Let Me Tell You a Story: A Lifetime in the Game By Red Auerbach

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I first came across this book in a used book store. As a basketball junkie I bought it immediately and really enjoyed it. I have discussed it with several other Bball Junkies who like me both laughed and cried while reading it. There are lots and lots of behind the Let Me Tell You a Story: A Lifetime in the Game Like very much how Red Auerbach explains his coaching philosophy. Great stories and Feinstein writes the story so well. Enjoyed learning Red's methods to success. Let Me Tell You a Story: A Lifetime in the Game Although I live in Ohio, I grew up as a fan of Bill Russell, Red Auerbach and the Boston Celtics. As I have gotten older and learned about those two men in particular, my admiration has only deepened. This book, is not a biography, but a look at Auerbach in a way Let Me Tell You a Story: A Lifetime in the Game Red Auerbach, legendary Boston Celtic coach, has a million stories, and John Feinstein, legendary sports writer, tells many of them in this fascinating book. Let Me Tell You a Story: A Lifetime in the Game John Feinstien has got to be the greatest basketball story teller ever. I could visualize this whole book and it was so engaging. On top of that the stories themselves were phenomenal. I wish I could have been around those lunch conversations. Let Me Tell You a Story: A Lifetime in the Game


Il libro sarà anche bello ma venduto come nuovo è arrivato in condizioni da libro usato Let Me Tell You a Story: A Lifetime in the Game Of all the Sports that Feinstein covers I think he covers Basketball Best. This is a superb tale of the Legendary Boston Celtic's LEADER. I was told that Red grew up in the DC area going to a Segregated Roosevelt High School. I wondered how someone coming from a Let Me Tell You a Story: A Lifetime in the Game Super Ware und es hat sich an das Lieferdatum eingehalten! Let Me Tell You a Story: A Lifetime in the Game All age groups should enjoy this book, but people who remember Red leading the Celtics will particularly enjoy it. You don't have to be a Celtics fan to enjoy this book. Feinstein does a great job of telling numerous entertaining stories that provide great insights into Let Me Tell You a Story: A Lifetime in the Game John Feinstein's books have been miss than hit this decade, which is why it's a pleasure to go back and read one of his gems. This time his subject is Red Auerbach, the long time coach/GM of the Boston Celtics, and the man who has championship rings than anyone in Let Me Tell You a Story: A Lifetime in the Game

After meeting Red Auerbach, the legendary Boston Celtic coach and de facto father of the modern NBA, a few years ago, Feinstein wangled an invitation to a regular Tuesday lunch in Washington, D.C., where Auerbach and various of his cronies trade stories. Feinstein became a regular, which led to this anecdotal autobiography of a genuine sports icon. Auerbach won nine NBA titles as the Celtics' coach, and he added another seven as the team's general manager. Naturally, he has lots of opinions about the game of basketball, as it's played today and as it was played in his prime. He also has plenty to say about both Bill Russell, the key player on all of his championship teams, and Wilt Chamberlain, Russell's nemesis, and he discusses his Depression era youth and early years as an itinerant coach. Many of Red's stories are familiar, but hearing the first person versions is a treat. Auerbach's life and memories form the plot of Feinstein's book, but a strong subtext is the friendship among the dozen or so regulars who make it to the restaurant each week. In fact, the book is as much about the lunches as it is about Auerbach. We watch as a group of older men pass their wisdom on to those they have come to view as worthy successors. A fascinating life story, a terrific basketball book, and a compelling look at generations communicating around a modern day campfire. Wes LukowskyCopyright American Library Association. All rights reserved

Let Me Tell You a Story: A Lifetime in the Game