Hope . . . From the Heart of Horses: How Horses Teach Us About Presence, Strength, and Awareness (English Edition) eBook : Pike, Kathy, Kohanov, Linda By Kathy Pike

Hope . . . From the Heart of Horses: How Horses Teach Us About Presence, Strength, and Awareness (English Edition) eBook : Pike, Kathy, Kohanov, Linda: : Kindle Store Hope . . . From the Heart of Horses: How Horses Teach Us About Presence, Strength, and Awareness (English Edition) eBook : Pike, Kathy, Kohanov, Linda

Download Hope . . . From the Heart of Horses: How Horses Teach Us About Presence, Strength, and Awareness (English Edition) eBook : Pike, Kathy, Kohanov, Linda

I could not put this book down once I started it. Reading the story of each horse the author crossed paths with and the incredible ways these gracious, wonderful creatures shared their hearts and kindness with humans was inspiriting for me. I am at a place in my life where a lot of healing and self reflection is occurring, and the horse in my life has become a part of that process. Which I didn't really get until I read this book, and then I started to think back on my interactions with him, what I had learned from him, and I then saw it. I realized he was in my life to offer me opportunities to grow and to change. I even tried what Kathy did when she first met Amigo with my horse, and was astounded when he came to me on his own, and placed his muzzle into my chest, and just stayed there like that with me for a long while. He heard what I was saying to him about feeling fear, the sensation of it in my chest, and how much I wanted to be perfect for him, which was causing me even fear. I have found the times when I am introspective and open to my emotions, and I quietly stand beside my horse, he offers me himself as a friend. So Kathy is onto something for sure about horses, something I've experienced personally. Now, I don't agree with everything she is into, ie., the new age, chakra, spirituality stuff. I believe that things are orchestrated by and willed by God, and that He intentionally created horses to be grace filled teachers that were meant to partner with us, and who challenge us to examine who we are in the areas that need changing and healing. But I still got so much out of her book, and it's changed how I see my horse and our relationship. Hope . . . From the Heart of Horses: How Horses Teach Us About Presence, Strength, and Awareness (English Edition) eBook : Pike, Kathy, Kohanov, Linda Great read! Hope . . . From the Heart of Horses: How Horses Teach Us About Presence, Strength, and Awareness (English Edition) eBook : Pike, Kathy, Kohanov, Linda Book of pure joy, just to recognise someone else in the world has the same beliefs and ways with horses. I hope one day to meet this lady as her work and book simply is an inspiration. Hope . . . From the Heart of Horses: How Horses Teach Us About Presence, Strength, and Awareness (English Edition) eBook : Pike, Kathy, Kohanov, Linda I loved this book and I did not want to finish it, I wanted and of those amazing stories that Kathy shares about how horses are such wonderful teachers for humans. Do not wait and start your journey with them ! Hope . . . From the Heart of Horses: How Horses Teach Us About Presence, Strength, and Awareness (English Edition) eBook : Pike, Kathy, Kohanov, Linda This is a one of a kind book that tells compelling stories of the heart about the nature of horses. Kathy's experiences throughout her life with these powerful beings carries you on a journey that includes inspiration, revelation, heartbreak, emotional upheavals, thrilling adventure, suspense, and of course mystery. Horses reveal the truth of our true inner landscape if we will just listen. Kathy's skill in telling these stories will captivate your spirit and call you to a deeper listening, a pondering, bringing you closer to an honest peek into the world of horses and humans and how we can relate. Kathy expresses her emotional vulnerability in a way that speaks volumes to the power and wisdom of horses. Enjoy this incredibly moving book and allow Horse to speak to your heart. Hope . . . From the Heart of Horses: How Horses Teach Us About Presence, Strength, and Awareness (English Edition) eBook : Pike, Kathy, Kohanov, Linda
