Grafted In: Israel, Gentiles, And The Mystery Of The Gospel By D. Thomas Lancaster

Title: Grafted In
Author: D. Tomas Lancaster
Pages: 190
Year: 2009
Publisher: First Fruits of Zion
My rating: 4 out of 5 stars.
Want to think outside the box? Do you want to gain a different perspective?
Grafted In by D. Thomas Lancaster is a thought-provoking book that explores the Scriptures regarding how Gentiles are grafted into the olive tree of Israel. There are chapters exploring the mystery of the gospel as Paul wrote, or how God spoke at Sinai. Throughout the book there are places where the original language is compared to transliteration and what the consequences have been throughout time. The author attempts to help people understand the Scriptures and its writers from their Jewish world. In the book, Daniel Lancaster explores and explains the role of Israel and the Gentiles coming together but not replacing the God-created order.
One section of the book I found fascinating was how Jewish understanding made baptism more meaningful to me. Another section of the book shares how Jesus came to Israel and the lost sheep to save them, and then expands that to how Gentiles come into the same fold. I learned how special Israel is to God’s heart and how Gentiles have a role too. One without the other isn’t possible. There are some things the author shares I either didn’t understand and need to investigate further or had questions that I would like answered. But the book is a great place to begin allowing God to stretch your understanding of Him and what He is doing today.
Note: The opinions shared in this review are solely my responsibility.
English Really good analysis of Paul's mystery of the Gospel, the question of how Gentiles fit in God's plan for salvation. The question the Jerusalem Council in Acts had to deal with was Do Gentile converts in Jesus have to undergo the full conversion ritual in order to be saved? Lancaster looks at Paul's answer that he addresses throughout the New Testament letters and examines them in light of the Tanakh scriptures. English not as good as the original, The Mystery of the Gospel English


The Apostle Paul compared Gentile Christians to olive branches cut from wild olive trees and grafted into the olive tree of Israel. He believed that the dividing wall separating Jew and Gentile had been removed, and to him this was the mystery of the Gospel. From where does Paul derive his conclusions, and what does being grafted in mean? Grafted In is a book for Christians exploring their Hebrew Roots, for Gentiles in Messianic Judaism, and for Jewish believers seeking answers about Paul. Grafted In: Israel, Gentiles, And The Mystery Of The Gospel

Review Grafted In: Israel, Gentiles, And The Mystery Of The Gospel