His Yankee Bride By Rose Gordon

Oh my goodness I just finished His Yankee Bride and I am in love with these characters, I absolutely loved this book. I'm not even sure where to start I enjoyed it so much. I think I am quickly becoming a huge fan of Rose Gordon.

Carolina Ellis is a young girl full of spunk, energy, kindness, and humor. I found myself laughing out loud while reading some of things Carolina does and says in this book. She is everything that her mother doesn't want her to be. Her mother wants her to be a proper young lady that will do as she says. Carolina turned down several proposals that her mother thought were just perfect for her, but they were not what Carolina wanted. She does know what she wants as soon as she sets eyes on John Banks. She is willing to do just about anything to get John's attention. One of my favorite scenes in the book is when Carolina is taking John a glass of water while he is working. I don't want to give anything about but I LOVED this part of the book.

John Banks is a handsome young fellow that is set on earning his own money & not relying on his brother for support. He also plans to become a Vicar when he returns home to England. So he is not looking for a wife that is outspoken and full of drama. There are definitely sparks between them though and he falls in love with Carolina almost against his own will. Their story is so cute and compelling that I did not want to put this book down.

I positively loved John and Carolina's story, I was completely hooked all the way through the book. This is the second book I have had the grand pleasure of reading the the Banks Brother's Brides series. I enjoyed it just as much if not a little more, if that is possible, then the first book. Rose Gordon has a way of creating very deliciously appealing characters and plots that keep me intrigued from beginning to end. His Jilted Bide the third book in this series is next in my to be read pile and I look forward to seeing what wonderful adventures Ms. Gordon has wrote for Elijah Banks.

If you enjoy historical romances with some humor thrown in I think you will enjoy this story.

I was lucky enough to receive this book in exchange for an honest review. It was my pleasure to read this fabulous story and share my review. English Nineteen-year-old John Banks, a younger brother of an English Baron, travels to the newly independent United States, before returning to England to take his place in a parsonage. While working his way through the trip, he meets Gabriel Ellis, a veteran from the recent war of independence. The war has cost him a leg and much more. It has been seven years since his last contact with his family in South Carolina. John accepts his friend’s offer to accompany him back to Lowland cross, his father’s indigo plantation, just outside of Charleston. While attending an annual patriots’ ball in Charleston, John is accosted by an attractive and persistent girl of his same age.
Carolina Ellis, at nineteen, was no stranger to Charleston’s southern society. She has attended numerous balls, danced a copious number of reels, and received a profuse number of marriage proposals. Some of her would-be suitors had to be refused multiple times; they just weren’t right. She wasn’t sure what or who she wanted but had no doubt that she had not yet met him. While trying to escape yet another unwelcome proposal, Carolina searched the ballroom desperately for someone to save her. At the point of abandoning all hope, she spies a stranger in a distant corner and rushes in that direction.
John’s and Carolina’s first meeting is far from orthodox but what follows is even more unusual. The expected, accepted, and conventional roles are reversed with Carolina doing the pursuing and John being the pursued. Carolina is willful, brazen, bold, and shameless in her courting, stopping at nothing to get what she wants. She has no doubt of her feelings and no actions or words on John’s part sway her from her belief that her love is equally reciprocated; despite what John thinks.

I was pleasantly surprised with this book. The characters were vivid, fresh, and well developed. The plot was plausible, interesting, and fast-paced. I can honestly say that there is something for everyone.
Much is known and written about the reconstruction period following the Civil War; especially in the defeated south. Little is known or written about the loss and suffering following the Revolutionary War. Logic dictates that a myriad of homes, businesses, farms, and plantations must have been destroyed before the King finally throws in the towel and calls it quits in his former colonies. This story gives a unique insight into that forgotten and silent sacrifice made in the name of freedom.
English HIS YANKEE BRIDE by Rose Gordon is an exciting,adventurous Regency historical romance set in 1787 England and Charleston,South Carolina. #2 in the Banks Brothers series,but can be read as a stand alone. See,His Contract Bride. You will not regret reading this series,I haven't. I enjoyed the witty banter between the characters,and the intriguing plot. Fast paced,I read in one setting! A story of love a first sight,or at least on the part of Carolina,who is head strong,feisty,and a very determined young lady. John Banks, has no thoughts of marriage or love,you see he is to become a vicar in England or so he hopes,he is working for his passage back to England because he will not take charity or money from his older brother. That is until the whirlwind named Carolina crosses his path. A historical romance with a twist. From Englishman to laborer,John Banks,has met his match in young Carolina,a wealthy plantation owner's daughter and his best friend in America's little sister. With vivid descriptions,secrets,and love you will love John Banks,the second son of an English Baron and Miss Carolina Ellis. Carolina's mother,let me see if I can say this is a nice way,is a mean-spirited,obnoxious lady who wants her daughter,who I must say she treats harshly,to make the perfect match even if it means marrying her off to a simple-minded young man/boy,and I say that nicely. She is not so nice to her oldest son either,who has just returned from the war damaged,and injured,and is an embarrassment to her,for you see he is missing a leg. Oh enough on the mother. Carolina,is a delight,as she chases,yes,chases her young Mr. John Banks.Lots of melodrama,a fresh take on Regency Historical Romance. I absolutely loved this story from beginning to the very last page. Ms. Gordon is a wonderful storyteller,who brings her characters to life for the readers. I would highly recommend His Yankee Bride if you enjoy historical Romance with a twist,Regency America,and of course,a delightful read. A must read! Received for an honest review from the author.



