Imagine: A Vision for Christians in the Arts By Steve Turner


This book does a good job of talking about Christianity and the arts. The author has experience with the subject across multiple mediums and he is a great writer. It made me really ponder how we categorize music and what I can do as an artist to glorify Christ. Solid Pick. Kindle, Paperback This book should be essential reading for any artist or those of us who have an artistic heart. The thoughts and discussions provoked by the author are worthy subjects for all Christians should grapple with as we learn how to be “in the world, but not of it.” Kindle, Paperback One of the best books I have read on the subject: Modern and relevant, respectful and briefly comprehensive, and not only why, but HOW. I am utterly inspired and excited! Thank you Mr. Turner for this book! ! ! ! ! I want to promote it/loan it/buy it for every artist friend Kindle, Paperback

Imagine art that is risky, complex, and subtle. Imagine music, movies, books, and paintings of the highest quality. Imagine art that permeates society, challenging conventional thinking and standard morals to their core. Imagine that it is all created by Christians! This is the bold vision of Steve Turner, who has worked among a wide variety of artists for decades. He believes Christians should confront society and the church using art's powerful impact. Art can faithfully chronicle the lives of ordinary people and express the transcendence of God. And Christians should be involved in every level of the art world and in every medium. In this revised and expanded edition of a contemporary classic, Turner builds a compelling case for Christians in the arts. If Jesus is Lord of all of life and creation, then art is part of his cultural mandate. It can and should be a way of expressing faith through creatively, beautifully, and truthfully arranged words, sounds, and sights. Now includes study questions for individual reflection or group discussion. Imagine: A Vision for Christians in the Arts

Steve Turner Ò 5 Read & Download

This book provides an excellent concept for Christians who want to make a difference through their art, but it is just as relevant for those, artists or not, who just want to make a difference. Christians artists are encouraged to be relevant by understanding issues in Kindle, Paperback The author has put into words what I have been trying to say for so many years. The reasons for why I have an art studio with classes is for all the reasons he points out in this book. Thank you for giving me the words to keep on track! Kindle, Paperback This is my favorite book on the arts overall. Steve Turner is a music journalist, which means that (1) his examples tend to come from the world of music and (2) he is an excellent writer. Imagine addresses most (perhaps all?) of the pertinent issues related to what art Kindle, Paperback This book was a real eye opener for me as I am not involved in the arts. It helped to open up a whole new world of possibilities within the scope of Christendom. The arts play a huge role in culture and Christians have so many opportunities to express themselves outside of Kindle, Paperback I have to admit, I was skeptical about this book. I thought it would be the typical heavy handed resolution of a Staunch, fundamentalist who wanted all art produced by Christians to be coated with the ideals of Christianity. Hardly so! The author presents Christians in the Kindle, Paperback