Elements of Semiology By Roland Barthes

مقالات متنوعة، بعضها مكرر في الكتب الأخرى، لكنّه ثقيل من حيث طريقة معالجة الأفكار المطروحة، ويستحق الكتاب قراءة أكثر من مرة، ولاسيما في القضايا التي تتعلق باللغة والتعامل معها ومع الأدب، والكتاب يطرح الأسئلة ويثوّر أخرى في ذهن المتلقي Literature Fiction, Philosophy, Art Saggio molto interessante che introduce a concetti di linguistica, trovando il suo fondamento nella scuola strutturalista. Nasce per studenti e devo dire che è scritto in modo molto chiaro e conciso, perciò fa il suo dovere, dato che l'ho letto per un esame universitario.

Molto bello il fatto che ponga determinati concetti non solo in prospettiva di un linguaggio verbale ma anche guardando ad altri ambiti, come la moda o l'alimentazione.

Brillanti anche alcuni scritti in appendice, che consiglio di non saltare per alcune intuizioni assolutamente valide ancora oggi. Literature Fiction, Philosophy, Art Pet godina studija lingvistike u stotinjak stranica - predivno! Literature Fiction, Philosophy, Art semiyoloji dersi almış bir tasarım öğrencisi olarak kitabın bir noktada görsel öğelere değinerek ilerlemesini beklemiştim. tamamen dil ve kelime yapılarıyla ilerlediği ve özellikle fransızca örneklerden gidildiği için bazı şeyleri kafamda oturtmakta zorlandım.
kitabın başında zaten o dönem semiyoloji üzerine çalışmaların olmadığına değiniliyor, bunun yanında ben kendimce beklentiye de girdim. bu yüzden pek aradığımı bulamadım ve bağlantı kurması zor oldu benim için. Literature Fiction, Philosophy, Art A weird choice for my last book of 2022 lol.

Got what I wanted/expected, I suppose! I now feel like I kinda know what’s going on when I hear people talking about Semiology, Metalanguage, etc. The section on Syntagms is particularly dense. Literature Fiction, Philosophy, Art


In his Course in General Linguistics, first published in 1916, Saussure postulated the existence of a general science of signs, or Semiology, of which linguistics would form only one part. Semiology, therefore aims to take in any system of signs, whatever their substance and limits; images, gestures, musical sounds, objects, and the complex associations of all these, which form the content of ritual, convention or public entertainment: these constitute, if not languages, at least systems of signification . . . The Elements here presented have as their sole aim the extraction from linguistics of analytical concepts which we think a priori to be sufficiently general to start semiological research on its way. In assembling them, it is not presupposed that they will remain intact during the course of research; nor that semiology will always be forced to follow the linguistic model closely. We are merely suggesting and elucidating a terminology in the hope that it may enable an initial (albeit provisional) order to be introduced into the heterogeneous mass of significant facts. In fact what we purport to do is furnish a principle of classification of the questions. These elements of semiology will therefore be grouped under four main headings borrowed from structural linguistics: I. Language and Speech; II. Signified and Signifier; III. Syntagm and System; IV. Denotation and Connotation.--Roland Barthes, from his Introduction Elements of Semiology

Roland Barthes ¶ 9 read

This short and dense-ish book is everything it says on the tin. It is Barthes’ introduction to semiology, although the stress should be laid on the fact that this is Barthes’ introduction, which means this isn’t quite the walk in the park that that might otherwise imply. In fact its short length is what, if anything, counts against it, the Elements being one of those books that would have benefited from being longer, and spending more rather than less time on its subject matter. Nonetheless for those like me, who, having soused in the atmosphere of these ideas (Derrida, Deleuze, Foucault) without ever having seen them systematically laid out, the Elements is something like a skeleton-key, unlocking and explicating ideas that only ever seemed scattered and alluded to, rather than directly spelled out.