REVIEWED BY: AprilR,Review courtesy of My Book Addiction and More English ARC received in exchange for unbiased review and originally published Caffeinated Book Reviewer
I have always been drawn to tales that take place in early American history and Rose Gordon takes us on a tale to Charleston and introduces us to the funniest heroine I have ever met and the poor English chap she sets her sights on. His Yankee Bride was a delightful, hilarious romance that is sure to entertain. I did not real the first book in this series, but each book contains a new couple.

The tale begins when we meet John Banks the third son of a Baron, who does not want to enter the military or be a barrister so he decides to become a clergyman. At only nineteen he is feeling restless and his brother encourages him to travel before settling down. Carolina Ellis is the daughter of an Indigo plantation owner and is visiting Charleston with her mother in the hopes of finding a husband. She finds the men of Charleston to be boring and life as a plantation wife does not appeal to her. When John arrives at a large social event dressed like a British drifter she is immediately drawn to him and sets her sights on him. John has already decided he wants a meek and modest wife and Carolina is anything but! The tale that unfolds was hilarious as Carolina relentlessly pursues John.

Carolina is unique, sweet, bold and downright hilarious in her pursuit of John. I almost felt sorry for this young, naïve man. The interaction between them had me giggling as Carolina sought the advice of her friend, brother and the slave who treats her better than her opinionated mother. Gordon skillfully weaved in characters of the period with their opinions and southern ways them feel both original and fleshed out.

While the tale focuses on Carolina’s pursuit of John, the author gives us a strong sense of the political climate, life on a plantation in the south and slavery. The tale has a delightful pace as the romance slowly builds and we get a few steamy scenes. The romance itself felt genuine even with Carolina’s outlandish comments to John. She tell him he wants to marry her he just doesn’t know it! John admits he is attracted to her but not as a vicar’s wife. There is a little heat, a little scandal and a whole lot of laughter. What works regarding Carolina is that she is genuine, has a pure heart and you cannot help but embrace her. I quickly consumed this and enjoyed myself immensely
English His Yankee Bride by Rose Gordon
Banks Brothers Brides Book 2
John Banks has limited options for what he’ll be doing the rest of his life. His eldest brother, Edward, is a baron and younger brothers are left with the military, barrister or vicar. So he’s been studying to be a vicar the past few years. When Edward suggests he takes a Grand Tour, John agrees. Which is how he finds himself in the Americas. When he meets a bold but beautiful woman who seems to be attracted to him he does all he can to avoid her. After all a vicar needs a quiet wife who won’t cause any scandals and this gal is definitely NOT that type of woman.

Carolina Ellis thought she’d find that perfect man among the Charleston elite. Wrong. They are boring and intent on giving the history of their town. While trying to escape yet another man trying to propose to her she sets her eyes on the newcomer….an Englishman. And that is the last she saw of her heart. She knew he loved her as well, she just had to convince the stubborn man of it.

John and Carolina Banks are parents to Brooke, Madison and Liberty. Rose Gordon’s first three books in the Scandalous Sisters Series tell their stories. After getting to know Carolina in this book you definitely see they are her daughters. It was really fun going back in time and seeing what the young couple was like in the early days. The book has humor, romance and some serious sides as well, such as the issue of slavery. There is also the nasty character that really ruffled my feathers but good!
**Sexual situations within marriage.
http://justjudysjumbles.blogspot.com/... English

I didn’t think it was possible, but I fell in love with John & Carolina just as much as I did with Edward & Regina. Poor John, the youngest son of a baron, he’s decided to become a country vicar and settle down with a polite young miss. However, Edward thinks that John needs to go travel for a while before settling down. During John’s trip to America he befriends Gabriel who ultimately is the reason John’s plans to settle down with the perfect country vicar’s wife fall apart despite his best efforts.

Gabriel’s younger sister Carolina is a sweet, kind-hearted young woman. But, no one would describe her as a polite young miss. She’s outspoken, vivacious, and determined. She is everything John was not looking for in his future wife. But, all it took was one look into his eyes, and Carolina knew she would marry John. And once Carolina sets her mind to something – there’s no stopping her. John never had a chance.

