Gladys the Magic Chicken By Adam Rubin

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What's magic about Glady's? You have to read this most enjoyable picture book to find out. Hardcover I took a leaf out of a friend's book and read this aloud to my husband. He was a captive and appreciative audience and laughed out loud several times. This book is a winner! We loved the story, which had a natural rhythm and flow to it and the illustrations were vibrant. Hardcover I like this book very much though I am a bit biased. Hardcover We listened to the audio book on the way to school. A fun little story about a magic chicken. Will even laughed at parts. Hoping to buy a physical copy soon. best part? Author dedicated the book to Gary Larson. Hardcover Hilarious story of a chicken who may or may not be able to grant wishes. Whatever, Gladys is a beautiful bird. Hardcover

A picture book about a chicken who unexpectedly finds herself on an epic journey during Ancient Times.

Gladys the chicken must be magic. After all, for everyone who encounters her, a wish is granted. The Shepherd Boy wishes to be beautiful, the Brave Swordsman wishes to join the Royal Guard, the Purple Pooh-bah wishes for his only daughter to be happy, and the Learned Princess wishes to escape the palace. And one by one, each of these wishes comes true. But . . . is Gladys really magic? Or is everyone making their own fortune? Either way, it adds up to an adventure for a chicken named Gladys. Gladys the Magic Chicken


This story is a perfect read aloud filled with wonderings and surprises for the listener. Love the illustrations too. Hardcover LOVE THIS BOOK!! Hardcover This was great fun to read aloud to my husband over dinner! Rubin and Rex have a winner - what a fantastic team of hysterically funny prose and bright, colorful illustrations! Gladys has plooped her way into our hearts, and I'll be purchasing this for my personal collection! Hardcover Silly story about a so called magic chicken from ancient times. Hardcover For a picture book this one was a little windy, super long and put my child to right to sleep. I almost got tired from reading it aloud. Hardcover