Forever in My Heart (Dennehy Sisters, #3) By Jo Goodman


A princípio não me agradou muito. Porém resolvi continuar...
A mocinha Mary Margaret é levada para um bordel e perde a virgindade ao dormir com um desconhecido. Por se encontrar dopada pelo ópio, dorme com Conor e no dia seguinte foge para casa. E embora não tenha certeza do que aconteceu, descobre algum tempo depois que está grávida...
Seu pai planeja junto com um amigo seu casamento com o filho deste sem saber de nada. Ela, então descobre, através do próprio Conor que ele é pai da criança que espera...
Mas Mary tem um sonho de se tornar médica, porém como este não deu certo, decide aceitar a proposta de Conor para casar com ele com a condição de que a leve lhe dê o divórcio logo em seguida, deixando na casa de um curador que mora próximo as suas terras para aprender a arte da cura.
Uma história cheia de idas e vindas onde nem tudo é que parecia a princípio.
Para passar o tempo. Historical Fiction, Romance Mary Margaret Dennehy and Conner. Heroines focus is on being a doctor and healing. OW causes problems but is redeemed by being a completely different person by the end of the story. Historical Fiction, Romance This book has got one hell of a premise. I cannot say that I liked how the story began. Mary Maggie was mistaken for a whore in a brothel and Connor was her “customer”. And it was one unforgettable night of course. This is where I am like no way. Maggie was supposed to be drugged and had no recollection of the night. And it just so happened that Maggie’s father and Connor’s father were planning a match between them. Plus The evil but then not so evil ex-fiancé turned step-mother, Maggie’s becoming a doctor in the epilogue, it was all just very unreal and unbelievable.

But I enjoyed Maggie and Connor as characters very much. I liked how they got to know each other and how the relationship developed. It was that alone that I was able to enjoy this book and ignore all the ridiculous plots. This wasn’t very well done as a story, but the characterization and relationship development made the story for me.

Like all Jo Goodman stories, this book also lacked in excitement. It isn’t an exciting adventure but it is a gradually developed love story, just what Jo Goodman is good at and my kind of story. Historical Fiction, Romance No es el primero de la serie pero sí lo primero que leo de esta autora. Al principio sí noté que me faltaba información sobre todo referente a la vida de los secundarios que son la familia de ella, pero la autora da algunos detalles que te meten en situación, como los orígenes de su familia y las historias de sus hermanas.

Esta es la historia de Maggie y Connor, y la verdad es que me ha gustado mucho. Tienen una forma muy original de conocerse y a partir de ese encuentro todo lo que sucede los lleva a vivir una vida que ninguno imaginaba.

He conectado con los dos y he disfrutado de como se van acercando y lo que al principio empieza como algo no deseado se convierte en una relación en la que sus sentimientos no se ocultan. Me ha gustado esa forma en la que ambos se enamoran y en cuanto tienen la oportunidad de poner voz a lo que sienten lo hacen sin malos entendidos y con la verdad por delante. Un amor a fuego lento que es como más me gusta.

La novela está centrada en ellos y su historia y eso también es un plus, porque así se disfruta más de una pareja bonita y con mucha química. Los secundarios tienen mucho peso pero aportando al libro sin eclipsar la historia principal. Solo tengo un pero y es algo que pasa, algo que comenta un secundario sobre la forma en que se conocieron los protagonistas y que no se aclara cómo pudo saberlo. Es un fleco bastante largo que queda sin aclarar.

Por lo demás, muy buena lectura que me ha hecho disfrutar y conocer a una autora que tiene un estilo que entretiene y engancha 😍. Historical Fiction, Romance SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS. You have been warned.

The guy: Connor Holiday has just won big at cards and has all the money he needs to buy title to the family ranch in Colorado from his father (who needs cash and is ready to sell it to Maggie's father for railroad right of way). Conner leaves the card game drunk and in need of a woman and lands at the same parlor house Maggie's in, and he's sent to her room by mistake. A drugged up Maggie thinks he's the doctor and does what she's told. It's a long story, but she passes out and Connor wakes some hours later to find Maggie's hands and mouth all over him. Best sex of his life, that is until Maggie disappears and so does his bundle of cash he so desperately needs.

