Guarding Her Body By Ella Goode

Ella Goode ☆ 5 review

Child actress Sadie Monroe grew up under the hot lights of Hollywood. Her good girl image takes a hit when it's revealed her mom-ager has been stealing from Sadie for years. The scandal sites are ablaze again when semi-nude photos of her are released. Her new manager wants her to take advantage of this and pivot to a daring new role, but Sadie longs for a normal life with a husband and kids.

When Sawyer Locke is asked to protect film star Sadie Monroe, he agrees immediately even though he doesn't like celebrities. Sadie Monroe is different. Behind her glossy image, he can see both her fear and her longing. What might have started as a job becomes a mission for Sawyer to protect not only Sadie's life, but also her heart. Guarding Her Body

Insta love

Ella writes Insta love like a boss. Growly Alpha male leads who can back up every dirty word that pours from their mouth. With one look these men know instantly they’ve found their forever.

The female leads are relatable. Always genuinely nice so you can’t help you like them.

It’s a definite yes from me. Romance, Ebooks, Suspense

You're my girl. Aren't you?
Yes, I agree. He nips at my neck, making me whimper with need. I'm so close.
Say it. Say you're my girl.
I'm your girl, I rush to say.
And I take care of my girl. Be my good girl and give me what I want. Come for me.

J/p romance at its finest!! 4.5 stars!

Sometimes you just need a great insta-love story with a deliciously possessive hero and a not-so-innocent starlet heroine. I freaking love the celebrity/bodyguard trope, and Ella Goode knocked it out of the park with this one! ♡ Romance, Ebooks, Suspense
'Voy a necesitar toda una vida para protegerla.
Tal vez tres vidas'.

•Mi opinión puede contener Spoilers

•Esta destinada a ser un descargo personal no para que alguien más lea pero si lo haces y te ofende, me disculpo porque sé lo que es que te guste un libro y otros lo critiquen

Guarding her body de Ella Goode


La actriz infantil Sadie Monroe ha crecido bajo las luces de Hollywood. Su imagen de niña buena se ve afectada cuando se revela que su mamá/representante ha estado robando a Sadie durante años. Los sitios de escándalo vuelven a arder cuando se publican fotos de ella semidesnuda. Su nuevo representante quiere que se aproveche de esto y que cambie a un nuevo y atrevido papel, pero Sadie anhela una vida normal con un marido e hijos.

Cuando a Sawyer Locke le piden que proteja a la estrella de cine Sadie Monroe, acepta inmediatamente aunque no le gusten los famosos.

Sadie Monroe es diferente. Detrás de su imagen brillante, puede ver tanto su miedo como su anhelo. Lo que podría haber empezado como un trabajo se convierte en una misión para Nathan, para proteger no solo la vida de Sadie, sino también su corazón.

Mí humilde opinión:

Disfruté la historia de Sawyer y Sadie. Estos son los protagonistas que me compran de esta autora, héroe posesivo pero totalmente adorable y heroína inocente pero totalmente adorable, juntos son dulces y calientan las páginas.

Hubo algo de intriga con un acosador que para mí sorpresa se resolvió rápido, me hubiera gustado que Locke atrape y le de su merecido. A pesar de eso, no dejó de ser una lectura linda y entretenida con un buen HEA y epílogo.

Espero que haya un libro de Carol y Stone, había algo ahí sucediendo. Romance, Ebooks, Suspense Read similar plots before.

Like this one. Sweet and quick! Romance, Ebooks, Suspense That was cute! Now of course I'm looking forward to books with Sparks and Romy, and Stone and Carol. 4 stars Romance, Ebooks, Suspense


romantic and smutttyyyyyy!! Romance, Ebooks, Suspense I want to be her everything.

Another good story by Ella Goode. Locke falls hard and fast for Sadie. He's possessive and makes his whole world about her. The whole stalker thing was wrapped up quickly and without much drama. Virgin h, no deets on his past but doesn't seem like a virgin or MW, no cheating or abuse, epilogue is years later. Romance, Ebooks, Suspense No strong representation of diverse characters or minority identities.

Overall: 3.5-stars

Safety Rating: Safe

Possible Triggers: Yes

Ending: Romance, Ebooks, Suspense Sweet and Entertaining!

Cute story and a quick read under two hours. Sadie Monor and Sawyer Locke was a couple that wanted the same things in life. To love and show devotion to someone special. Sawyer and Sadie did not know what was ahead of them but found stable ground to stand on. The story had drama and a little bit of suspense thrown in.

This story is definitely worth 3-stars because of the interesting plot, but it did have errors in the book. You some time did not know who or what was taking place as others have mentioned in the book. I believe this book could very well be worth 5-stars if a decent editor was used.

All in all…….good story to read on a slow day!
Romance, Ebooks, Suspense 4*

Simple love story of a bodyguard and an actress.
This is a fast-pace novella so don’t take things too serious if you want it to be enjoyable.
Virgin h.
Implied that H is a virgin and if he’s not, he doesn’t appear like a whore.
OMs want h (a stalker and a co-star)
HEA. Epilogue 25 years later which upgraded my ratting from 3 to 4⭐️

Romance, Ebooks, Suspense