In the Company of Cheerful Ladies (No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, #6) By Alexander McCall Smith

Alexander McCall Smith Õ 3 read

It is always wonderful to return to Botswana in the company of Precious Ramotswe and friends. The slow pace of life and the kindness which permeates the pages are soothing. The crime solving is a small portion of these novels, the wisdom is what makes them special. Mystery Thrillers, Literature Fiction, Childrens Books No, maybe, yes

I have a friend who started a school in Africa and has been after me from time to time to try this series. The other day when I asked her if she knew of books about Africa, Again, this series was mentioned.

This is the 3rd time that I have tried reading this series. They were so boring that I gave up. This time I told myself that I would finish it. The 1st half of this book was so boring that I said to myself, no. But I continued. Then the book picked up and I said to myself, maybe. Last part of the book was so good that I decided that the series was a big, yes.

I believe it is that you have to get to know the characters in order to like the book because the book is rather slow. And by slow I mean it's not really a big adventure, the kind of books I like. But it was relaxing and delightful. I think you have to read them in the order they were published if you want to follow the lives of these characters.

A note to myself About this story. So far I cannot get down the names of the people. So bare with me.1 of the ladies came home and solved a drawer in her kitchen was open and a ball of string was on the counter.... Believed the sun buddy was in her house so she looked around. She should have called the police here. Another lady in this story, could be the same, joins a dance class and then felt rather awkward.

Notice. This review was dictated. Mystery Thrillers, Literature Fiction, Childrens Books Позарязвам поредицата, която за съжаление върви устремно надолу... То и българското издателство май също се е отказало, като гледам.

Много безсмислен пълнеж и повторения, на моменти се отегчих здраво, пречи и нулевото развитие на героите - каквито са в първата книга, такива са и в шестата.

Най-малко от маа Макутси съм очаквал да пристане на някакъв мухльо на име Фути Радифути, дето има магазин за маси и столове... За какво и бяха ония прословути 97%, a?

P.S. Липсва нова колоритна личност, да пораздвижи нещата - може би някой като небезизвестния нам Путко Мафани от съседна ЮА! 🤪

Сериалът по първите няколко книги е добре направен, приятен е за гледане. Жалко, че са направили само един сезон. Mystery Thrillers, Literature Fiction, Childrens Books Lovely prose, gentle clever people. Mystery Thrillers, Literature Fiction, Childrens Books I don't know whether the books are getting better as the series continues, or if I have simply slid into the comfort zone they create for me, with all their repetition and rambling and familiarity, but it seems to me that they are becoming more thematically focused and cohesive. This book's intertwining plots center on appearance and reality, on expectations and prejudgment and how they may obscure the truth: from the book's beginning, where Mma Ramotswe, trying to stop a crime, is taken for a criminal, to the end, where people prove their worth despite their unprepossessing appearances - and vice versa.
Mystery Thrillers, Literature Fiction, Childrens Books

The entire #1 Ladies Detective Agency series is the most unique set of books I have ever read. I really believe McCall deserves all of the hype he gets for this series, as it has universal appeal.
Mma Ramoswe ponders the questions in life that so many of us do, (or would, if we would just slow down a bit!) But she is so human, too, and some of my favorite parts of this recent addition are the instances in which she muses about Mma Makutsi's 97 percent, but stops just shy of admitting that she idolizes her father and Seretse. Oooh- she is sooo cute. I wish I could meet her. I have the feeling I could be a better person just to know her! Mystery Thrillers, Literature Fiction, Childrens Books ****Sixth read****

Kindnesses exchanged, and friendships made and cemented. That’s what this book is about. I just love it. Every time I read it. ❤️

***Fifth read***
These books feel like my children. Hard to pick a favorite but if I had to, this would be it. Special people come into play here and some terrific things happen. I love this series so much. It has become part of my soul. I want to live in Botswana with Mma Ramotswe and the rest of the crew; now, more than ever. If it weren't so hot there, I might be making tentative plans, just in case America hasn't come fully to its senses in November. 😉

AMS, I hope to meet you one day. You are on my bucket list. You're a special man and you've got me through some tough times. You are proof that art heals, that literature is priceless, and that sensitive souls are the great recyclers. Thank you for your wonderful work. I can't wait for the newest book in this series, due out in November! Hopefully some other great changes due in November, too.

Vote like your life, and your democracy, depend upon it, my American friends. Thank you. 💙🌊💙

***Fourth read***
Every time I read this book, I enjoy it more. Two key characters are added to the series with this volume, which is why I'm picking up my fourth reading of the series with this sixth book. One of the new characters is a firm favorite. They are both very kind men.

I love this series. In a very unsettled time in America, these books bring laughter and peace. The audiobooks are absolutely some of the best among the hundreds of audiobooks I've experienced in my lifetime. I can't stress this enough. Please do yourself a favor and listen to this series!

***Third read***
And even better the third time through! Soft, sweet tears of happiness. That's what I experienced as this book ended.

