Hush (Pandoras Box Book 2) By Liza James


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My life. My rules.

Thats how its always been for me. Well, since I did something that ripped apart the threads of my humanity.

After that, I let go of everything that left me exposed.

Relying on myself alone was the best option.

I cant allow anything near me any, not even the one girl who somehow intoxicates my blood and proves she means.


Sacrifices were made when I was young. Vital pieces of my vulnerability were stolen from me.
It would have been far too easy if I hadnt seen her again.

So, of course, the one girl I hate most is the constant reminder of my most painful past.

She thinks Im still the weak one between us.

Itll be my sweet revenge proving her otherwise.

Trigger Warning: This book is recommended for ages 18+ and contains many subjects that could be a potential trigger. A blanket trigger warning is listed for this story. Please be aware before stepping into this dark world.
Hush (Pandoras Box Book 2)

I thought Vibe was good, then I read Hush.I mean it was hot as hell. I thought the end of Vibe needed to be stretched out so it wasn't such a blunt ending of The Nation but it turns out I was wrong.Because we picked up where we left off (with a few loose ends I didn't understand.. like who was Wolf? What was going on with Ruby and Aura in between books?)But we find out that Calypso also has ties to The Nation, but never met Aura.K and Calypso was such a complicated, toxic relationship from the get go and it took a good chunk of the book to really understand where that toxic energy came from.Calypso was such a complicated character. She was strong and powerful, but also broken and scared. The constant struggle for power with K was totally captivating and you keep waiting and waiting for that moment where it stops being a clash of power and starts being about submission to each other.This story was such a mind F with everything that the cult kept throwing at them. Honestly, kind of want a Dom origin story without without HEA just want all the background details because WTF?!12/10 recommend4.5/5 spice insaaaaaaaaaane. Hush (Pandoras Box Book 2) I still rather Vibe but i must say that Hush is amazing Hush (Pandoras Box Book 2) Once again, Liza James blows my mind out of the back of my head. Dark and delicious AF. I can’t get enough of the visceral intense prose and complex characters. Looking forward to checking out other series! Hush (Pandoras Box Book 2) It's such a perfect story line, if you haven't already I suggest you read Vibe first.The relationship both K and Lyp have is amazing, I was hooked within the first 3 chapters. I didn't think I could love a couple than Ruby and Aura but yet here we are!So may twists and turn I couldn't put the book down, Liza James you have a gift and you have me wanting ! Thank you for bringing all 4 girls together and my gay little heart being in love with all 4. Hush (Pandoras Box Book 2) Wow fantastic carry on I loved the first book and to have a second one with other aspects of the storyline was captivating the strength of their connection was incredible and to read about the first couple had a massive impact on how it all flowed together perfection congratulations Hush (Pandoras Box Book 2)