Growing Up as the Scapegoat to a Narcissistic Parent: A Guide to Healing By Jay Reid

Jay Reid ✓ 1 REVIEW

This book is for those who suffered as the scapegoat child to a narcissistic parent. The scapegoat child is emotionally deprived, devalued and trapped by the parent. The child comes to believe they are defective and undeserving. These beliefs can plague the individual into adulthood.

Scapegoating reflects the narcissistic parent’s own emotional disturbance – NOT the child’s.

Healing is possible for scapegoat survivors! New healthy beliefs about oneself can be established. This book explains how to heal with the three pillars of recovery:

1) Making sense of the narcissistic abuse so you know it was not your fault
2) Creating distance from narcissistic abusers in your life today
3) Living in defiance of the narcissist's rules

Readers will learn to apply these pillars in their own lives and reclaim the quality of life they deserve.
Growing Up as the Scapegoat to a Narcissistic Parent: A Guide to Healing

Accurately described the experience of the scapegoated child of a narcissistic parent as well as the consequences of that abuse. Growing Up as the Scapegoat to a Narcissistic Parent: A Guide to Healing Eye-opening… I can see narcissists in matrix code now. Growing Up as the Scapegoat to a Narcissistic Parent: A Guide to Healing Captured my experience as the scapegoat with 100 % accuracy and describes the recovery process

This is the most helpful book about growing up in a narcissistic family, the impacts on survivors as adults, and how to recover from that hellish experience that I have ever read. I saw myself vividly in those pages and it made me appreciate myself and all that I have had to overcome in my life. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who may be struggling to leave that nightmare, which you did not deserve but managed to survive, behind you where it belongs, and to feel good about just enjoying your life. Growing Up as the Scapegoat to a Narcissistic Parent: A Guide to Healing This book is really insightful for anyone who grew up in a narcissistic family, but especially for those who resonate with being in a scapegoated role. Being a scapegoat can be so harmful, and it can take a long time to unravel the layers of hurt and trauma caused by a narcissistic family. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to heal from narcissistic abuse! Growing Up as the Scapegoat to a Narcissistic Parent: A Guide to Healing
