Keeping Tymberly (Special Forces: Operation Alpha; Ronnie’s Meadow #3) By Deanna L. Rowley


SUMMARY Keeping Tymberly (Special Forces: Operation Alpha; Ronnie’s Meadow #3)

Grady Applewood led a good life. After undergoing surgery, his first day of physical therapy turned into a nightmare. The therapist assigned to him ruined the work his surgeon had repaired.

Tymberly Dalton understood why Grady was apprehensive about working with her. After all, she was a physical therapist with a name close to the man who had hurt Grady weeks before.

When a work emergency kept Grady from an appointment, Tymberly took matters into her own hands and confronted him. Turned out to be the best for both of them. Life settled for both of them until someone from Grady’s past decided Grady didn’t deserve the happy life he had, causing Grady to rely on friends to help him save the love of his life.

Will they arrive in time to save the hostages, and will Tymber forgive Grady for not being there when she needed him the most? Keeping Tymberly (Special Forces: Operation Alpha; Ronnie’s Meadow #3)

Animal lovers

Turns into human lovers, what a great story. Grady and Tymberly made a loving couple. And their profession made them. 😂🤗😇🤔 Deanna L. Rowley An easy kind of love

I liked this book because the characters were mature. There wasn't any relationship drama or any games being played. They met, sparks flew and it was an easy transition into something more. Deanna L. Rowley Good read

This was Tym and Grady's story and it was a delightful one. Tym is a therapist and Tracy is a veterinarian. They met and love blooms. Cats bring them together and they stay that way. Deanna L. Rowley