Harry PotterThe Harry Potter SpellbookUnofficial Guide By Stephen Eastment
In your hands you hold the Spell Book of Harry Potter, containing all of the spells that Harry Potter and other great wizards and witches of the Wizarding World have used in the Harry Potter series. This book contains all the spells, what the spells do, and how they are pronounced as well as special essays on magic. With this book I hope that you can learn great spells yourself and become a great wizard or witch like Harry Potter! Harry PotterThe Harry Potter SpellbookUnofficial Guide
Stephen Eastment ´ 5 Download
This book was kind of pointless but still a fun read for someone who loves Harry Potter. It's just a book of all the spells that are in HP with a description of them and the movie or book that they feature in. It was interesting to read about them but all together, as it's unofficial, it's just something to read to pass the time or to reach the Goodreads goal, not much of actual substance. English Since the series was amazing I wish it to be so too English Aquamenti! My favorite spell lol 🙂 English
This book is just a listing of spells from the Harry Potter series, the pronunciations (some of them were wrong), how to do them and what books and scenes they were from: gleaned from wikipedia type sites and put in alphabetical order. As a borrowed book it's not very functional because it's more of a reference book you would need to have hanging around for when you needed it. However, could the rest of its contents be trusted when some of it was wrong? I'm certainly not going to research it. That would defeat the purpose of the book. Also, at only 80 pages I wouldn't pay more than 99¢ for the ebook, if you can find one. English I love Harry Potter, so.... English Pretty okay. Wouldn't recommend if you're looking for something more insightful. English I mean, it wasn’t exactly entertaining because it’s a bunch of information, I had no idea that existed in the HP universe, but I still liked it. (I already know half of the things that were here; it was kinda boring actually:( English K tejto krásnej knihe kúziel som sa dostala asi tak, že som strávila na internete hodiny hľadania kníh z Harryho Potter. Chcela som knihu, ktorá by obsahovala všetky kúzla z môjho milovaného čarodejníckeho sveta a ja by som ich mala pohromade. Až som ju našla.
Táto kniha je skôr zberateľským klenotom ako tým čitateľským.
Okrem hromady kúziel obsahuje aj čarodejnícke recepty, zahŕňajúc recept na ďatelinové pivo, Harryho narodeninovú tortu či Lunin puding a iné. Nájdeme v nej aj vysvetlenie manifestácie či muklovské kúzla dobrej mágie.
Súčasťou sú aj stránky popísané príliš motivačnými textami (čo mňa osobne vôbec nenadchlo), ale keďže je kniha zameraná na detského čitateľa, uznávam dobrú myšlienku celého diela. Tiež som sa musela pousmiať nad prirovnaniami, ktoré kombinovali muklovský a čarodejnícky svet. Napríklad šikanátor bol prirovnaný k boggartovi a podobne.
Ako som už spomínala, v knihe nie je veľmi čo čítať, ale je skvelá na rozšírenie znalostí kúziel. Jediné, čo v knihe chýba sú pohyby prútiku, ktoré sa vykonávajú počas čarovania. Inak je krásna 😊
4/5🌟 English