Gleams from the Rawdat al-Shuhada (Garden of the Martryrs) of Husayn Vaiz Kashifi By Abdal Hakim Murad


Beautifully translated - makes one yearn for more Religion Spirituality, Philosophy, History
Truly remarkable and wondrous!

Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad is truly pioneering in his efforts for Islam in the West and this is the latest addition, undoubtedly will be well received and deeply appreacited by the Western Muslim English speaking world and/or lovers of Persian poetry. Loving the Ahl al-Bayt is a central tenant of both Sunni and Shia Islam, and needs to be revived with the vigour of yesteryears in order for the worldwide Ummah (Muslim community) to regain it's past glory and rightful place. These are selections from the larger original Farsi work and they have been rendered for English recital in traditional soulful Celtic melodies.

An audio CD is also available of a complete reading and recital, and comes highly recommended too. Religion Spirituality, Philosophy, History

Abdal Hakim Murad Ë 9 Read

Litanies and songs about the great Muharram commemoration of Husayn Vaiz Kashifi, the poet of Herat. Featuring soulful Celtic melodies and unique English, Arabic and Celtic words. Learn the sorrows of the Prophetic House, and the greatness of their allies and true followers. Gleams from the Rawdat al-Shuhada (Garden of the Martryrs) of Husayn Vaiz Kashifi