To his credit, John admits he’s attracted to the spunky Carolina. It’s just that he firmly believes that he needs a calm, quiet, polite young woman who will fill the role of vicar’s wife as he perceives it should be. He’s learned from the problems that plagued his parents’ marriage. And he recognizes the love and adventure his brother and Regina share. But, he believes strongly that he needs a specific type of woman, especially as he is to be a vicar. So, despite the fact that he is attracted to Carolina and enjoys her company, he just can’t marry her.

I thoroughly enjoyed Carolina’s persistence in pursuing John. You have to appreciate her strength of character and determination. Her kindness & consideration to those she loved was admirable, especially considering her mother. The rocky and twisting road travelled to the altar is definitely a fun ride for the reader.

This was a joy to read and a wonderful addition to the Banks’ family saga.

Source: received e-book copy for my honest review
FYI: does contain open-door sex English I liked John in the previous book so I didn't bother to read the synopsis for this one beforehand. And now I've realized that I should've.

I avoid historical romances that take place on plantations because I hate the romanticization of slavery and slave owners. In this book it really pissed me off because the author thinks if she tells us enough times that Carolina is a ~kind and compassionate~ slave owner, we'll actually believe it. Sure, it's her father that owns the plantation and not her...but she still reaps the benefits of owning slaves.

So many times she'd wished she could run away, never to witness another day of slavery again. Of course, to voice her dislike for the practice would get her ridiculed and scorned as it was the natural way of life here. But it wasn't her way, and she longed to be free of the plantation that seemed to enslave her just as much as it did those who worked it.

Sorry, but no. Your ~enslavement~ is not on par with the black slaves that don't have a choice one way or the other. The author writes multiple times how considerate a slave-owner Carolina is. Oh, but she finds excuses to take Bethel to see the love of her life, a freed slave named Silas. Look how kind she is! Bethel, who raised her and her brother and is closer to them than their white mother!! Yeah, but no. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what Carolina's thoughts on the matter are because she still sits around all day doing nothing because Bethel prepares her food and makes her overall life easier. The expensive clothes she wears and the balls she attends? The money to pay for that didn't come from her hard work, it came from the slaves she supposedly cares so much about. I don't want meaningless thoughts on how she hates slavery but reaps the benefits and rewards.

The other thing I hated about this novel was Carolina. I had to quit halfway through because I can't stand her harassment of John. I applauded that he wasn't having it with her delusions. Well, that is...until he was. She harasses him constantly. He tells her he doesn't love or and doesn't want to marry her but she persists...and then John starts softening to this behaviour. Just as romanticizing slave owners isn't cute, neither is the stalking and harassing behaviour of a character.

And though he'd be reluctant to admit such out loud, he found her inability to be rattled, her unshakeable confidence, and her persistence to be admirable--and charming in a somewhat unusual way;

Uh...no. At first it was amusing that she liked him and thought they were fated, but that quickly gave way to feelings of annoyance and finding her just down right creepy. Her delusions aren't cute and you're not doing anyone any favours by acting as though delusions like these are charming:

she'd have to convince him he didn't have to work here in order to win her favor.


Did he not wish to be in her presence in front of her family? Surely, he wasn't embarrassed for her family to know of the feelings they shared for one another.



And then when he straight up tells her that he doesn't love her or want to marry her?

She gave a sigh worthy of an actress who'd spent her whole life on Drury Lane. “Your pride and your heart are at war, John.”

He knit his brow. What was she talking about? Nonsense, if he had to describe it. “Listen to me, please. I have no intention of marrying you.”

She looked unmoved.


Praying she wouldn't ask him to elaborate further than what he planned to tell her, he said, “Carolina, for the majority of my life, I've been practicing what my brother Edward calls near honesty and haven't knowingly told a lie for nearly ten years.”

She grinned at him. “See, you haven't knowingly told a lie, which is why you're lying to me now; you just don't know it's a lie.”


SO, he tells her STRAIGHT UP that he has no feelings for her and has no intentions of marrying. Her next thoughts and actions?

Carolina sighed. “John is being as stubborn as Father's mule, and I've decided to court him, but I need your help.”


“I know,” Carolina said through clenched teeth. “He's just reluctant to do so.” She sat down at the little table where Bethel and the other house workers took their meals, picked up a wooden mixing spoon, and idly ran her fingers over the handle. “I think he's afraid to admit his interest in me because he works for Father.”


“It's of no account,” she said, flicking her wrist and remembering her promise to Bethel that she wouldn't mention the words marriage or wedding to John again until after he'd proposed to her. Frankly, if not for that promise, she might have demanded he make amends by putting aside his stupid pride and admitting he wanted to marry her.



This behaviour is not cute or charming and should not be condoned.

