The Incredible Hulk, Vol. 3: Transfer of Power By Bruce Jones
After being hit by a car, Bruce Banner lapses into a coma while recuperating in the apartment of the woman who hit him, and awakens to find the police at the door and the woman's dessicated body in the closet. The Incredible Hulk, Vol. 3: Transfer of Power
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So, agent Pratt is the worst Hulk villain I've encountered in my years of reading the character, and Jones telegraphs all the flips and double crosses so blatantly that theres not an ounce of surprise to the story. Verdugo is still a complete cipher; her character note--and please notice I didnt say arc, because that would imply there was depth or dimension to it--is rote standard. Even Stuart Immonen hasn't quite become Stuart Immonen yet, so the art isnt as interesting as the last couple of arcs.
This volume fails on every conceivable level. 9780785110651 If the second book in the Bruce's run of Hulk wasn't as good as the first then the third one isn't as good as the second. The things seem to pick up pace only in the last few pages.
But the art was nice. 9780785110651 Lee Weeks contributed the artwork on this volume, who matched Romita's tone and storytelling on the book. Jones introduced another foe for Banner, an agent who will sacrifice anyone to get to Banner. A tense scene in a 7-Eleven convenience store, which went on for a few issues and drove me crazy as I read it monthly, makes more sense and reads great in one sitting. 9780785110651 The return of agent Pratt is not as interesting as it should have been- with the immortals hulk really leaning into the body horror I was hoping for something really different from the master of horror, but the villain just wasn’t cool. The story is interesting and I will read the next trade 9780785110651 The series picks up a bit here. As a thriller, this is good good stuff. 9780785110651
For being a Hulk book...he was only in it for the last 4-5 pages. I get that Banner is supposed to be the man on the run but this was really tiresome to read. 9780785110651 This volume moves much better than the last one though it feels less like a hulk book than previous. I liked the art but when it comes to the Hulk, he seems less powerful and present than he should.
As for the story, its a good one but one of the major flaws for me was how, as a reader, I was just as confused and frustrated as Banner was. There's a way to keep the reader guessing and there's a way to annoying. This one falls more often in the latter. I do like, however, Banner being able to harness the power of the Hulk without transforming into his alter ego. That doesn't mean I want it to stay that way, the Hulk is as visually powerful as he is strength-wise.
A good volume, more often than not, and I'll be checking out the next. 9780785110651 Okee dokee, folks! Bruce Jones' run is picking up steam, the writing is consistently strong, and if not for the art , this would be a 4-star book. I haven't mentioned it in the previous volumes' reviews, but something must be said about Kaare Andrews' covers for the series (so far). Some are truly inspired! Just for fun, try a Google Image search with: kaare andrews hulk. Check out the cover to #46, in the manner of the Apocalypse Now movie poster. Sweet!
Bruce Banner is still on the run, and the Organisation is hot on his tail. Back from previous volumes are Samson, Verdugo, and that bastard Agent Pratt. We also learn about Section H, and we start getting some glimpse into the mysterious Mr.Blue's origin.
Jones has been building up the tension ever so skillfully that the surreal/horror elements he introduces here really do convey the nightmarish situation Banner seems to be in, but the progression has been so gradual that nothing feels forced. Instead, you're just going along with it, wondering [1] just what the hell is going on, and [2] just how the hell Banner's going to get out of it.
Yeah... the art's really what held this book back.
And now, let's read about The Incredible Hulk, Vol. 4: Abominable! 9780785110651 Номери «Неймовірний Галк: Зміна сили» #44-49 виявилися ще кращими. Цікаво, що Брюс Джонс вводить сюди горор елементи, що гарно пасують Галку. Брюса Беннера далі шукають усі, лиходії, ФБР і чорт знає хто ще.
Брюс Беннер потрапляє у квартиру невідомої жінки, котра збила його машиною. Там він занурюється у летаргічний сон, де йому сняться уявні, чи то справжні події. Але після пробуджнння, поліція, яка завітала у квартиру за проханням домовласниці, знаходить у шафі понівечене й висохле тіло жінки. Тої що врятувала його. І відкараскатися від цього неймовірно важко, адже при ньому знаходять ще й до того документи іншої особи з фото Беннера.
Направду арка вийшла досить живою й цікавою, навіть попри те, що частина номерів розповідають про події у квартирі. Але поява ФБРівця із попередньої арки дає зрозуміти, що усе переходить в ранг незрозумілих мітичних аспектів, які не до кінця розуміє доктор Беннер. І на серії новий художник — Стюарт Іммонен. 9780785110651 Nota 6.
Aqui dá mais errado que o normal.
O que salva pra mim é a edição que cria paralelos com A Balada do Velho Marinheiro, que acho um dos pontos altos da série.
Primeiramente, o Morpheus malvado é um vilão objetivamente muito ruim. Ele fala e fala, e não faz nada. Aqui explica algumas coisas sobre o que é a Homabase, pelo menos. Mas isso dentro de várias edições de pouco acontecendo e o Bruce só sendo arrastado pras situações.
O que culmina no clímax..........
Que clímax horroroso. Tu acha que vai dar respostas e o roteiro do Bruce Jones só finge que tá entregando algo kkkkk.
Spoilers: o garoto filho dele é um robô, então o mistério continua aberto. O Morpheus do mal explica da homebase, porém fica 99% ainda em aberto.
Ou seja, o final que não é final.
Só serve pra fechar o arco desse chefão chato.
E a cena da mulher na chuva tirando a roupa é de um mal gosto...
Enfim, é isso. Aqui parece um bom lugar pra parar de ler a série. 9780785110651