Arful, the talking dog, has a hard time making Brian, his owner, understand how difficult it is being a bodyguard for one obnoxious chicken with a real attitude. A companion to I Was a Third Grade Science Project and I Was a Third Grade Spy. I Was a Third Grade Bodyguard
This is the third and final story in the I Was a Third Grade... series by Mary Jane Auch and Herm Auch. The stories are as funny and sincere as they are implausible. There aren't too many illustrations and they are simply black and white pictures, but they add humor and lightness to the tale. We enjoyed reading this story together. 9780823417759 I Was a Third Grade Bodyguard by Mary Jane Auch is a quite an enjoyable read. It is a prime example of the literary device of personification. The story is told through the Arful, a unique dog with special talents—talking to humans. Through Arful, we met the characters, primary and secondary. I love the way Ms. Auch portrayed the two main (animal) characters, Arful and Tullulah, with human characteristics. There is a lot of humor in this story. Ms. Auch use of dialog and her descriptive language moves the story line along at a nice pace. The black and white illustrations help readers with context clues. In fact the cover itself helps readers with predictions about the book. This is definitely a read for children in third to fifth grade. 9780823417759 referenced in The Plot Chickens... may be one that appeals more to kids than adults 9780823417759 So cute! I want to remember to read this right before winter breAk!! 9780823417759