Getting Love Right By Dallas Willard


Such wisdom

Dallas Willard understands spiritual formation like no one else. Thankful for this thought-provoking and challenging essay. To submit in the will to the reformation of the heart into one who Ioves as Jesus loved is Dallas’ exhortation and our Lord’s great desire for his children. Excellent read. Short and deep. Kindle Edition Christian Love

Great explanation and practical application of what love really is. A fresh perspective on how to embody and possess agape love. Kindle Edition This essay about the nature of Christian love is beautiful and enlightening. Willard points beyond the duty to act loving to which we often aspire and describes how a life rooted and grounded in the love of God actually transforms God's people into individuals who can love sincerely, from the heart, any person in any situation. This is a growth over time, of course. And love is not only warm feeling, but is a will for the good of the other person. But it is not lacking in warmth, either, as we sometimes picture in the mode of just acting loving and hoping feelings will follow. Willard's way of describing how we are meant to love also somehow manages to escape perfectionistic tendencies. I wish every believer who read this. It is short enough to reread even regularly, which I plan to do to reflect on it better, and seek to grow more to be loving like Jesus. Kindle Edition Deep

Deep calling for us to come deeper from where we are. And with insight on how to do that if we would Kindle Edition Loved it. Kindle Edition


Possessed by love

What a revolutionary idea. We don't try to do love but become a person possessed by love and the result is we do love.
I definitely want to practice this and wait to see how it can change my character Kindle Edition When we get it right “Love ceases to be the hopeless task of doing loving things: the things that love, if you had it and it had you, would do. It rests in the love of God for us and casts all care upon him because he cares for us.” Kindle Edition A thoughtworthy essay on one of the most basic themes of Christian life and faith. It's brief and there might leave some things out, as for example a clearer how. But this will do perfectly as a conversation starter on how to live and teach this in different contexts. Kindle Edition This is a fantastic piece on what agape love is, and what it does. It helps one think properly about, and distinguish between, the loves that permeate society, and the love which Jesus brings. Willard says, Our aim under love is not to be loving to this or that person, or in this or that kind of situation, but to be a person possessed by love as an overall character of life... I do not come to my enemy and then try to love them, I come to them as a loving person. Getting love right is learning how to pursue and allow love to do work in you.

This book can be read in less than an hour. So read it! Kindle Edition Very short read that was actually once a lecture Dallas Willard gave at a conference. One of the main points is that in our culture love is defined as acting intentionally, in sympathetic response to others (including God), to promote overall well-being. He agrees that this is a pretty solid definition, but takes it further. Mr. Willard says that by studying the writings of Paul, he has come to the conclusion that love is not an action (not even action with special intention), but a condition of the heart out of which certain types of action emerge. Great short read with lots to ponder. Kindle Edition

A paper presented by Dallas Willard at the American Association of Christian Counselors conference in Nashville, TN, on September 15, 2007. Conference Theme: No Greater Love. Dr. Willard explains the importance of the Apostle Paul's teaching on love: It is Paul who really helps us to understand the love of which Jesus and the New Testament speak. There is, needless to say, much confusion about love, and what Paul says about it, as well as his practice, can help us to get agape love—and therewith all the other 'loves' of the Greek and other languages—right.

This paper is being sold on Kindle in order to fund ongoing work of the Dallas Willard family to continue his legacy through publishing his unpublished works and making his ideas accessible to the broadest possible audience. Getting Love Right