Introducing Mindfulness: A Practical Guide (Introducing...) By Tessa Watt

Mindfulness is growing in popularity as a technique which teaches us to appreciate our life.This Practical Guide explores how to listen to your body to reduce stress and anxiety in all areas of your life; how to focus better at work by becoming more aware of what is happening in the present, and how to enjoy life more by bringing mindfulness into everyday actions. Free of jargon but full of straightforward advice, case studies and step-by-step instructions, this is the perfect concise start to making you happier, more focused and stress-free. Introducing Mindfulness: A Practical Guide (Introducing...)


i went to a lot of trouble finding the charger for this dumb ipad to rate this book. Kindle Edition Sometimes you just have to remind yourself to get back to your Self especially in this whirlwind we call life. Personally, I do try to practice mindfulness every day but the human condition isn't so straight forward especially during those times when life becomes a bit more challenging and you find yourself seemingly veering off your chosen path of conscious living. This book is nicely ordered and offers steps that will allow the reader to return to appreciate moment-to-moment living while focusing your full attention on your present experience. The practice of mindfulness has roots dating back thousands of years in Eastern spiritual traditions so there has to be something said about that in and of itself. One of my favorite things to constantly ask myself is are you truly living your life or is your life living you? Life goes in the blink of an eye and good or bad, I sure don't want to miss a moment of it.

I would definitely recommend this valuable book also, for the simple fact that you can write in it! I love when I can write, scribble, highlight and make personal notes to reflect back upon :)

DON'T JUST DO SOMETHING, SIT THERE Kindle Edition This book is not my cup of tea. I went into it with the idea that I was going to get some tips on being a little more self aware and how to ease my anxieties, and though it does of offer a few tips, every chapter feels like it’s saying the exact same thing. The first few pages the content feels fresh because you just started reading, but then after everything begins to feel overly repetitive. There’s only so many ways you can say the same thing. Personally, I did not enjoy this book. It’s a quick and easy read, but it does feel like it drags on. Kindle Edition I started this book and didn’t finish because I realized I already practice basic mindfulness everyday. Kindle Edition Practical, helpful, approachable, and approved by my MBCT therapist! I have taken my time reading it and trying some of the exercises included and plan on returning to it periodically.
Kindle Edition

I've been doing mindfulness-related stuff -- meditation, yoga -- for a long time, but I'd never read specifically about mindfulness. If you've done yoga and meditation before, there's very little new in it, but it's a helpful reminder to slow down and really taste, touch, smell, hear, see things. It's an easy read -- as befits an introductory, practical guide -- and easy to absorb, with lots of practical advice and careful explanation of what you're meant to do.

Since it's practical, it's very unfluffy about it -- if you feel like mindfulness/meditation/etc is kind of a hippy thing to do, this probably won't dissuade you at first glance, but it doesn't make it sound mystical or anything like that. Kindle Edition Simpilized version of mindfulness. An okay book, but with so many books about mindfulness, I felt this one fell a bit short and didn't provide anything new and insightful Kindle Edition My good friend Keyton K. loaned me this book. I enjoyed it very much -- I've read several books about meditation and/or mindfulness recently, and from what little I know of the genre, this seemed very practical, clear, and down to earth. I am naturally skeptical of Eastern-style meditation and mysticism (forgive my Bible-thumping heart), but this gave me solid ideas I can attempt to implement to improve my overall well-being. (As I write this, it is reminding me to be more conscious of my naturally shallow, frantic breathing.) I truly enjoyed reading Keyton's annotations in the book -- very cool to look at mindfulness through the eyes of a younger, kinder, gentler soul. Thanks, Keyton! Send some more my way! Kindle Edition Mindfulness: A Practical Guide has me breathing more deeply, feeling pressure on the balls of my feet as I go for my morning runs and generally being a lot more aware of what is going on around me all the time. The diamond I am taking away from the book however, is the realization that I am not my thoughts, thoughts are not facts, and the thoughts are not us. Tessa Watt captures it perfectly: we can start to get a glimpse of how our mind works, and see that the constant stream of images and conversations it throws up are no more substantial than the changing scenes of a movie on screen. Her blue sky analogy will stick in the recesses of my mind forever and is particularly intriguing: Our mind is like a vast blue sky,and the thoughts are like clouds, some of them small and wispy, some of them thick, black and heavy. The clouds may seem to fill the sky, but we begin to understand that we are not the clouds; we are the sky which holds them. Kindle Edition A literal 10/10! I loved this self help book. It really had me take my time reading and actually doing all the practices. It’s fun. I honestly think everyone should have it. It’s amazing because I originally bought it because of a work competition we were having and now it’s one of my favorite self help books. Kindle Edition

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