The girl: Mary Margaret (Maggie) Dennehy, daughter of a New York mega tycoon, accidentally wanders into the red-light district whilst playing treasure hunt with her sister (don't ask, just don't ask). After being accosted, drugged and bruised by an evil pimp, she's rescued by a local madam, given a healthy shot of laudanum and tucked safely into bed and a doctor on the way to see to her injuries.

Sooooooooooooooo, out of money and ideas to keep the ranch Connor's father suggests a marriage that will bring it title to the ranch (please don't ask me to explain how that works). Imagine Connor's surprise when his bride turns out to be the whore who he thinks stole his money. Imagine Maggie's surprise to be confronted with these facts, since she doesn't remember a thing about that night. At least she doesn't have to worry about how she got pregnant anymore.

You following this, or falling asleep yet?

Anywho, Maggie accepts the marriage *proposal*, but she still wants to pursue her dream of being a doctor (this is set in the 1870s). Maggie's plan - they marry and head for Colorado, Maggie's father is gifting her the ranch he purchased from Connor's father which becomes the husband's property upon the marriage, they'll apply for a divorce and she can then go to medical school and it's a win-win for everyone.

Oh wait, I forgot the bit about Maggie being turned down for medical school, so her plan is to hole up with this reclusive miner who has super awesome medical skill while she's waiting for the divorce. After she learns all his super special skills there's no way the college could turn down her application. Right?

Anyone still with me?

Top all that off with the evil stepmother hot to get into Connor's pants and stir up trouble between Conner and Maggie, and what a lame twist with the stepmother at the end . Gah! I thoroughly enjoyed all three of the recent westerns published by Goodman, and was so tickled to find an older one at the library sale. This might teach me not to be so greedy at the sales. Some books are better left in the past. This is one of them. Historical Fiction, Romance

Maggie is the second to youngest Dennehy sister and is determined to become a doctor. A contrived meeting in a bordello leads to a sexual encounter with Connor Holiday (I really didn't like this part as it seemed, as I said above, contrived). However, the book picks up then as the two deal with the fallout.
I loved how Maggie got around learning her medical knowledge; Dancer is such a great character. She and Connor are a great couple though I wasn't fond of the love triangle with Beryl. I'm glad it resolved the way it did; that was deft handling by the author.
It's another good story in this interesting Western series. Historical Fiction, Romance Mary Margaret Dennehy (aka Maggie) was spending time with her youngest sister. When her sister decided to leave her for a friend Maggie got herself turned around and lost in a bad part of New York City. A known pimp got a hold of her and was trying to sell her. Several events happen and by the time Maggie wakes up the next morning she has no idea what happened for a chunk of time.
Connor Holiday had to return to New York because of his father selling his land in Colorado out from underneath him. He was trying to buy the property himself. The two does not have a very good relationship in the first place and this just strains it more. Connor spends a night in a brothel and has his money stolen. So he resorts to an arranged marriage that might help him get his land.
When the two get married they head out to Colorado and that is a whole another adventure on top of even getting to the point of getting married. Things just keep snowballing from here until they finally come to a head and they both have to actually face each other and their real feelings.
It took me a few chapters to be interested in what was going on. The first chapter was downright confusing for me. I am someone who sometimes even if the book isn’t interesting right away that I will continue to read just to see what is going to happen. Thankfully I hung in there and the story started to pick up for me. I did enjoy the happy ending. Beryl was one of those characters that you absolutely love to hate and I am not sure that I understood how she proved to Maggie that she loved Rushton but she did behave better at the end and was easier to not hate. I have read other books by this author and liked them. This one was ok for me but I still plan on reading more by her.
I got this book for free to review from ebook discovery in exchange for an honest review. The opinions in this review are 100% my own.
Historical Fiction, Romance 2.5. A bit better than book #2 in the series; at least the male lead apologizes for being an arsehole to the female lead, and the female lead isn't TSTL like her sister in book #2. Mary Margaret (Maggie) wants to go to medical school to be a doctor. But after she ends up , she chooses to get engaged to the man her father has arranged for her to marry, Connor . No wonder their marriage doesn't get off to a happy start! And then they spend months apart, Maggie studying with a hermit skilled in herbal medicine near Connor's Colorado ranch. But after plot incidents bring them back together, they somehow discover that their physical attraction is really love.

