In Pursuit of Happily Ever After By Sarah M. Reed

SUMMARY In Pursuit of Happily Ever After

A SFPD Inspector devoted to his job and haunted by personal tragedy. A nationally sought art burglar worn down by a life she never chose. Can two people on opposite sides of the law find love?

After the painful end of his marriage and a subsequent breakdown, Inspector Jake Myers worries that love might not be in the cards for him. Deciding to focus instead on getting his career back on track, he sets after the infamous art burglar known only as the Mantis.

A mysterious woman unexpectedly appears in Jake’s life. She is smart and quick-witted and sexy, stirring things in him that have long lay dormant. Though he suspects she has something to do with the Mantis he is pursuing, he is irresistibly drawn to her.

When his woman of intrigue stumbles into trouble, Jake will have to balance his attraction to her with the oath he made to uphold the law, as well as with the ghosts of his past in order to save her. In doing so, he may find it is he who needs saving... In Pursuit of Happily Ever After

I think i'm in love, a new to me author and an awesome read. So a while back, I went off fbi/cop type stories, it was always the guy was the cocky crook and the woman was the stuck up cop, but i've read two now where its turned around and the stories have been better, the position change has been better for the personality and backstory of both characters, their strengths and weaknesses show so much more this way too. I've now sat and read through both, one a series and this one, and not felt an ounce of boredom, like i would if it (the characters) was the other way around. To me for women to be cops/fbi, the author has made them too man hating/ bitter, rather than just independent.... if that makes sense... But i would like to know..... Are there more? lol I recommend this book 100% xxx English An thoroughly enjoyable read from start to finish.
Though contemporary, it transported me back to a better time, when films were b&w, violence meant a punch not multiple decapitations and every book required a little bit of suspense of disbelief but not to put your entire belief centre in the brain on hold.
The story and plot are solid, not totally, amazingly original but neither a trope done to death, and told beautifully well. The author has an impeccable sense of pace and writes in a beautiful, simple but flowing style that I really, really liked. No purple prose here, no pretentiousness either, just excellent, solid craftsmanship that allows the book to be about the characters and their story and not about the author showing off what they can do with language, or how edgy they are.
For all it's old-fashioned feel, though, it is a modern day romance and thus doesn't fade to black when the inevitable happens and that was maybe my only - tiny - gripe with this. I read very explicit content, so my problem is not that sex happened. I just didn't feel it was overly necessary here. The author could have gone the whole old school hog and just left it at a finale with a passionate kiss. I wouldn't have felt cheated in the slightest. English This book reminded me of a Hitchcock film in the best possible ways. The hero and heroine are compelling as individuals, and when they’re together you can feel the attraction dripping off the pages. You can’t help but sympathize with Jake as he tries to solve a mystery, sort out his life, and struggle with his attraction to a woman he can’t figure out. As for the heroine, there’s too much to say (in the best possible way) and I don’t want to give anything away! Sarah M Reed has created a sexy, mysterious, dramatic story that will keep you reading, and guessing, until the ultimately satisfying ending. English Art heists, police action, a Nazi street gang, what else do you need? Oh yeah, romance, this book has that too.

I am a big fan of film noir, and this book reminded me of one of those films. It has a gritty feel, with just the right amount of polish to really get your attention and hold it. This review is hard to do without adding spoilers, so forgive me if I am vague.

From the first meeting of Jake with the lead female character, there is palpable chemistry. But, the nature of the meeting makes going after her hard. Jake has some issues from his past that make him put his foot in his mouth a couple of times. But, his lady ends up setting him straight.

Along the way, there are twists and turns to keep you moving through the story. I enjoyed this very much, and I highly suggest you add it to your reading list; I know you will not be disappointed.
English Wonderful and captivating

Definite 5 star story.
In Pursuit of Happily Ever After was a wonderfully written story and kept me captivated until the very end. English

I think it’s #2 so far of hers

This completes my reading of Mrs. Reed’s works so far. I know there is more to come and I look forward to each one. The boyfriend pact is my #1 favorite of hers so far and this one is right behind it. Must read. English Wow

Gritty, sexy, charming, incredibly intelligent. This book has it all. You can't help but love the characters and pray they get what they need. English Sarah M. Reed is a new writer to me, and I was really curious; I love discovering new talent.
In pursuit of Happily Ever After is well written with well-developed characters, For me, it was a quick read, but I loved it. I think it's the most challenging review to write. There are so many details, scenes, and events, that if I started to analyze them and write about them, it would be just spoilers. I don't do spoilers, sorry guys, that's why I'll just broadly tell you that I loved the book.

It's a suspense, Hea, and I'm sure you will enjoy it as well.

By reading the book, you begin to travel in the two main characters' world, following their stories and all their adventures.

It deserves to be read, and look forward to her other books.

It's so difficult to find REAL relationships these days. Intrigue that becomes deeper...more meaningful.

Jake is what most women want in a man: intelligence, values, loyalty...wrapped up in an eye-catching package.

The thing I liked best about Jake was that he wasn't interested in a 'hook-up'... Jake wanted something more meaningful and lasting. He wanted zing. The problem? The zing happened with a criminal...and he's a cop.

I really enjoyed this read. Not often that you find a book that feels real...and able to deliver romance and sensuality without all the extras. No insta-LOVE. No insta-SLUT. Just amazing chemistry... ZING!!
English Super good, light, consistent, badass girl without being invincible, good guy without being a limp, good side characters that had a life...
Just didn't like the title or the cover. It makes the story seems cheap and silly, and it isn't. English