And ‘spell out’ is just what the Elements does, albeit precisely in mode of a dictionary or a reference book, providing just enough of a gloss to get the rough idea of terms and their interconnections, even if leaving one hungry for more in its wake. Consider the following then, an appetiser to an appetiser: for Barthes, semiology is basically a generalized linguistics. Linguistics applied extra-linguistically, if you will. That is, by ‘extracting’ the analytical concepts of linguistic analysis – in Barthes’ time, the entire vocabulary of concepts revolving around the ‘sign’ (signifier and signified, language and speech, etc) – one can, with some judicious tweaking, use these terms in the analysis of the world at large. From fashion to food, advertising to writing, there is a ‘vestimentary rhetoric’ no less than a ‘alimentary language’, each of which can be analysed by way of linguistic terms.

It’s an ambitious project – one involving the explication not only of complex and highly technical terms from the then-nascent science of linguistics, but also the concrete analysis of all sorts of objects and systems in the world. Exactly how much of this semiological project remains active today remains something of a question, which gives this book the feel of a historical document as much as a technical pamphlet, each an aspect of interest on its own terms. On a personal note, it was an absolute delight to find here, laid out, as if an obvious set of terms de rigueur, what I otherwise thought were mostly idiosyncratic, made-up expressions from Deleuze and Guattari’s A Thousand Plateaus: neologisms like ‘form of content’ and ‘substance of expression’ – as it turns out, perfectly standard terms from (60s French) linguistics. Who knew? (OK, I, kinda, but not to this extent). Literature Fiction, Philosophy, Art ان عناصر سيمياء الدلالة لدى بارت فقد حددها في هذا الكتاب، وهي مستقاة على شكل ثنائيات من اللسانيات البنيوية وهي: اللغة والكلام، والدال والمدلول، والمركب والنظام، والتقرير والإيحاء(الدلالة الذاتية والدلالة الإيحائية).

وهكذا حاول رولان بارت التسلح باللسانيات لمقاربة الظواهر السيميولوجية كأنظمة الموضة والأساطير والإشهار... الخ

ويعني هذا أن رولان بارت عندما يدرس الموضة مثلا يطبق عليها المقاربة اللسانية تفكيكا وتركيبا من خلال استقراء معاني الموضة ودلالات الأزياء وتعيين وحداتها الدالة ومقصدياتها الاجتماعية والنفسية والاقتصادية والثقافية. و الشيء نفسه في قراءته للطبخ والصور الفوتوغرافية والإشهار واللوحات البصرية.

ومن منطلق بارت بوجوب بناء السيمولوجيا فأنه يبدأ بالدال والمدلول ويفككها ويستند في اغلب تفكيكه وبناءه الى الفيلسوف سوسير الذي يعد رائدا في هذا المجال. Literature Fiction, Philosophy, Art There is no reason to inflict this text on yourself. If you are looking for a primer, or at least a solid piercing into the semiological membrane, there are far superior works to be had, such as the wonderful Semiology: The Basics by Daniel Chandler or Structural Poetics by Culler. This book, it seems to me, was meant as a fast and dirty reference for a class or a seminar of Barthes: it rarely defines its terms, it seems disorganized and is also very dry unlike some of others wonderful work, it just lists methods without any reason why one should be interested. The other two books, in particular Basics, were written long after Elements and thus have a historical perspective on the semiology movement, including theory and practice developed well after Elements was written, and Basics by Chandler even has a glossary of terms at the back. Bartes may be the man, but this is not the book; however, if you are a Bartes completist, already well initiated into the world of Semiology and Structuralism, then by all means pick this up. Everyone else may want to steer clear. Literature Fiction, Philosophy, Art واحد من الكتب العظيمة رغم صغر حجمه.. Literature Fiction, Philosophy, Art Roland Barthes, here, conducts an investigation of linguistics (metalanguage) from its origin to its conception. A very bold study. Literature Fiction, Philosophy, Art