Growing Money: A Complete Investing Guide for Kids By Gail Karlitz


Written in an easy to understand format that this book should be mandatory for middle schoolers. Read it to my 5 & 4 yr olds and I guarantee they now know about investing and saving than your typical person on the street. 978-0843199055 As always I read the book before giving it to someone else to read (in this case my little brother). Now I know stocks, so I can tell you what I think. This book doesn't tell kids what they should know, it tells kids what everyone ELSE knowsthat's rightNOTHING. It 978-0843199055 This is one of the two books that is a required reading book for our children. The school systems seem to lack an education on money and finance, so we found this book. It is a simple readeven our 10 year old was able to read it and understand the concepts. With the 978-0843199055 I love this book and will always recommend it, even to adults. It's a short read, only taking me about 2 hours from start to finish, but I learned so much. Even as a financial literacy advocate, I learned so much about the origin of the stock market, different types of 978-0843199055 My 11 yr old wanted this book along with other set of money for kids book, but this one is geared towards teenagers. Still great book. 978-0843199055

My 8 year old read this book and took the quizzes. He's still not a wizard but hopefully it helps 978-0843199055 It’s a great little book. I’m hoping to learn a few a things and pass that info along. 978-0843199055 I bought this book for my 12 year old to help him gain a basic understanding of investments. I came up with a reward for when he finished reading it but in retrospect I doubt I really had to. Once he started reading it he was hooked. This book was engaging enough to keep 978-0843199055 I got this for my kids to learn about money. They easily understood the concept of savings account but were very curious about stocks and bonds. It encouraged them to add up all their coins and dollars and start saving. I liked to watch them getting so inspired to do house 978-0843199055 El libro está en inglés, así que tus hijos deberán tener cierto nivel para seguirlo. Hay algunas cosas que específicas de USA (aparte de que siempre se menciona al dólar y ni a otra moneda), pero en general todo es válido.Lo suyo es leerlo junto con los críos o, en su defecto, que vayan ellos leyendo un capítulo y que luego pregunten lo que no hayan entendido, haciéndoles a su vez algunas preguntas de control.Mientras que no haya nada parecido en castellano, es una buena opción. 978-0843199055

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