Fractal Geometry: Mathematical Foundations and Applications By Kenneth Falconer

Characters Fractal Geometry: Mathematical Foundations and Applications

Das Buch besteht zu 50% aus Formeln. Direkt nach der Einleitung ist Vollgas angesagt. Also NICHTS für Anfänger. Ich hab mir noch andere Bücher zum Thema Fraktale bestellt, die muss ich erst durcharbeiten, bevor ich mich an dieses wage.Vom Aufbau her natürlich mies: Wer z.B. programmieren lernen will, den knallt man auch nicht direkt Code um die Birne, man sagt Hallo Welt und baut langsam auf. Das ist bei diesem Buch NICHT der Fall. Kindle, Pasta dura This book or one of its many editions usually features in the bibliography of any book or paper in the area of fractal geometry. I understand that it is also one of the set texts in a number of undergraduate and post graduate courses. There is a support website with answers to the exercises in the book. It requires a relatively high level of mathematical knowledge, so is not aimed at the general public. I think the clarity at some points could be improved. There are a number of typos. Kindle, Pasta dura Great book for students. If you know nothing about the topic this is the book you are looking for, as shows visual examples of really abstract concepts. Kindle, Pasta dura I've had terrible experiences on .dr which the book seller didn't know how important the ISBN is to a book.This time I checked specifically that ISBN matches the book hence the book meet my university's requirement.It's delivered fast and the book is new. Recommend! Kindle, Pasta dura With Windows 10 on both my desktop and surface pro the Kindle app crashes every time I open this book. Kindle, Pasta dura

This comprehensive and popular textbook makes fractal geometry accessible to final year undergraduate math or physics majors while also serving as a reference for research mathematicians or scientists This up to date edition covers introductory multifractal theory random fractals and modern applications in finance and science New research developments are highlighted such as porosity while covering other muchsophisticated topics such as fractal aspects of conformal invariance complex dimensions and non commutative fractal geometry The book emphasizes dimension in its various forms but other notions of fractality are also prominentThis comprehensive and popular textbook makes fractal geometry accessible to final-year undergraduate math or physics majors, while also serving as a reference for research mathematicians or scientists. This up-to-date edition covers introductory multifractal theory, random fractals, and modern applications in finance and science. New research developments are highlighted, such as porosity, while covering other much more sophisticated topics, such as fractal aspects of conformal invariance, complex dimensions, and non-commutative fractal geometry. The book emphasizes dimension in its various forms, but other notions of fractality are also prominent--This comprehensive and popular textbook makes fractal geometry accessible to final-year undergraduate math or physics majors, while also serving as a reference for research mathematicians or scientists. This up-to-date edition covers introductory multifractal theory, random fractals, and modern applications in finance and science. New research developments are highlighted, such as porosity, while covering other much more sophisticated topics, such as fractal aspects of conformal invariance, complex dimensions, and non-commutative fractal geometry. The book emphasizes dimension in its various forms, but other notions of fractality are also prominent-- Fractal Geometry: Mathematical Foundations and Applications


Ce livre est un très bon manuel pour comprendre en profondeur les fractals. Il aborde à la fois la théorie et la mise en œuvre. Indispensable! Kindle, Pasta dura