Leo the Late Bloomer By Robert Kraus

I have loved this book since I bought it back in the early 1980's for my very sweet third son. He had two older brothers and didn't speak as soon or as articulately as they did. He also had learning disabilities and other issues that I know some parents would consider and 1 more , Hardcover, Paperback, Audio, Cassette I got this book 30+ years ago in kindergarten, signed by the illustrator, and have always loved the message it gave. We all grow and mature at different times in our lives. I read this to my older daughter who was just like Leo, she did things in her own time. She has also and 1 more , Hardcover, Paperback, Audio, Cassette I have a thus far nonverbal 3 year old, and this book just makes me want to cry with how sweet it is! I love reading it to her and reminding her that some of us are just late bloomers. Highly recommend. and 1 more , Hardcover, Paperback, Audio, Cassette What a disappointment this book is. Rs.400 for a 32 page book with one sentence on each page. Might be suitable for 3 4 year olds. Product categorisation of 4 8 years is clearly misleading. and 1 more , Hardcover, Paperback, Audio, Cassette When my kids were growing up, this was a fav book of ours. Now that I am a grannie I had to have it in my library for when the grandkids come to visit. Love the message. and 1 more , Hardcover, Paperback, Audio, Cassette

Leo the Late Bloomer [Kraus, Robert, Aruego, Jose] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Leo the Late Bloomer Leo the Late Bloomer

This is a book that all children will enjoy. I used to read it to elementary school students in my library. It is a fun story that also helps children to understand that not everyone “blooms” at the same time and every one blooms in their own way. This message, while meant and 1 more , Hardcover, Paperback, Audio, Cassette Great book for any kid. I got this book for my son because he's one of the youngest kids in his class and he's still having a bit of a hard time catching up with everybody else. This book helps give him the idea that you don't have to be like everyone else you will come and 1 more , Hardcover, Paperback, Audio, Cassette In a world in which every middle class parent worries if their child isn't top notch in everything, this book is a beautiful classic to remind us all to relax. I collect children's books, and my husband suggested this one, as he loved it as a child. When I got it, I loved and 1 more , Hardcover, Paperback, Audio, Cassette I bought this book for my daughter as they have a first grade project about it and we have to read it in summer. I can say that the content is really good as it is about a tiger who is late in his development comparing to other animals. Some modern children`s books has no and 1 more , Hardcover, Paperback, Audio, Cassette I used this with my second grade class to help them to understand that we don't all learn at the same pace. In these days of total classroom inclusion, it is very important for young students to learn to accept all styles of learners, and to know that what may come easily and 1 more , Hardcover, Paperback, Audio, Cassette


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