Hex on the Beach (The Magic Mixology Mystery Series Book 1) (English Edition) eBook : LaManna, Gina By Gina LaManna

Fast paced story about a career focused lonely woman whose life takes an unexpected turn when her magic aunts show up and convince her to move to a magic island Hex on the Beach (The Magic Mixology Mystery Series Book 1) (English Edition) eBook : LaManna, Gina I got my ARC copy and dived straight in : )I couldn't put Hex On The Beach down, I love supernatural books especially a cozy mystery that has a bit of everything and this book ticked all the boxes for me. There was a great mystery that was solved with some laugh out loud moments and it was all part of a bigger mystery that will be unfolded throughout the series and I love that you have a mystery that is solved in each book but then it's linked to something bigger that will be eventually revealed so so good.Lily Locke is funny, quirky and just a little crazy so she fits in perfectly with the rest of her family when she meets them. Lily is also stubborn, sassy and knows her own mind, something Ranger X needs to remember. Lily's Aunts are adorable as is her grandmother in a really funny, crazy way and as for her cousins well now who wouldn't want a shapeshifter who has trouble shifting and a vampire with a blood intolerance for family.lol they may all be a bit crazy but they are family and they always have each others backs, which just adds to the magic of this book.With book 1 in this new series being so good I am excited to see what Lily's next adventure will entail, what is this curse all about? What happened to Lily's Mother? and most importantly will the sexy Ranger X ever tell Lily his name ????? : ) that little sideline alone is enough to keep me reading because I now have to know what his name is Ranger X just sounds wrong.lo Hex on the Beach (The Magic Mixology Mystery Series Book 1) (English Edition) eBook : LaManna, Gina Highly enjoyable new series. Meet a new witch with tremendous power a no knowledge how to use it, an adorable family of aunts, cousins and a remarkable grandmother, and last but not least a hunk named Ranger X. It's new and overwhelming, but Lily manages to learn about her legacy and helps solving a murder in less than a month. Hex on the Beach (The Magic Mixology Mystery Series Book 1) (English Edition) eBook : LaManna, Gina I discounted this book the first few times I was recommended it just based on the title and synopsis. Finally decided to give it a try, and I'm so happy I did!! It felt like Happy Potter for adults! I was immediately invested and immersed in this world, and couldn't stop excitedly jabbering to my SO about it. Finally finished it today and can't wait to read the next in the series. Love this new world!! Hex on the Beach (The Magic Mixology Mystery Series Book 1) (English Edition) eBook : LaManna, Gina Hex on the Beach is addictive!Lily Locke has never believed in childish things like witches until she is told she is one. Along with two women claiming to be Aunt's she never knew existed (also witches) she makes her way to The Isle, the hidden dwelling of the magical folk of Minnesota. There she meets family members, a grumpy teacher, a deadly tea seller, a possible love interest (if she can get past the smell of the funny leaves he smokes) and a ranger who is strictly off limitsBut the most important thing Lily has come to find on The Isle is that she is the last surviving Mixologist, a job that many people are after and will go to all lengths to get it.Gina LaManna is my new favourite author. I absolutely love this book. I'm into books like Harry Potter and Twilight so found this to be an extension of my interests. Even if you don't like those kinds of books you may find yourself a fan of The Magic & Mixology series. It's an original premise that I am looking forward to reading of. Particularly to find out if Lily can grab herself a Ranger.I have already pre ordered the second book in the series Witchy Sour. I am counting down the days to it's release. Hex on the Beach (The Magic Mixology Mystery Series Book 1) (English Edition) eBook : LaManna, Gina
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