KILLING RAVEN (Unabridged MP3-CD) by Margaret Coel, (Father OMalley Mystery Series, Book 9,) Read by Stephanie Brush By Margaret Coel
I enjoyed this 9th book in Coel's Wind River series. I've read them all in order. Plot involves corrupt bad guys running an Indian casino and the impact of gambling on the humans at the reservation. I liked the way that Father John's spiritual and counselor role intertwines with Vicki's legal one. Definitely one of the better books in this series. KILLING RAVEN (Unabridged MP3-CD) by Margaret Coel, (Father OMalley Mystery Series, Book 9,) Read by Stephanie Brush Is there a link between the dead body and the new casino just built on the reservation? Vicki Holden and Father John are determined to find out...putting their lives in danger in the process. Nice section on the problems of gambling addiction. KILLING RAVEN (Unabridged MP3-CD) by Margaret Coel, (Father OMalley Mystery Series, Book 9,) Read by Stephanie Brush The discovery of a white man's body on the Wind River Reservation has Father John O'Malley trying to keep the peace. Meanwhile, the newly opened Great Plains Casino--with Vicky Holden as its in-house counsel--is fighting for its life against an angry group of protesters. And when Vicky stumbles across some disturbing evidence about the murder, she's suddenly caught in a dangerous game--with her own life at stake. KILLING RAVEN (Unabridged MP3-CD) by Margaret Coel, (Father OMalley Mystery Series, Book 9,) Read by Stephanie Brush A new casino and twisting tale of greed, manipulation combined with reservation life and politics of the Wind River Reservation. I enjoy reading fiction that relates to my general surroundings and local authors. Living near the Wyoming border in Northern Colorado, I love spending time with the main characters in this series. I would encourage anyone who enjoys murder mysteries to read it. I have enjoyed everything I have read by Margaret Coel. Her writing is compelling and satisfying. Helps fill the space left by my favorite writer Tony Hillerman. KILLING RAVEN (Unabridged MP3-CD) by Margaret Coel, (Father OMalley Mystery Series, Book 9,) Read by Stephanie Brush Good
I enjoyed this book at lot. Margaret writes like a lot of the English do, you don’t solve the mystery till the end. I really enjoy reading books like that.
Once again Vicky and Father John are trying to help the people on the reservation, not together, but their paths always met in the end. KILLING RAVEN (Unabridged MP3-CD) by Margaret Coel, (Father OMalley Mystery Series, Book 9,) Read by Stephanie Brush

One of my all time favorite series. This one was another fantastic read. Some nice twists between Vicki and Adam Lone Wolf -- definitely kept me guessing. I've enjoyed the earlier books because of Vicki and Father John working together to solve crimes -- their attraction to each other created a wonderful tension wondering will they or won't they. Their working parallel investigations in this one was interesting. KILLING RAVEN (Unabridged MP3-CD) by Margaret Coel, (Father OMalley Mystery Series, Book 9,) Read by Stephanie Brush I really like this book. Another good addition to the Wind River Reservation saga. Vicky Holden gets involved with the new casino built on the Arapaho Reservation. She definitely suspects that something is going on, but has to wonder if the Lakota lawyer, Adam Lone Eagle, is also involved. Events draw her and Father John O'Malley into a murder mystery that leads them on a path that could kill the both of them. Throw in a man with a history of fighting for good reasons but using the wrong tactics to get his ideas across and the reservation is turning into a powder keg that might blow up at any moment. KILLING RAVEN (Unabridged MP3-CD) by Margaret Coel, (Father OMalley Mystery Series, Book 9,) Read by Stephanie Brush I bailed on this one real fast. For one single reason.
.....the Indian said.
The Indian raised his eyebrows.
The Indian walked to the door.
.....the Indian said.
Every time the white protagonist interacted with a Native American character. Every. Time.
Waiting for her to write a few more books with minority characters being saved by a white priest. Maybe she can get into .... black man said.... The Jew stood up.... and .... the Asian replied. KILLING RAVEN (Unabridged MP3-CD) by Margaret Coel, (Father OMalley Mystery Series, Book 9,) Read by Stephanie Brush The 9th in the series & being a library guy, I got this one before #8 became available...The Wind River Arapahoe are facing the moral & economic dilemma that many tribes have already dealt with...the issues that come to the reservation because of the economic opportunities of gaming...Vickie is hired on to provide legal contractual help & soon discovers the dirty dealings that threaten her life & the lives of others...One of the better in the series thus far! KILLING RAVEN (Unabridged MP3-CD) by Margaret Coel, (Father OMalley Mystery Series, Book 9,) Read by Stephanie Brush I enjoyed this 9th book in Coel's Wind River series. I have read them in order. The relationship between O'Malley and Holden continues to grow, though be frustrated. The quality of the writing and the elements of the mystery have continued to grow as the series progresses. This particular book deal with the Indian casino issue. I personally find casinos and gambling to be a blight on society. While this book explores that aspect it also looks at the positive side from the perspective of the Native Americans on the reservations. The book explores both sides without choosing sides. It goes into these issues more than similar books by Hillerman and Thurlo.
I am a fan of the Wind River series. If you like mysteries with a Native American backdrop, I highly recommend Margaret Coel's books. Like all series, I recommend that you read it from the beginning with the idea that the series improves over time. By book 5, the author is really on her game. the last 4 have been very good. KILLING RAVEN (Unabridged MP3-CD) by Margaret Coel, (Father OMalley Mystery Series, Book 9,) Read by Stephanie Brush
When the body of a white man is recovered from a shallow grave in one of the most troubled corners of the Wind River Reservation, Father John O’Malley knows that if the murderer isn’t caught quickly, this tragedy will only be the beginning. The victim’s widow is already out for revenge. And the one person Father John believes could lead him to the killer is a terrified fifteen-year-old girl running for her life.
In the meantime, Father John’s old friend Vicky Holden has just been hired as in-house counsel at the newly opened Great Plains Casino. But trouble is brewing, as an angry group of protesters known as the Rangers is bent on proving the casino is a house of evil...and shutting it down for good. And there are some who believe that the group’s shadowy leader, Captain Jack Monroe, is responsible for killing the man found at the reservation, and that it is only a matter of time before he will kill again.
As tensions rise, the two work feverishly to sort out the story. But when Vicky stumbles across some troubling evidence, she is suddenly caught in a dangerous game...with her own life at stake.
THE EAGLE CATCHER (Bk 1), Read by Stephanie Brush
THE GHOST WALKER (Bk 2), Read by Stephanie B.
THE DREAM STALKER (Bk 3), Read by Stephanie B.
THE STORY TELLER (Bk 4), Read by Stephanie B.
THE LOST BIRD (Bk 5), Read by Stephanie B.
THE SPIRIT WOMAN, Bk 6, Read by Stephanie B.
THE THUNDER KEEPER, Bk 7, Read by Stephanie B.
THE SHADOW DANCER, Bk 8, Read by Stephanie B.
KILLING RAVEN, Bk 9, Read by Stephanie B.
WIFE OF MOON, Bk 10, Read by Stephanie B.
EYE OF THE WOLF,Bk 11, Read by Stephanie B.
THE DROWNING MAN, Bk 12, Read by Andrea Bates
THE GIRL WITH BRAIDED HAIR, Bk 13, Read by Andrea Bates KILLING RAVEN (Unabridged MP3-CD) by Margaret Coel, (Father OMalley Mystery Series, Book 9,) Read by Stephanie Brush