Goodbye Lupus: How a Medical Doctor Healed Herself Naturally With Supermarket Foods By Brooke Goldner M.D.

Read Goodbye Lupus: How a Medical Doctor Healed Herself Naturally With Supermarket Foods

A synopsis:1. Give up everything except kale and raw nuts.2. Don’t cook anything.3. Don’t eat any meat, don’t even fart in the general direction of an animal.4. No oil. No butter. Dairy? Hell no.5. Move to California so you have access to year round kale and avocados.The End. 105 pages This is definitely of an autobiography with some recipes but it is very inspiring and motivating. Having just being diagnosed with Lupus I feel that this book is a good stepping stone to starting the journey and getting in the right mind frame to implement the right steps. I have used some of the recipes and will continue to reread the book when I need any added motivation as to Why I am doing this. 105 pages


I was very excited about reading this book as it had been recommended on a wholefood plant based website, but im so disapointed.The book is mainly the authours journey with lupus. It has some good tips on what to cut out and why , but that really is quite a small part of the book. The book has a few recipies, but it also has a family photo album. I just find it a bit strange that this book has pafes filled with photos of the author and her family , than recipies.I think this book is over priced and if it was condensed to contain only useful information that could help people recover from lupus , it would be nothing than a booklet. Im sorry this review seems harsh, but i feel quite annoyed that ive paid this much for a book that isnt really very useful. 105 pages I think that what Dr. Goldner is advocating is brilliant, and probably life changing for those who stick to her protocol. I just thought the book laboured the message and is expensive for what it is. Here's the take away 1. get rid of all animal products from your diet, 2. get rid of all processed foods, 3. make a smoothie every day containing 75% greens (kale, spinach, chard, etc) say, around 500g, and 70g of flax or chia seeds (for omega 3 fat) , 4. Drink 4 litres of water. 5. Get plenty of sleep, and minimise stress. If you can eat mainly raw foods that would be great. I suppose you need to read her story though, to really buy in to what she is saying. 105 pages This book could've been written on a webpage..! All it is is a very short description of Brooke's life story so far. It doesn't go into details about HOW she 'cured' her Lupus, merely gives sketchy generalisations. The 'recipes' (if you can call them that) are just the most basic tasteless smoothies you'd find with a quick internet search, and there's only 6 of them. The latter half, yes that's half, of the book is a very odd section that contains several photos of Brooke.. from childhood to now. Given the fact no one knows who she is.. this seems gratuitous and a total waste of space (and my money). 105 pages Ok 105 pages J'ai adoré mm si je ne parle pas anglais Ce livre m'a bcp aidé 105 pages

Brooke Goldner, M.D. is a board certified physician known world wide for being a medical doctor who has developed a nutrition based treatment for for her own autoimmune disease, Lupus. In this personal and intimate story, she takes you through the pain of her illness and her miraculous recovery, and how she discovered the simple yet powerful way to help the human body heal through proper nourishment. Dr. Goldner makes it easy to understand this essential information on how food can cause and heal disease, teaching it simply and plainly. She created easy to follow steps you can take to achieving better health yourself using supermarket foods. Also included are her favorite recipes for getting healthier.This is a second edition with proper formatting. First edition issues have been resolved. Goodbye Lupus: How a Medical Doctor Healed Herself Naturally With Supermarket Foods