Its About Your Husband By Lauren Lipton

This was a cute one, though I must say I predicted the twist pretty early on. 9780446697842 I loved this book. A recent transplant from Calif. to New York City finds herself unemployed. Through a chance meeting, she becomes a domestic private detective. And finds herself transformed by her interactions with her clients and suspects.

Great read! 9780446697842 This book was great. It went a direction I just could not have even imagined. 9780446697842 F-U-N-N-Y. 9780446697842 This one is a easy and entertaining read. This woman's husband's antics are appalling. Watching the drama unfold is interesting. I recommend it. 9780446697842

A funny, heart-wrenching romantic comedy about starting over and coming to terms with the gray areas of falling in love.

32-year-old Iris Hedge isn't exactly on sure footing. She's left her husband in LA and moved to New York for her dream job as a marketing researcher at one of the world's most prestigious firms. But after only five weeks, she's laid off. Now Iris is in a new town with no job, has a divorce on the horizon, and only one friend to speak of: a wild-child named Val.

When Val's twin sister, Vickie, asks Iris to spy on her possibly-cheating husband, Iris is desperate (and poor) enough to agree. Soon, she has a whole new business on her hands: spying on men for the doubting women in their lives.

Things get complicated when Vickie's husband, Steve, catches on to the fact that their coincidental meetings aren't coincidental at all—not to mention how Steve makes Iris's heart race. Its About Your Husband

Cross Bridget Jones with Nancy Drew and you get Iris Hedge, accidental detective. She tracks down husbands suspected of cheating, but she makes a mess of her own relationships, has a little trouble with her hair color(s), and she can't quite hold her own with a pair of rollerblades. This was the perfect book to read on my ride in to work, because it was funny enough to take my mind off my day. Iris' exploits left me laughing and rooting for her the whole way through.

I also loved (and I'm ganking this from another review I read of this book) how NYC is as much a character in this book as the actual characters. I've only been to NYC once, but I could feel the energy of the city, hear the noises, smell the smells as I was reading. I also love the city girl tips...spraying deodorant on your feet to keep your shoes from slipping -- genius! I now have a can of (CFC-free) Dove on my shoe rack.

Overall, a funny book that I really enjoyed, and I look forward to the author's next efforts. 9780446697842 Lauren Lipton's “It's about Your Husband” does many things a good book should do, and does them all remarkably well.

The book is funny as hell. The humor comes from the characters themselves, and never takes us away from the main thrust of the story--though there are a number of delightful “set pieces,” which reminded me of a wonderful cross between Carrie Bradshaw and Lucille Ball--but instead leads us deeper into understanding and caring for each of the characters, especially, of course, our heroine, Iris.

The book also achieves poignancy without ever become maudlin, without ever, even in its darkest moments, abandoning the underlying absurdity of the situations Iris finds herself in. Even when it's her own flaws and less-than-thought-out decisions that land her in the corners she find herself painted into, we can't judge her harshly. Before we know her fully, we suspect there is someone to root for here, and we do. And thus, when she emerges from the mysteries and uncertainties she finds herself in--gets herself into--the payoff is sweeter.

It also, in the end, is a love song to New York, sung, tremulously as first, but then in a stronger and stronger voice, by an outsider. Aside from the actual places that serve as setting for the events in the book, Lauren displays a keen grasp of the psychic aspect of the city, how people, all of us millions of people, regard and react and respond to each other, in our distance and in our forced proximity. And how, to someone used to a more placid pace and less bruising manner, this city can be an assaultive and bewildering

It's About Your Husband, finally, is about the strange and twisted paths we sometimes take to wind up in the place we belong; where we look back in wonder at the course not necessarily chosen, but walked down anyway--on sometimes inappropriate footwear--and how we wind up with not what we wished for, but perhaps what we needed, all debts paid, all accounts settled. 9780446697842 Wow, this books takes a twist at the end. I did something you should never do in a book, in my going along I was thinking how can she resolve this, so I flipped to the end to see what might happen. This is not a good idea I know that, but I did it. It just made me want to read faster at least so I could see how she pulled off what it said was going to happen. And wow, I am so going to need to re read this book so that I can catch the little nuances and clues that are set up in the book that you know what to be looking for. Anyway, though it seemed slow at times and you were like where is this going in the end it amazing writing.

As for the story Iris has just relocated her life to New York only lose her job. The story is about how she comes into her own as she discovers the city and herself. She goes to meet one of her friends and ends up being hired to spy on her friend's sister's husband. Mistakes and hilarity ensue as through it all Iris discovers herself and becomes conformable with herself.

I would recommend it, I enjoyed reading it and the twist still amazes me. 9780446697842 This was given to me by a girlfriend and labels as an easy read.

While it is undoubtedly a gratuitous piece of chick lit, i couldn't put it down. There were moments i hated it for predictability... but it was fun in a guilty way.

Destined to be produced for the Oxygen network...
9780446697842 After reading this book, I'm kind of surprised that no one has tried to turn it into a movie, it would be perfect! Iris leaves her husband behind in California and heads out to NYC for her dream job. The company ends up downsizing and Iris finds herself unemployed. After bumping into her best friend's twin sister (Vickie), Iris is hired to follow Vickie's husband to see if he's cheating on her.

I really liked Iris, and thought that the author did a good job of making her relate able and endearing. Instead of coming across as a pathetic person, she actually seemed like a normal person going through a tough time; I'd be her friend. Although I have to admit, Simon is definitely my favorite character. I mean come on, who wouldn't want to have a random stranger call them kitten can give them amazing clothing and hair style advice?

My friend told me that there was a twist at the end and so I spent the entire book trying to guess what it was. I was completely surprised by the ending and wonder how I didn't see it from the begining, there were so many clues! Yet another reason why this book should be made into a movie, with someone like Katherine Heigl playing Iris (if you've seen One for the Money, you'd know why).

So, in conclusion, was this book a piece of literary art? Heck no! Was this book thoroughly entertaining and exactly what I was looking for ? HECK YES! 9780446697842


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