511 hasta 1876. Influido por Cervantes y Zorrilla y de escritura pictórica, paisajista y colorista, Coll y Toste rescata de la memoria de su pueblo leyendas populares como La garita del diablo, de 1790, o mitos poéticos tradicionales como La fuente mágica, de 1512. El autor, que llegaría a ser Secretario de Agricultura y Comercio, Secretario de Hacienda y Secretario Civil del Gobierno, vio su labor investigadora reconocida en 1913, cuando fue nombrado Historiador Oficial de Puerto Rico. Leyendas Puertorriqueñas

This has to be my favorite child book of legends. Leyendas Puertorriqueñas A nice collection and entry into Puerto Rican folk tales. A few didn’t make sense as to why they were there, even with the historical notation at the end. I loved how the translator picked and chose to create a historical quilt for newcomers, but I wish he did it chronically so we’d have gotten that quilt effect. Arranging by genre meant we lost that these folk tales have some roots from history. Leyendas Puertorriqueñas This was a gift from a friend and was hand delivered to me from Puerto Rico itself, so that alone makes it special! It is a collection of semi-historical legends from Spanish colonial times, and as the context suggests, from the Spanish perspective. I struggled deciding how exactly to rate this, because the underlying nature of the book is rather uncomfortable - the derogatory tone towards native people and the matter of fact descriptions of historically accurate crimes against them in the midst of these seemingly lighthearted folk tales is truly awful. However, it was educational, and I believe that in itself is the book's intention. Leyendas Puertorriqueñas Good book. Some of the tales were boring but overall still a cool book. Leyendas Puertorriqueñas
