How Do We Talk with Skeptics? (Questions for Restless Minds) By Sam Chan

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Share your faith and keep your friends.You want your non--believing friends to be brothers and sisters in Christ. But how do you talk about Jesus without driving them away? When do you talk? When do you stay quiet?In How Do We Talk with Skeptics?, Sam Chan shows you how to walk the tightrope by offering ten wise tips to keep the balance right. Listen well. Speak persuasively. Learn hospitality. Gently reveal the holes in your friend's worldview. Gain wisdom on when to speak and when to listen. With Chan's help, you can keep your friends while being a faithful witness for Christ.The Questions for Restless Minds series applies God's word to today's issues. Each short book faces tough questions honestly and clearly, so you can think wisely, act with conviction, and become more like Christ. How Do We Talk with Skeptics? (Questions for Restless Minds)

I enjoyed this. It had some thought-provoking ideas. At times I wanted to interject to say that sometimes it's ok to be a bit more direct (though Sam Chan is probably perfectly fine with that), and on one or two occasions this book could have benefitted from a bit more clarity in terms of theology. How Do We Talk with Skeptics? (Questions for Restless Minds) Sam Chan is a genius! He's managed to publish three books while only using the material for one!
Seriously though, over the last couple of years, Sam came out with Evangelism in a skeptical world, which was well received, but some thought it a little too unapproachable for a general audience. Next came How to talk about Jesus (without being that guy). It was aimed at general audience & contained a lot of the material in Sam's former book, just explained more simply.
How do we talk with Skeptics is simpler still, boiling down Sam's earlier thoughts into ten simple ideas. If you knew someone who wanted to think a little more about how they engage with other people, this is a short and simple thought starter, able to be read in a couple of hours! How Do We Talk with Skeptics? (Questions for Restless Minds) Short, sweet and realistic tips on evangelism. How Do We Talk with Skeptics? (Questions for Restless Minds) Good tool to help with how we can address those who are skeptical and respond appropriately
How Do We Talk with Skeptics? (Questions for Restless Minds) This is the second book I've recently read of this series. This is such a great, clear, and concise book! Sam, I think, does a good job giving some basic ways Christians can talk with skeptics. I appreciate this book (and this series) becuase I feel that I can confidently put this resource in the hands of anyone in my church. How Do We Talk with Skeptics? (Questions for Restless Minds)
