Leading from the Second Chair: How to lead without a leadership position By Dr. Abraham Manase


Great book full of insight and practice wisdom. Whether you in the church, corporate world or government this is a must read! Learn the value in being a mentor and mentee, Become FAT Faithful Available Teachable 978-1736938904 Understanding a servant’s heart is key to being a great leader. This book exemplifies the positive,influential,and motivational impact we as leaders can posses depending on our mindset. There’s so much insight into the “second chair” leadership attitude. We do not need a title to serve in the Kingdom of God. This is a great reference book to remind us of our ability to lead as God calls us to lead. Col. 3:23. 978-1736938904 Great informative book. Lessons that can be used at any level of leadership. I suggest this book for those who are new leaders in and out of the church. Well written. 978-1736938904 The hierarchical nature of organizations and businesses has perpetuated a notion that being a leader is a function of title or position. As Leading From the Second Chair clearly and effectively illustrates, with the right mindset individuals can demonstrate highly effective leadership that has no dependency on title, position or authority. Where this principle is not understood and applied it is inevitable that precious human resources and talent will be underutilized or completely wasted. Every person engaged in any team, organization or group and is desirous of maximizing their impact needs to absorb and apply the principles in this book. Every individual in a position of leadership needs to adopt the principles and be very intentional about using them to cultivate the members of their team. 978-1736938904 The book provides very practical examples of how to lead and serve from any position. Useful both in ministry and the workplace. Excellent book 978-1736938904

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