Read ï PDF, DOC, TXT or eBook É Michael E. Salla
Classified space programs have been an integral part of a complex jigsaw puzzle concerning UFOs, extraterrestrial life, ancient civilizations and advanced aerospace technologies, which have long defied any coherent understanding. Now finally, we have something to put all the pieces together with the disclosures of secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode. A detailed investigation of Goode’s and other insider testimonies reveals the big picture of a parallel world of secret space programs and extraterrestrial alliances.
Learn from this book: how the Vril/Nazi flying saucer programs in the 1930’s gave birth to the ‘Dark Fleet’; how Operation Paperclip scientists both helped and hindered the development of the US Navy’s ‘Solar Warden’; how the MJ-12 Group was behind the creation of the ‘Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate’; and how Ronald Reagan was instrumental in the creation of the ‘Global Galactic League of Nations’ space program. Finally, learn how the Sphere Being Alliance and other extraterrestrials interact with these programs. The full disclosure of secret space programs and extraterrestrial alliances will unshackle the chains of deception holding humanity back from reaching its highest potential as galactic citizens. Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs Extraterrestrial Alliances
Good book, very dense, lots of info.
Immensely quotable. Starts with Vril development and moves forward through the decades till the present. Fabulous stuff. Highly recommended. Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs Extraterrestrial Alliances Mind blowing! Full disclosure! So believable and so tragic!
Not an easy read for the technically handicapped, but not obscure either. Even though mechanics and technology are not my forte, I was in wonder. The rest of the book is impossible to put it down, except at nighttime, they're were parts I could only read during the day. Many times had to go outside and walk barefoot so that I could digests such larger than life truths. What a read! Taking a break to read it again! Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs Extraterrestrial Alliances Excellent Book on What's Really Happening Out There
Michael Salla has once again done a great job in detailing what is really happening out there in Space. Through many of the Whistleblowers he has amassed, especially Cory Goode (one of his major sources), we see a clear picture of what the Secret Space Programs are and who is in charge of them. Granted, much of this information seems far fetched, but considering the technology that we have already, and such science fiction shows such as Stargate SGT-1 (that had a Secret Space Fleet of its own), and was very popular during its run, indicates that the general population would accept this as a possible reality. I know I do! I give this book 5 Stars for deep detailed research and a great help in making me a Believer! Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs Extraterrestrial Alliances Fascinating stuff. You either believe some or all of his claims or you don't. Either way it is entertaining. It is easy to dismiss some of the larger claims he makes and have to take his evidence at face value to do so, but it is harder to dismiss when some claims do have cross linked evidence from general knowledge history. One thing that really stands out to me is the fact that Anti-Grav technology used to be studied pretty hardcore but now it is forbidden to even speak of it, let alone study it now. How do aerospace companies go from basically pre-ordering units using it, to now it is somehow SciFy. That is weird to me. Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs Extraterrestrial Alliances Another fine read by Dr Michael Salla. With ample amounts of corresponding data, his insight into the secret space programs that operate beyond our civilian based organisations is eye opening. Dr Salla's explanation of Exopolitical struggles is both terrifying and real. I highly recommend this book to those in search of the truth behind our space programs. Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs Extraterrestrial Alliances
Like a lot of these type's of book, they tend to throw the same facts several different ways. And the facts can't really be called facts. Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs Extraterrestrial Alliances Somewhat bizarre until......
This book seems to use only three or four sources in its footnotes and therefore seemed somewhat bizarre until.... Space Department formed. With Trump’s creation of the Department of Space I began to believe that more of the book might be fact than fiction although I still fail to think it’s all credible. My interest however is peaked and I will read the next book in this series. The US Navy’s Secret Space Program. Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs Extraterrestrial Alliances If you love space i would recommend this book Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs Extraterrestrial Alliances ONe of the weird ones I have read. Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs Extraterrestrial Alliances lmao. stop doing this shit Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs Extraterrestrial Alliances