Later Gothic Manuscripts By

This book catalogues the rich and mostly unstudied illumination of the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries. Scott has made a selection of 140 illuminated books with perceptive insight; she includes those containing the finest works of art and also many illuminations that accompany some of
the great masterpieces of Middle English literature. Among the magnificent liturgical works catalogued are the Carmelite, Abingdon, and Sherborne Missals, the Bedford Hours, and the Lovell Lectionary. Illustrated editions of Chaucer, Lydgate, and Gower are included; medical, botanical, and
typographical books are represented, in addition to works of chivalry and chronicles of the Kings of England. Presenting a fifteenth century view of court, church, and the taste for decoration and ornamentation, this book will interest historians of art and society. Later Gothic Manuscripts

Researching the Ranworth Antiphoner, I needed a few books. This book is SO useful and a beautiful production! SO much than I'd expected and it arrived before time, too! Western romance

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