Hitler for a Thousand Years By Leon Degrelle

Excellent book by highly decorated Waffen-SS General Leon Degrelle from 1969, looking back on the events preceding WW2 and then the war itself, along with his aerial escape to Spain and exile there, post-war. There is a pleasant mixture of his own experiences, including combat against the Soviets in the brutal cold, and the broader political/military history from that era. I really enjoyed reading this one after Hitler Democrat, another superb Degrelle book, a few years ago. Paperback Degrelle's unapologetic account of his service to the Fatherland against the communist. Paperback Libraco escrito por un fanático que no deja de mentir respecto a muchas cosas para tratar sin éxito de hacer quedar bien a la fracasada y genocida ideología nazi. Paperback What an excellent read simply for the historical angle from which Degrelle is writing from. Imagine being the last remaining National Socialist that knew personally all of the Third Positionist Hall of Famers from the 20th century and surviving into the 60s and writing about what happened in WW2 from sed angle. This book is a must read for history buffs and devout National Socialists and Fascists alike. You won't be disappointed Degrelles writing style is always entertaining page turning! Paperback

Leon Degrelle Ð 7 Read

Corrected second printing. Translated and introduced by Alexander Jacob. The sensational semi-autobiographical work from the Waffen-SS’s most famous foreign volunteer, translated into English for the very first time.
First published in French in French as Hitler pour 1000 ans in 1969, this suppressed work was Degrelle’s personal account of his pre-war political career, his personal interactions with Hitler, the formation of what became the Walloon SS, the war on the Eastern Front against the Soviet Union, his dramatic escape to Spain in 1945, and his life in exile.
Along the way, Degrelle provides insight into some of the most pressing questions of World War II: why Hitler invaded the Soviet Union when he did; how Mussolini’s invasion of Greece wrecked Hitler’s plans; how lower-ranking German military commanders deliberately disobeyed Hitler’s orders on industrial production which directly affected the war’s outcome; how the defeat at Stalingrad occurred because the Sixth Army’s commander refused to follow Hitler’s orders to break out to the west; the turning point battle of Kursk, and much more.
Degrelle also provides a fascinating personal view of Hitler, gained from a personal friendship. Finally, Degrelle describes the vision of a united Europe, which, he says, was Hitler’s ultimate vision. This belief in a strong united Europe gave rise to the saying of Hitler for a thousand years, the title of this book.
“If objective historians still existed, I could be for them a very valuable witness with regard to their documents. Who, among the survivors of 1945, knew Hitler or Mussolini more directly than I? Who could explain with more precision than me, explain what type of men they were, men as they really were?
“This ‘essential thing’ in the great tragedy of the Second World War, what was it for us? How did the ‘fascisms’ — which have been the essential thing of our lives — arise? How were they deployed ? How did they collapse? And, above all, after a quarter century: what balance sheet can one draw up of this whole gigantic affair? Hitler for a Thousand Years