Still, not nearly as engaging as Goodman's more recent Westerns. Historical Fiction, Romance I thought the plot for this book was very unique. A young woman finds herself lost for hours and can't remember what happened in that time. It makes for an intense story, which ends in a beautiful romance. Maggie wants to be a doctor, and she's determined to be one. When circumstances bring her out west, she learns all she can from the local expert. Connor owns a Colorado ranch, and he finds himself constantly thinking of the beautiful, red-headed Maggie. He doesn't know that his brief encounter with her in New York will change his life. Thanks to Ebook Discovery for the complimentary book, which I enjoyed a lot. I'm happy to review Forever in My Heart, and I recommend it, and look forward to reading more in the series. Historical Fiction, Romance Book 3 in the series of the 5 Marys!

I had to keep going, but this story seemed to me the most tragic yet.

Mary Margaret, Maggie, wants to be a doctor. She's got the knack for it and waits only for word that she has gotten into medical school. But then, her life takes a sudden turn.

While fooling around with her sister, Maggie gets turned around and ends up in a sketchy part of the city. After getting accosted by some undesirables, the owner of a bordello helps Maggie, giving her a room for the night and sending for a doctor. Meanwhile, she gives her some laudanum to help her sleep.

But then Connor arrives at the bordello seeking a night to celebrate his ability to finally purchase his ranch and forget his troubles that led to his circumstances. An honest mistake leads him to Maggie's room. She thinks he's the doctor. He thinks she's willing. It's all a terrible misunderstanding, but it leaves its impact.

When Maggie wakes, still loopy from laudanum and alcohol, she panics, stuffs her nightgown into the nearest bag, dresses, and flees, determined to forget the entire night.

When Connor wakes, he's convinced Maggie stole his money from him. With bitter defeat, he goes to the man he wants to buy the ranch from--John Mackenzie Worth, Maggie's father.

When he sees Maggie again, he thinks she's one of Jay Mac's servants and is understandably angry about her thievery. He demands his money. But Maggie doesn't remember him or anything he claims she's done with him. She certainly doesn't remember their night together, but her family has suspected things have not been quite right with Maggie since that odd night. Then Maggie discovers--she's with child.

After getting a letter from medical school, Maggie also gets a proposition from Jay Mac and Connor: if she marries Connor, he can get his ranch from him as a wedding gift. Since Maggie feels bad about the money that she still has no memory of and since she needs to get out of town pronto, she lets her family know of her rejection from medical school and marries Connor quickly for her baby's sake. She lets him think she got rid of the baby, and he is doubly enraged at her now.

Oh, the heartache in this one got to me. Maggie had to suffer such trials and cruelty from Connor. It all finally starts looking up for her when she convinces Connor to leave her with a man in the mountains who helped her father in book 2.

The plot continues from there, but that's enough summary. This one, overall, was so tragic and took forever for the leads to work things out. Definitely a darker western romance, for sure. The first book in the series is still my favorite. Historical Fiction, Romance

Jo Goodman ´ 7 Download

Injured and lost, Mary Margaret Maggie Dennehy stumbles into a seedy New York City neighborhood. When the New York heiress awakes in her fashionable 5th Avenue residence, she remembers nothing of her experience, save a haunting dream that fills her with longing.

Colorado Rancher Connor Holiday can't forget the passion filled night spent in the fancy New York bordello, or the exquisite lover who so willingly played the innocent. But when that lover turns out to be the bastard daughter of one of the city's richest men, he is forced to choose between what he wants and what he needs.

To save his ranch... to save her dreams... Connor and Maggie strike a bargain where the success of their marriage hinges on breaking their vows.

Jo Goodman is a master at historical romance. ~Fresh Fiction

Only My Love
My Heart's Desire
Forever in My Heart
Always in My Dreams
Only in My Arms

Her Defiant Heart
His Heart's Revenge

My Steadfast Heart
My Reckless Heart
With All My Heart

Once upon a time, Jo believed she was going to be a marine biologist. She feels lucky that seasickness made her change course. Jo lives with her family in West Virginia. Please visit her website at Forever in My Heart (Dennehy Sisters, #3)