In Shock: My Journey from Death to Recovery and the Redemptive Power of Hope By Rana Awdish

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Have you ever read a book where you didn't want to stop because the story was so compelling you needed to know everything that happened next, but at the same time you didn't want it to end because you wanted to savor every single word? Well that is how I felt reading Rana Awdish This book was written by an ICU doctor who was pregnant with her first child when she got sick and all hell broke loose in her body. I have had a similar experience, though not while pregnant, with a flesh eating bacteria and a bleeding ulcer that nearly killed me, so this Rana Awdish I like the book for the most part. Very emotional account of a doctor who went through our healthcare system and while on a hard path “ loosing pulse, loosing a child, multiple surgeries” she did not loose a desire to make a change or hope. We have to give our patients Rana Awdish Firstly, this is a book I would recommend all to read along with many of Dr. Atul Gawande’s books and Dr. Pamela Wible’s work and when breath becomes air. This book hits home for so many reasons. 1. Dr. Awdish was my esteemed attending in 2013 Fall for a week on Rana Awdish Should be required reading for everyone taking care of patients.Well written and well thought out.And also has tips at the end for preparing for and actively having conversations. Rana Awdish

This book is an excellent read for anyone in medicine. As a previous ICU nurse, now Nurse Practitioner, and my own realities of being on the patient side of medicine. This book hits home in so many ways. I think everyone pursuing a job in medicine should be required to read Rana Awdish This is the story of Dr. Rana Awdish, seven months pregnant, who was treated for a catastrophic illness at the age of thirty three in the same hospital in which she worked.This experience made her aware of all the many ways patients are discounted, demeaned, and even Rana Awdish As a nurse, I found this to be very eye opening. We attempt to be compassionate by nature, but there are little things that we forget, and we how certain things affect the people that we touch. Words are powerful, in many ways. But also destructive. Rana Awdish

In Shock: My Journey from Death to Recovery and the Redemptive Power of Hope [Awdish, Rana] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. In Shock: My Journey from Death to Recovery and the Redemptive Power of Hope In Shock: My Journey from Death to Recovery and the Redemptive Power of Hope
