If Tomorrow Never Comes By Marlo Schalesky

summary ↠ eBook or Kindle ePUB ✓ Marlo Schalesky

Childhood sweethearts Kinna and Jimmy Henley had simple dreams–marriage, children, a house by the sea…everything they needed for happily ever after. What they didn’t plan on was years of infertility, stealing those dreams, crushing their hopes.

Now, all that’s left is the memory of young love, and the desperate need for a child to erase the pain. Until…

Kinna rescues an elderly woman from the sea, and the threads of the past, present, and future weave together to reveal the wonder of one final hope. One final chance to follow not their dreams, but God’s plan.

Can they embrace the redemptive power of love before it’s too late? Or will their love be washed away like the castles they once built upon the sand? The past whispers to the present.  And the future shivers.  What if tomorrow never comes? If Tomorrow Never Comes

I picked this one up on the new arrivals table. It turned out to be by a christian author which I usually avoid. But she's not a bad writer and for some reason I kept reading. The storyline was interesting.... alittle smarmy, but okay. 339 Could have been so much better if I had not seen the ending coming from a mile away. Ok book overall. 339 This was one unforgettable book filled with so many of God's truths brought to life. You can sense this story was birthed from the depths of the author's heart and pain. She too struggled with what Kinna and Jimmy Henley agonized over. One lesson learned by all, For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways (Isaiah 55:8)

Marlo's characters ask the tough questions, If God asked you to give up your dreams for Him, would you? What are you willing to give up, suffer or sacrifice to do God's will? Are you willing to follow His plan for your life and not your own? These are just some of the great questions that Marlo brings up in this powerful, moving, and gut-wrenchingly honest story of two people chasing their dreams not thinking of what it cost in the end. These are people looking for that happily ever after here on earth, that God never promised us.

Which brings up another question, Can we be happy in this life? Answer, yes, if we CHOSE TO BE!! We always have a choice. It's a choice of OUR will every time!

Love wasn't just a feeling. It wasn't a kiss on a doorstep or a dance under the streetlights. It was a life lived together, facing the good and the bad. It was laying down your life for another. It was sacrifice. It was taking a risk. It meant doing right even when it was hard.

Marlo has walked in the shoes of her characters. She tells it like it is and doesn't hold back sharing the pain or the joys discovered in life's journey. Marlo reveals scripture in a unique way and exposes a few lies her characters believe as well. Scripture says the truth will set you free. The author has her main characters struggle to do the right thing against some incredible odds. You will definitely want to read this story. It's one you will find yourself thinking about and later returning to it to review treasures found. Wow! You will just have to experience it for yourself. I highly recommend it!

Disclosure of Material Connection:
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”

Nora St.Laurent
The Book Club Network www.bookfun.org
The Book Club Network blog www.psalm516.blogspot.com
Book Fun Magazine www.bookfunmagazine.com 339 I didn't really like this book, but I had to read it to the end to find out if Kinna had a child and if the old woman that she rescues from the sea was who I thought she was. I thought it was a really weird story. 339 Even though I do not identify with Kinna's wanting a child, as I am a young adult, I did understand her desire to have her dreams over God's, to pursue her happiness over what God wanted for her. I also understood Jimmy's desire and lesson of what it means to be a child of God and to be seen in God's eyes. Kinna and Jimmy's story reveals a wonderful message as they stop struggling and start following and trusting God. My favorite character was Thea and I loved how her story turned out. This book has a powerful message for all people. A great read. 339


Again - a beautiful message... As I started reading this book, I realized I had read it years ago - but worth the reread... 339 This was a well written book, full of emotion and difficult realizations. I liked how the author referred to God and His love for his children. I did not connect very well with the characters, but that's my own issue, not the author's.
339 797
339 Well-written. Original. Thought-provoking. Creative. Suspenseful. Excellent!

339 Heartbreaking struggles. Lyrical writing. I won't forget this book and the message of keeping God first. 339