I Cant Get Next to You By Chicki Brown

AMAZING!! When this book was recommended to me, I was a little hesitant to read it because it was described as faith-based. But, since I've enjoyed other works by this author, I thought I'd at least give it a chance. It incorporated Christianity in a way that was natural, easy, and realistic. It was never preachy, condescending, or overly critical. In addition to masterfully marrying faith with romance, the story line was very enjoyable. The characters thought and spoke the way normal people do in everyday life. The situations they found themselves in were believable. Their feelings and reactions pulled you in and kept you wondering how the main characters could possibly find solutions to their situations. The concept of being unequally yoked was handled magnificently and the author made me think about the way God can set us up for good things even when the road to the next level doesn't look like we might imagine it should. I loved the story. Chicki Brown Wow! I was a little leary about the strong christian aspect of this book but once I started it I couldn't put it down. I really enjoyed the book. Another great one Chicki! Keep them coming! Chicki Brown


review I Cant Get Next to You

Rick Gardner never intended to visit one of Atlanta’s premiere strip clubs, but his fellow attorneys choose that venue to celebrate his latest courtroom victory. A born again Christian, Rick knows Dreamland is the last place he belongs. Still, he’s confident he can withstand the temptation. Until the beautiful woman sent to entertain them walks in … I Cant Get Next to You

I Can't Get Next To You

I Can't Get Next To You will make the reader think about the type of Christian they are or the type they're striving to be. It will provoke them to be a Christian in action and deed. It tells us to show love to everyone and not to be quick to judge. You never know someone's situation. The characters were likable, and there were many scenes where I wondered whether Tamryn would find herself in a situation she could not get out of.

Even though I loved the positive message and the characters, it still took me some time to get into the story. And I felt that the ending was rushed. Overall, it is a book worth reading. Chicki Brown I knew this book was going to be good because Mrs. Brown's reputation has preceded her with the previous two books I've read and loved of hers, and I was right. While I admit it took me a tad longer to really get into it like I did her previous two, I just spent the last couple of hours with my phone in front of my face reading it on my Kindle app because I didn't want to put it down. I became ensconced in it. I loved the various levels of Tamyra's character; a headstrong (and kind of stubborn) non-religious loner who was so determined to make her dream a reality that she became an exotic dancer to make more money. Then there's Rick, who was devoutly devoted to his Christian beliefs and still saw the good in Tamyra and persistently pursued her. I loved how steadfast he was about his feelings for her and watching her trust for him grow and strengthen. There was a period where the two characters just didn't seem to mesh well to me, but by the end of the book, that went out the window.

Now if only I could find a man like Rick. :) Chicki Brown Author: Chicki Brown
Published By: C. B.
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5


I Can't Get Next to You by Chicki Brown was another one of Ms. Brown's novels that didn't disappoint me. This novel deals with two people Tamyra Allen and Rick Gardner who were from different backgrounds, career goals and even religious views that all comes together in this well written read. How Ms. Brown was able to bring these two people together that fell in love was simply a work of art especially with all of their obstacles that would certainly keep them apart. Now, this is where I say you must pick of this wonderful novel to see how this all will turn out for Tamyra and Rick.

This author is a very good storyteller that brings in drama, love and the characters being in a three dimensional...filled with a christian based novel that will only leave you with a very satisfied read. There will be a christian message that will start at the beginning of this read and go all the way through till the end.

Yes, Ms. Brown...you have done it again. If you are looking for a wonderful, well plotted enjoyable read ..... you have come to the right place and I would recommend I Can't Get Next to You as a excellent read.
Chicki Brown This extremely well written novel is a story of Tamyra Allen and Rick Gardner. Even though they come from totally different backgrounds, they are drawn together one night when Rick visits a local night club under the pressure of co-workers. Tamyra is struggling to finish school and to reach her goal to open a retail shop of her own upon graduation. Rick is a bright defense attorney with a well-known Atlanta law firm, under pressure of defending students charged in a rape case. Rick is a devoted church member, sworn to living a morally correct life. Tamyra has worked the last several months as a exotic dancer to reach her goals which Rick has overlooked as he realizes her strength and determination to reach her goal without assistance from others. But will his family accept her when they fly to New Jersey to spend Christmas with Rick's close-knit, Christian-based family? This story is very touching, full of wisdom and inspiration. I think it's a 10-star novel. Great job, Chicki, your book lifted my spirits!

Chicki Brown This book is very different from Chicki's others. It had a bit of romance, and absolutely no sex. So if you are looking for the typical romance novel than this one isn't for you.

There was a clear Christian message from the very beginning of the book. Although I did think Rick was a bit self righteous at times about Tamyra's dancing, he had many redeeming qualities and his heart was in the right place so you couldn't help but love him. Tamyra was a very strong character, and although her choice to be a dancer was questionable, her true purpose was honorable, and you couldn't help but root for her. The only thing I didn't like about the book was the ending. Tamyra and Rick had some pretty heavy kissing scenes, and one almost turned into much more. There should have been a tasteful love scene at the end since they were both so sexually frustrated throughout the book.

If you enjoy uplifting books, with lots of biblical messages then definitely check this one out. Chicki Brown