Im Losing You (The Stafford Brothers #4) By Chicki Brown

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Another Great book in the Stafford series, Loved it! Romance This fourth book in the series focused on the ups and downs of married life. That a small problem can become a big problem if the issue isn't dealt with correctly. The fairy tale forever after is possible but not without constant nourishment. This story deals with what can happen when couples take each other for granted. The green eyed jealousy monster can reel its ugly head and ruin something great if you let it. The story also touches on taking risks for the right reasons, and it's never too late to take a chance on realizing your dreams. Romance Marriages are complex and this story is definitely realistic in its portrayal of a struggling relationship. One of the things I love about this novel is that it shows the thought processes of the main characters and gives a glimpse into the motivations behind their actions. As Mona tries to fix the distance between herself and Vic, she is influenced by self-doubts, a need to prove her worth, and misguided assumptions about how her actions would be seen by her husband. Nearly everything she did only made the relationship more strained. As for Vic, he is like so many professionals who get caught up in the demands of the job to the near-exclusion of the family that needs more than just the spoils of his professional dedication. No one would suspect that these people who have always seemed to be loving and devoted are drowning in a series of emotions and mistakes.

Feelings are raw. Errors are tragic. Insecurities become ingrained. Self-righteousness is -- as usual -- blinding. Stubbornness in definitely undeniable. Distractions can be dangerous. And the question of whether these two people, who used to be deeply in love and completely in sync, can recover from damage they've caused is a fascinating adventure to watch.

It is so easy for the love train to get off track. As these characters maneuvered through the sludge created by their own emotions and actions, I was drawn into the story so completely that I was recalling similar incidents experienced within my family and circle of friends. I sighed, screamed, wiped away a couple of tears, and had more than a few shots of tequila. Nothing pleases me more than a story that pulls me away from my world and immerses me in its. I'm Losing you does not disappoint.

I give this novel 4.5 stars. Romance Title: I'm Losing You
Author: Chicki Brown
Publisher: C.B.
Series: Stafford Brothers Series #4
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

I'm Losing You by Chicki Brown

My Thoughts....

This was a good well written story dealing with another Stafford brother ...Vic.

The story was about two people... I loved how this author was able to give us a good story dealing with what all a marriage may take to work. Will Vic and Mona Stafford be able to work it all out in the end?

I found all of the characters were all off the chart...all well developed, defined and portrayed & believable.

In the end...

We get another beautiful family series....Book Four in the Stafford Brothers that I would definitely recommend and will be looking forward to this author's next series...'I Want You Back.' Romance

Vic and Ramona Stafford have been together for fifteen years and married for twelve. To the outside world they have everything most people dream of - an attractive spouse, a beautiful home, two smart, good looking sons, and a half-million dollar annual income. But no one knows what's really going on between them. Do they have what it takes to keep professional pressure, loneliness and outside temptations from destroying their seemingly perfect marriage? Im Losing You (The Stafford Brothers #4)