How to Read Jung By David J. Tacey
مثل همیشه، این مجلد از مجموعهی چگونه... بخوانیمِ نشر نی عالی بود. David J. Tacey [برای شروع اینکه با نوع نگاه یونگ آشنا بشید
این کتاب گزینه خوبی هست.]
و ترجمه خوب سپیده حبیب به شما
کمک میکنه که متوجه معنی دقیق کلمات بشید ]
برای من یونگ خلاصه میشه تو تعریف زیر:
ترکیب ادبیات و اسطوره و عرفان و روان باهم
یعنی مطالعه آثار یونگ]
David J. Tacey Found Mr Tacey explains Jung in a 'understandable' language...that people new to Jung can appreciate David J. Tacey An accessible primer to the idea of Jung as a thinker. Jung as a psychologist is not the focus of this one but the breadth and depth of information crammed in this small book is impressive and it does help me see why his influence is still with us today.
Jung being Jung, certain ideas here may irritate a more empirical mind. A separate truth dimension may remind one of a recent catchphrase alternative facts.
David J. Tacey Really excellent read. I feel like I got a good grasp of Jung and his ideas through this short glimpse. David J. Tacey
The How to Read series provides a context and an explanation that will facilitate and enrich your understanding of texts vital to the canon. These books use excerpts from the major texts to explain essential topics, such as C. G. Jung's dynamic vision of the self, pitted against an ailing Western civilization.
Jung was the original anti-psychiatrist, who believed that the real patient was not the suffering individual, but a sick and ailing Western civilization. His true aim, in all of his work, was a therapy of the West.
David Tacey introduces the reader to Jung’s unique style and approach, which is at once scientific and prophetic. He explores the radical themes at the core of Jung’s psychology, and interprets the dynamic vision of the whole self that inspires and motivates Jung’s work. How to Read Jung
This is a great introduction to Carl Jung's thought. Jung's thought would be interesting for those interested in the relationship between science and spirituality, the role of myth in our lives, and alternative/supplemental perspectives on psychology/psychiatry. David J. Tacey بیشترین چیزی که دوست داشتم این بود که بیشتر از همه کتابهای مقدماتی دیگر به درمان و رواندرمانی پرداخته بود.
ترجمه هم واقعا تمیز و دقیق بود که خواندنش را لذتبخش کرد. David J. Tacey How to read Jung is a brilliant small book that introduces works and ideas of Jung to beginners. The author goes through a number of extracts from Jung's main works and concepts. This book is a stepping stone in understanding work of one of the geniuses of the 20th century. David J. Tacey A fantastic introduction to Jung’s most significant theories and concepts of psychology. The implications and explanation of the extracts are very helpful for readers to comprehend Jung’s approach and style in a broader context. It is a read of ease without sacrificing a meaningful discourse. I do think this book serves its primary purpose already - I’m more than motivated to dive into Jung’s work. David J. Tacey This is a book which really gives on what Jung thinks and what his stance on certain things. A really dense book. I had the thought that I can read this fast because of its 100-ish pages but now it feels like I had just read a 300 pages book. So, take your time reading this.
Two things to point out real quick. I think his conception of consciousness as a curse is truly mind-opening. Jung alludes to the story of Adam and Eve where they ate the apple of knowledge as our departing from nature. We usually, in our primitive era, did things without reflections and depended on instinct. This is the time of the unconscious, the time of pre-reflection without conscious decisions and deliberations. The eating of the apple shows to us we were naked, the time we attained consciousness. And we can't go back being unconscious. The only thing we can do is go forward, to broaden our consciousness. And that is by realizing that we have two selves in us, the conscious and the unconscious. And only by this we can balance our life, to make the ego diminished in its power and use the energy of the unconscious forces to transform our life. This I think has a profit to us.
But one thing I don't like, and can't ever accept, is his idea of God as this supranatural being who not only Good but Evil also, the Gnostic God. This is blasphemous, and to all the blasphemies that had occurred, this thinking should be anathemized. David J. Tacey