Anyway, there are also a ton of spelling and grammar mistakes, inconsistencies and other errors.

At the end of Chapter 3, John's POV:

One thing was for certain: she'd been correct when she'd said she'd make someone a good wife. But like Mr. Cale, it wouldn't be John.

Except John has never been introduced to Myron Cale and the only name he knows (when Carolina says it in front of him) is Myron. Before this line, John sizes him up (A decent looking gentleman with a blue shirt and buff trousers stood against the wall with his arms crossed and what appeared to be a scowl on his face.) and refers to him as Goliath.

Later, when John calls Carolina by her full-name rather than as Lina as everyone else does, his thoughts:

For some reason he couldn't name or place, he preferred to use her full name. And it had nothing to do with her preferring it; at least, that's what he told himself.

Except she never actually tells him that she prefers it. The only time she ever actually admits to preferring Carolina over Lina is when she's with her father and, at the time, she doesn't actually voice her thoughts.

Despite her distaste for her nickname, she offered him a smile.

Like, seriously...did anyone sit down and even proofread this thing??? English It is a unique concept for an author to revisit older, established characters in their younger days. When one of my authors made that choice to go back in time with two of her secondary characters I was curious to see how her efforts would turn out. I am happy to say that in this instance the result was a success.

John and Carolina Banks were first introduced to readers in Rose Gordon’s first book Intentions of the Earl as the 50-something parents to the heroine Brooklyn Banks and her two sisters. Through the course of each sister’s story, John and Carolina were there for their daughters to offer wisdom, a shoulder for support and to serve as the model to the girls of what a happy marriage between two loving people could look like. In His Yankee Bride, we follow the idea of that love match back to their original courtship and we get to see that while John and Carolina might be the model in 1812, they had their own problems in reaching that Happily Ever After in 1787.

For the full review, please go to http://thewindowseat13.blogspot.com/2... English I am really enjoying this series and so glad I added to my challenge this year! English Feeling restless and confined by his fate, John Banks takes his brother's advice and embarks on a Grand Tour prior to settling down into his profession of country vicar. This tour takes him to post-Revolution America where his Britishness is met with a mixture of distaste and outright hostility. After seeing the perseverance of this proud and determined young nation, John decides to earn his own passage back to England instead of accepting the money his brother has been setting aside for him. His quest for work brings him to Charleston, and across the path of the one type of woman he has always been determined NOT to marry.

Carolina Ellis is bored by Charleston society. Since her brother failed to return home from the war five years ago, it has been clear that the fate of her family's indigo plantation will depend on whomever she marries. The major problem is that she doesn't want to marry the men that her mother keeps throwing at her. So the minute she sees the ragged Englishman walk in to the Charleston ball she is attending, she knows that he is the one to save her from the fate that is suffocating her. Now she just has to convince him of that.

I am all for independent heroines, but Carolina's independence was flat out obnoxious. That being said however, the writer uses her obnoxiousness to prove a point later on in the book, so I will forgive that annoyance. She really was a caring and light-hearted character, and I loved the game that was created to try to shock her.

It was great seeing John grow up and still not have lost his habit of letting trouble find him. He has matured, but he still holds on to the naivete of a truly honest and trusting person. It was also nice hear more about the situation that had him in so much trouble in the previous book.

One of the elements that have come up in book discussions lately is the trend of horrible mothers. After reading many books in the past few years that have increasingly scandalous, uncaring, and even cruel mothers, I must declare that Ms. Gordon wins my vote for creating the most reprehensible mother in Regency Romance (probably all romance, but I am narrowing the field). Mrs. Ellis was so awful it was almost addicting to read scenes with her in it.

Overall, this story was a fun read, but insightful at the same time. It brings attention to the plight of slaves both from the perspective of those who hate it and those who disagree but depend on it. It also shares a bit about the harm of gossip, even if you are innocent. English


At nineteen John Banks decides to board a ship bound for America—oblivious of who he'll find when he arrives.

Having grown up on a large indigo plantation, the expressive and possibly overdramatic, Carolina Ellis can hardly wait to see what the gentlemen of Charleston will be like. But alas, they were not what she'd been hoping for. Ball after ball and dance after dance, Carolina is disappointed time and again.

Then she sees him...

Boston and Philadelphia held no appeal to John, so on a suggestion from a friend, he headed south to the booming town of Charleston, South Carolina. Not meaning to become the center of attention, John becomes exactly that when he walks right into the largest social event of the year dressed like nothing more than a poor drifter.

So what is a penniless man to do when in such a situation? The only thing he can do: rely on his sense of humor to extinguish the tension.

Immediately, Carolina takes a shine to this unusual man and his equally unusual humor and is determined she will do whatever it takes to marry him—Southern aristocracy be damned. His Yankee Bride
