High up in the Bolivian Andes-4,000 meters above sea level-lies Puma punku, an ancient ruined city that simply could never have been constructed by its Stone Age inhabitants.Something here really stinks to high heaven, writes Erich von Daniken.
In Twilight of the Gods, says von Daniken, I document precisely what it was that left the first visitors breathless as they stood before the mighty stone blocks some 400 years ago. I will show you what archeologists discovered hundreds of years ago and demonstrate how much has been destroyed over the centuries. Intentionally.
I will also prove that Puma punku was not built by any Stone Age people.
And in December 2012, the gods will return from their long journey and appear again here on Earth. At least that is what the Mayan calendar would have us believe.
The so-called gods--the extraterrestrials--will come again. We're headed for a 'god shock' of major proportions.
But doesn't anyone with half a brain know that interstellar travel is simply impossible because of the sheer distances involved? And that extraterrestrials would never look like us?
Well, dear readers, I destroy these preconceptions. Systematically. One bit at a time.
In his own inimitable way, Erich von Daniken picks these preconceptions and prejudices apart with a clarity no other author could manage. Twilight of the Gods: The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the Extraterrestrials
CHARACTERS Twilight of the Gods: The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the Extraterrestrials
While reading this I imagined an angry grandma sitting and yelling all that stuff in my ear. That's how I would describe author's writing style: in the face. Theories mentioned here were quite interesting, though, interesting in a fictional way that is. This whole book could be described as a fanfic for known historical and archeological facts. A fun read nevertheless. Twilight of the Gods: The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the Extraterrestrials To read Daniken's book, you have to be aware that Daniken not only believes in aliens but propounds that aliens created humans. I have read many of Daniken's books and have always found him to be fascinating.
Yet, this book wasn't one of my favorites. I felt the title mostly capitalized on the upcoming Mayan prophecy without really fully explaining it. I wanted a clear explanation for December 23, 2012 but felt this book didn't do any better of a job than any of the documentaries or articles I've already read. Could that be because it's all a bunch of bunk? Probably. But, fun bunk.
The author does make a very clear and believable argument that Mayan culture was so technologically and culturally advanced that some other ancient alien culture must have been involved. One thing I really like about Daniken as a researcher is that he actually goes into the field to examine the evidence and doesn't just rely on others' works and hearsay. This book also provides photographic evidence so the reader can 'see' for him or herself.
It is a really fast, really fun read and a good introduction to Daniken and his theories. Twilight of the Gods: The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the Extraterrestrials If I read this book ten years ago, I would have tossed it in the corner with his other famous work, Chariots of the Gods. But, my opinions have changed in ten years. I used to think Mr. von Daniken skipped over our potentials as human beings and fixed our civilization's greatest achievements on Sirius. But, then, I aged and listened and read more about exactly how, for example, the pyrimids were built. How did Egyptians 4000 years ago carve limestone blocks (yes, I know it's soft material) which weighed tons and drag them in place in the form of a pyramid? How was Puma Punka built? How did ancient indians in Peru drag 20 ton stones up a mountian and build a temple? As many Ancient Alien scholars would say: There are no answers.
At least Mr. von Daniken has answers, when he's faced with these overwhelming monuments. I don't her any others. The book is on my shelf, next to Chariots of the Gods. Twilight of the Gods: The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the Extraterrestrials Really good book, this is the second book i've read from Erich and its just breath taking. He made me think about things that i would never think before.
I believe! I believe! Twilight of the Gods: The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the Extraterrestrials Her zaman görünenin dışındaki şeylere ilgim olmuştur. Yani bir nevi komplo teorileri ilgimi çekiyor. Tanrıların Arabaları'nı seneler önce belki ilkokuldayken okudum ve etkilendim. Çünkü yazarın bahsettiği konular ilginizi çekmese, kesinlikle inanmasanız bile yazar sizi etkiliyor. Kesinlikle yazış tarzında bir şey var, ben zaten ezelden beri bu tip konulara yatkınım bir de Erich amca size anlatınca bak şimdi demeden edemiyorsunuz. Yazarın amacı sizi anlattıklarına birebir inandırmak değil zaten, yani böyle bir ihtimal olamaz mı, çok mu zor olabileceğine inanmak diyor size. Bu sefer de taş devri insanlarının yapamayacağı yapılarla dolu Puma Punku'yu anlatıyor. Adamın uzmanlığı eski metinler olduğu için de aklınıza gelebilecek envai çeşit eski yazılardan alıntılar da yapıyor. Ne zaman bu adam aklıma gelse prehistorya, arkeoloji, sanat tarihi gibi bölümleri okuma isteğim tekrar beni ele alıyor. Ama zaman koşulları malum, tamamen alakasız bir şekilde diş hekimi olup çıkıyoruz. Yine de içimin gitmediğini söylemeden geçemiyorum. Diğer kitaplarını okuma isteğim hatta Tanrıların Arabaları'nı tekrar okuma isteğim tavan yapmış bir halde. Twilight of the Gods: The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the Extraterrestrials
I think I would have enjoyed this more if I hadn't watched all of the Ancient Aliens episodes on History Channel
I found the discussion of the dating of the MAyan Calendar very interesting and informative... it explains why the identified date of 12-21 (or 23) -2012 may NOT be the correct date... the date is based on interpretations and assumptions.