Two characters are introduced into the series in this book, and they are two of my favorites. I can't recommend this series highly enough. If you've never tried audiobooks, or if you already love them, I beg you to try listening to any volume in this series. Lisette Lecat does an amazing job and can't be bested. Truly, she is a gem in the narration world.

Alexander McCall Smith, I love you and your wonderful books so much. Words don't exist to describe how your books make me feel. It's a calm, happy, settled feeling that I am guaranteed to experience every time I pick up a book in this series that keeps me coming back, time after time. Thank you, from the bottom of this reader's heart.

***Second read***
This one was even better the second time through. It's the characters and the author's appreciation for Botswana and the natural world that make this series. I just love these people and would enjoy spending time with them in real life. They make me laugh, warm my heart, and sometimes surprise me. I love that they grow and develop throughout the series, and bring attachments into their lives (without giving anything away) that broaden the series and enhance the reader's enjoyment further.

But I think what I appreciate most about this series is the civility with which the main characters interact with others, even people who have done them grievous harm. There is something to be said for that, and Mma Ramotswe has quite a few things to teach the world. I wish everyone would read this series; I love it that much. And thoroughly enjoying rereading it.

If you are an audiobook listener, this series really cannot be beat. Lisette Lecat narrates each and every book, and she does so magnificently. There are many characters of both sexes, and she changes voices for each person, and does so convincingly and movingly. She knows exactly when to pause, and when to change her tone, and I feel I am watching the book on a movie screen as I listen. She is priceless and really makes these books even better with her delightful and poignant narration.

I can't praise Alexander McCall Smith or Lisette Lecat highly enough. Please give this series a try.

***First read***I just love this author. His books are charming, and make you think and wonder about human nature. Mma Ramotswe is a wonderful woman, and I love JLB Matekoni's new assistant too. And Mma Makutsi's new friend. This series just keeps getting better.

I have to add that the audio version of this series is especially enjoyable. Mystery Thrillers, Literature Fiction, Childrens Books There is something so comforting about this series. Even though life in Botswana is most likely very different than life in Canada, there is something about the tone or writing style that reminds me of life at my grandparent's house. I love the traditional values, the respect for people/property/manners. And most of all, I love that it is important to slow down and really be in the moment with those important to you. I know that the future installments become a little formulaic. However, every so often I am struck by how much I miss my grandparents, and reading one of these books takes the edge off. There is a little magic to these books. Mystery Thrillers, Literature Fiction, Childrens Books Come spend some time in Botswana with the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency. This series is like visiting an old friend and learning about a new place. Each installment adds to the store of knowledge one accumulates about this part of Africa. The characters become more defined. Mma Ramatswe and Mma Makutzi are indeed cheerful ladies for the most part. As they help their clients and assist Mr. J.L.B. Matakoni with the workload of the car repair business, we are reminded of Mma Ramatswe's traditional build and Mma Makutzi's desire to be a better dancer, buy new shoes, and perhaps get married someday. Hopes and dreams abound. Not a quickly paced book, but the character-building and sense of place more than make up for it. Mystery Thrillers, Literature Fiction, Childrens Books On page 110 and 111 I was very much able to relate to the issue Mma Ramotswe and Mma Potekwane discussed, I wrote the quotes from those pages down, for your entertainment:)

Mma Ramotswe sighed. We are all tempted, Mma. We are all tempted when it comes to cake. That is true, said Mma Potekwane. There are many temptations in this life, but cake is probably one of the biggest of them.

Temptation is very difficult, said Mma Ramotswe quietly. I do not always resist it. I am not a strong woman in that respect. I am glad you said that, said Mma Potokwane. I am not strong either. For example, right at the moment, I am thinking of cake. And so am I, confessed Mma Ramotswe. Mma Potekwane stood up and shouted to the girl outside. Two more pieces of cake, please. Two big slices. Mystery Thrillers, Literature Fiction, Childrens Books


Mma Ramotswe's normally unshakable composure is rattled when a visitor forces her to confront a secret from her past.

In the newest addition to the universally beloved No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency series, the charming and ever-resourceful Precious Ramotswe finds herself overly beset by problems. She is already busier than usual at the detective agency when added to her concerns are a strange intruder in her house on Zebra Drive and the baffling appearance of a pumpkin. And then there is Mma Makutsi, who decides to treat herself to dance lessons, only to be partnered with a man who seems to have two left feet. Nor are things running quite as smoothly as they usually do at Tlokweng Road Speedy Motors. Mma Ramotswe’s husband, the estimable Mr. J.L.B. Matekoni, is overburdened with work even before one of his apprentices runs off with a wealthy woman. But what finally rattles Mma Ramotswe’s normally unshakable composure is a visitor who forces her to confront a secret from her past. . . .

All this unfolds against the sunlit background of Mma Ramotswe’s beloved homeland, Botswana–a land of empty spaces, echoing skies, and an endless supply of soothing bush tea. In the Company of Cheerful Ladies (No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, #6)