Heartstopper #4: A Graphic Novel (4) By Alice Oseman
Just the entire series is an absolute masterpiece and I’m so Enveloped in this series I can’t wait till season two on Netflix comes out to cover this book! 384 pages Gah!! These twoI just want to hug them to bits!! All the stars.🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟This volume has it all including a very heartfelt and serious message from the Author [but told in a very matter of fact way] about mental illness and how you can and MUST get help. We know that Charlie has had anxiety/self harm issues in the past, and tied into that, problems with eating but in this story, Charlie finally confesses all to Nick and Nick is so upset that HE starts to panic. Thank God for Nick's mum who is completely amazing [and MUCH understanding than Charlie's own mum], and things eventually start to get better.There are characters I dislike intensely such as Nick's brother David [🤬🤬], and I'm not that keen on his stay away dad either, but there are FAR likeable/loveable characters 💕💕💕, too numerous to name here, who make you feel as though everything will turn out OK in Heartstopper: Volume Five, which will sadly be the last in the series. I understand that Netflix have picked up the rights to the series, and can only hope that they don't Americanise it too muchotherwise it will be ruined. ***update. I understand that the cast is British and is based over here, so fingers crossed. 🤞🤞🤞*** 384 pages I loved this book so much, it is very good! The only issue I had was when it arrived it had a lot of crinkles on the spine. You would’ve thought I was buying a used version. 384 pages I was pleasently surprized when I saw this series was added to Netflix! Sure, its geared towards teens, but as a coming out story, it has much of the fears, worries and angst that many of us in the LGBTQ+ community suffer through. And this is the fourth book! I can't 384 pages Ok, definitivamente este foi o volume mais emocional de Heartstopper – e considerando todas as histórias anteriores ilustradas e escritas por Alice Oseman, definitivamente isto significa muito.O quarto capítulo começa exatamente de onde paramos no anterior: retorno da viagem para Paris e Nick percebendo os problemas alimentares que Charlie lida e tenta esconder se todos. Isto dá o tom de toda a jornada, e vemos os personagem mais fragilizados do que nunca – o que dá toda uma nuance diferente para a série, que a cada sequência acaba ganhando contornos mais reais, sem deixar de lado as características adoráveis lá do primeiro volume.Esta foi a história que mais dei para ler justamente pelos momentos de sobriedade necessários ao tema, então eu realmente precisava estar no clima para ler os quadrinhos. Aliás, a forma responsável com que a autora tratou sobre transtornos alimentares e mandou uma mensagem consciente para seus leitores através das ações de Nick, das conversas que ele tem com a própria mãe e como eles colocam em prática a ajuda que Charlie precisa. (A Tori, irmã do Charlie, também merece uma menção na review mas o momento em que ela mereceu aplausos pode ser considerado um spoiler, então não vou desenvolver muito. Mas sim, ela chutou bundas que já mereciam ser chutada a algum tempo).Enfim, aliado a este momento delicado dos protagonista, a autora também dá mais tempo de 'história' para os outros personagens. Sem sombra de dúvidas os professores são a adição que eu mais gostei, mas é muito bom ver os amigos de Nick e Charlie irem ganhando mais nuance e desenvolvimentos. Mas sabe o que é mais engraçado? Mesmo tendo levado meu tempo para terminar o volume 4, parece que ele passou voando. Isto mostra o quanto eu gosto de estar imerso nesta história e como ela tem um espaço cativo no meu coração. 384 pages
Now I have finished the all the books available and want ! Love this series of graphic novels. Kicking myself for waiting so long to start reading the series! Impatiently waiting for the next book! 384 pages Bought all 4 volumes and personally it's the best positive story telling for the LGBTQ+ community. And personally my favorite I can read over and over and never get bored. 384 pages Fantastic story, lovely diverse characters and absolutely one of my favorite fictional couples. Beautiful story even if you aren't LGBTQIA but especially sweet if you are. 384 pages The best graphic novel out of the other 3 don’t get me wrong they were all amazing but this one just takes the cake. I love the mental health representation in this book and the support from their families. I love Charlie’s sister so much how she defends her little brother. 384 pages Wonderful story. Gentle handling of difficult/challenging topics. Such likable characters!READ THIS SERIES!!! ❤️❤️❤️ 384 pages
Alice Oseman was born in 1994 in Kent, England, and is a full time writer and illustrator. She is the creator of the popular Heartstopper series, which is now streaming on Netflix as a live action TV show. Alice is also the author of four YA novels: Solitaire, Radio Silence, I Was Born for This, and Loveless. Visit her online at aliceoseman.com.
Heartstopper #4: A Graphic Novel (4)