I think Von Daniken makes very good points about the much older age of the earth - and it's people - than mainstream science does. It seems very plausible that there have been civilizations that were destroyed through earth's ancient past cataclysms - civilizations that have been lost to us.
Puma Punku is one set of remains that is not explained by our mainstream science - the technology required would have taken technology that mainstream science does not attribute to the stone-age peoples of that time.
Were there extraterrestrials who cane to earth and assisted the people who were here many, many years ago? I believe there were. I believe we are rather limited in our thinking to believe that our time and civilization, our planet, is all there is ... we try to put limits on things that are infinite Twilight of the Gods: The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the Extraterrestrials This book is remarkable. I can't go a day without thinking about it, and all I want to do is find out more information. Erich von Daniken makes all of the science, astronomy, and archeology understandable. Most who see the title will come to the conclusion that this book is about the Mayans predicting the end of the world, but not once in this book did he say the world will end in December 2012. I was surprised at the contents of this book, and I'm sure others who read it will be too. All I can say is, this book is amazing and everyone should read it. Twilight of the Gods: The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the Extraterrestrials I've been reading von Daniken's books for the last 45yrs., & though I don't agree w/all of his theories, I have to say his research is intense & he uses facts to try to prove his theories. Overall, I agree w/most of his beliefs. He's written a ton of books, packed full of facts. Anyone interested in alien theories should read ALL of his non-fiction books. Twilight of the Gods: The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the Extraterrestrials В чем все же прелесть книжек фон Дэникена — он в них задает очень простые, почти детские вопросы (хоть часто и риторические) и совершенно этого не стыдится. В отличие, например, от тех же жанровых фантастов, которые принимают позы «голубых воришек», или ученых, которые их не задают. И он, конечно, не боится фантазировать, что немедленно в нем как в фигуре автора и вообще мыслящем существе подкупает, как бы мы к нему лично ни относились (а человек он может оказаться очень запросто неприятным). В общем, за что и ценим.
В том же, что касается текущего положения дел (эта книга — из недавних, напомню), а не далекого непредсказуемого прошлого или не менее далекого и непредсказуемого будущего, Дэникен оказывается удивительно здравым собеседником, носителем правильного планетарного и даже космического сознания. Позы в этом, судя по всему, нет — это невыгодно. Но он хотя бы подходит ко всему без этого устаревшего антропоцентризма, и за это спасибо. Twilight of the Gods: The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the Extraterrestrials Dievų saulėlydis nenustebins ir nepapasakos nieko naujo nei vienam žmogui, žiūrėjusiam bent kelias Ancient aliens serijas, ypač iš pirmųjų pasirodžiusių. Kita vertus, sakyti, jog čia yra nieko naujo, nieko verto ir nieko gero taip pat nereiktų, nes:
* kiekvienas susiras kažkokių naujų faktų ar idėjų - kaip ne kaip, interpretacijas galima vertinti nevienodai ir kaip kas nori bei supranta, tam jos ir yra interpretacijos (Alio, mano lietuvių kalbos mokytoja, ar girdi?), bet citatos iš įvairiausių šventraščių ir dokumentų yra tikslios, tad prisikabinti dėl faktų iškraipymo nebus kaip;
* vertė yra sąlyginis dalykas - aš visai smagiai praleidau keletą trumpų valandėlių skaitydamas šitą knygą, tad akivaizdu, jog buvo verta;
* gerai yra tai, kad kaip bežiūrėsi, net ir visiškai crazy idėjos kartais gali atrodyti logiškos, ypač kai susiduri su tuo, kas buvo labai labai seniai ir yra gan miglota bei sunkiai paaiškinama net ir rimtojo šiuolaikinio mokslo.
O šiaip viskas su tuo saulėlydžiu yra allright, visi mes esame ateiviai, nes kaip ne kaip we are all made of stars. Viena kita nekenksminga teorija dar niekam nepatrukdė, tuolab kad žmonijos istorija mena ne vieną atvejį, kai naujos teorijos iškėlėjas būdavo maišomas su žemėmis ar iš jo atvirai tyčiojamasi ar net grasinama (Kopernikas ar Galilėjus, anyone?), bet galų gale paaiškėdavo, kad gal ne tokios ir juokingos tos teorijos buvo, ar ne?
Žodžiu, pernelyg rimtai į šią knygą žiūrėt nereikėtų, bet kaip laisvalaikio skaitinys, iškeliantis crazy, bet visai įdomių, kartais netgi labai logiškai skambančių teorijų, Dievų saulėlydis yra visai geras. Twilight of the Gods: The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the Extraterrestrials