Get Rich Collection50 Classic Books on How to Attract Money and Success in your Life: Think and Grow Rich,The Game of Life and How to Play it, The Science of Getting Rich, Dollars Want Me... By Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, Benjamin Franklin, Charles F. Haanel, Florence Scovel Shinn, Wallace D. Wattles, James Allen, Lao Tzu, Khalil Gibran, Orison Swett Marden, Abner Bayley, P.T. Barnum, Marcus Aurelius, Henry Thomas Hamblin, Joseph Murphy, William Crosbie Hunter, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry H. Brown, Russell H. Conwell, William Atkinson, B.F. Austin, H.A. Lewis, L.W. Rogers, Douglas Fairbanks, Sun Tzu, Samuel Smiles

50 Top class books in only Rs 38 ! I just can't imazine. The books are famous for the years and can change one's life Get Rich Collection50 Classic Books on How to Attract Money and Success in your Life: Think and Grow Rich,The Game of Life and How to Play it, The Science of Getting Rich, Dollars Want Me... All in one.superb self help series Get Rich Collection50 Classic Books on How to Attract Money and Success in your Life: Think and Grow Rich,The Game of Life and How to Play it, The Science of Getting Rich, Dollars Want Me... Excellent collection Get Rich Collection50 Classic Books on How to Attract Money and Success in your Life: Think and Grow Rich,The Game of Life and How to Play it, The Science of Getting Rich, Dollars Want Me... Lots of typos Get Rich Collection50 Classic Books on How to Attract Money and Success in your Life: Think and Grow Rich,The Game of Life and How to Play it, The Science of Getting Rich, Dollars Want Me... Usually I don't read a first person story but I found this quite a immersive experience. Without revealing too much, I can just say that there is a slash of reality mixed with a supernatural gift that makes you curious in the ways that it could be used and how it will develop. Overall there was a rollercoaster of a journey. I would recommend this book for those who like a adventurous story. Get Rich Collection50 Classic Books on How to Attract Money and Success in your Life: Think and Grow Rich,The Game of Life and How to Play it, The Science of Getting Rich, Dollars Want Me...


READ Get Rich Collection50 Classic Books on How to Attract Money and Success in your Life: Think and Grow Rich,The Game of Life and How to Play it, The Science of Getting Rich, Dollars Want Me...

We proudly present this collection of classic self help works on how to attract success and money in your life.


1. Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich
2. Benjamin Franklin The Way to Wealth
3. Charles F. Haanel The Master Key System
4. Florence Scovel Shinn The Game of Life and How to Play it
5. Wallace D. Wattles How to Get What You Want
6. Wallace D. Wattles The Science of Getting Rich
7. Wallace D. Wattles The Science of Being Well
8. Wallace D. Wattles The Science of Being Great
9. P.T. Barnum The Art of Money Getting
10. Dale Carnegie The Art of Public Speaking
11. James Allen As A Man Thinketh
12. James Allen From Poverty to Power
13. James Allen Eight Pillars of Prosperity
14. James Allen Foundation Stones to Happiness and Success
15. James Allen Men and Systems
16. James Allen Above Lifes Turmoil
17. James Allen The Life Triumphant
18. Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching
19. Khalil Gibran The Prophet
20. Orison Swett Marden Abner Bayley An Iron Will
21. Orison Swett Marden Ambition and Success
22. Orison Swett Marden The Victorious Attitude
23. Orison Swett Marden Architects of Fate; Or, Steps to Success and Power
24. Orison Swett Marden Pushing to the Front
25. Orison Swett Marden How to Succeed
26. Orison Swett Marden Cheerfulness As a Life Power
27. Marcus Aurelius Meditations
28. Henry Thomas Hamblin Within You is the Power
29. William Crosbie Hunter Dollars and Sense
30. William Crosbie Hunter Evening Round Up
31. Joseph Murphy The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
32. Ralph Waldo Emerson Self Reliance
33. Ralph Waldo Emerson Compensation
34. Henry H. Brown Concentration: The Road to Success
35. Henry H. Brown Dollars Want Me
36. Russell H. Conwell Acres of Diamonds
37. Russell H. Conwell The Key to Success
38. Russell H. Conwell What You Can Do With Your Will Power
39. Russell H. Conwell Every Man is Own University
40. William Atkinson The Art of Logical Thinking
41. William Atkinson The Psychology of Salesmanship
42. B.F. Austin How to Make Money
43. H.A. Lewis Hidden Treasure
44. L.W. Rogers Self Development and the Way to Power
45. Douglas Fairbanks Laugh and Live
46. Douglas Fairbanks Making Life Worth While
47. Sun Tzu The Art of War
48. Samuel Smiles Character
49. Samuel Smiles Thrift
50. Samuel Smiles Self Help Get Rich Collection50 Classic Books on How to Attract Money and Success in your Life: Think and Grow Rich,The Game of Life and How to Play it, The Science of Getting Rich, Dollars Want Me...

Worth every penny Get Rich Collection50 Classic Books on How to Attract Money and Success in your Life: Think and Grow Rich,The Game of Life and How to Play it, The Science of Getting Rich, Dollars Want Me... The value of what the publisher of this book has done for its readers is immeasurable when it comes to the vast intrinsic cornucopia of knowledge it provides for a fraction of what individual copies of the 50 books contained in this compendium, which have been written by 26 renowned, prominent authors in their fields, would have cost.

Some of the titles included in this compendium in this collection include:

Benjamin Franklin The Way to Wealth
Dale Carnegie The Art of Public Speaking
Florence Scovel Shinn The Game of Life and How to Play it
Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich
P.T. Barnum The Art of Money Getting
Ralph Waldo Emerson Self Reliance
Russell H. Conwell What You Can Do with Your Will Power

The areas of assistance in improving one’s self, contained within its pages; is not limited to one or two, the expanse of assistance is quite comprehensive, creating a virtual library of knowledge at its readers fingertips, which is why this reviewer has given this book the 5 STARS it has received. Get Rich Collection50 Classic Books on How to Attract Money and Success in your Life: Think and Grow Rich,The Game of Life and How to Play it, The Science of Getting Rich, Dollars Want Me... rich dad is the title Get Rich Collection50 Classic Books on How to Attract Money and Success in your Life: Think and Grow Rich,The Game of Life and How to Play it, The Science of Getting Rich, Dollars Want Me... Love this Get Rich Collection of books. It's amazing to see 50 books available as 1 collection! Perfect if you want to learn about abundance, prosperity thinking and how to be successful. Some of these books I've already read, but most are new to me. Was so glad to find this collection I can't wait to read every one of them! Get Rich Collection50 Classic Books on How to Attract Money and Success in your Life: Think and Grow Rich,The Game of Life and How to Play it, The Science of Getting Rich, Dollars Want Me... It was free hut looks boring Get Rich Collection50 Classic Books on How to Attract Money and Success in your Life: Think and Grow Rich,The Game of Life and How to Play it, The Science of Getting Rich, Dollars Want Me...