Forbidden History: Prehistoric Technologies, Extraterrestrial Intervention, and the Suppressed Origins of Civilization By J. Douglas Kenyon

thoroughly enjoyed this, I'm fascinated by ancient civilizations, there is evidence of them everywhere. Weather you believe in previous great technologies or not, the fact is there were people here longer than we learned in school, we have all been given a very limited education I'm afraid. 9781591430452 Badacze zrzeszeni i umieszczający wyniki swoich dociekań, analiz, domysłów i - w dużej mierze fantazji w magazynie Atlantis Rising - zdają się postaciami, które rzeczywiście pragnęłyby stać się męczennikami na ołtarzach walki z cenzurą i ortodoksyjnymi poglądami na przeszłość cywilizacji i historię naszej planety.

I z kart tej książki, w której zebrano artykuły dotyczące, skądinąd ciekawych a w niektórych kwestiach przekonujących hipotez - popartych wynikami badań i odkryć, które z powodu braku czasu na ich weryfikację, w dobrej wierze uznaję za zaistniałe i prawdziwe - padają nieustanne ataki i żale. Stawiając się w pozycji biednych, tłamszonych badaczy, których wyniki są ignorowane a odkrycia dyskredytowane, nawet w przypływie fali sympatii dla ich entuzjazmu i uznania dla - jakkolwiek fantastycznymi by one nie były - odkryć i hipotez, nie mogę brać do końca poważnie tego, co przedstawione zostało w niniejszej książce.

Cóż, moim zdaniem nikt nie powinien. Owszem, dobrze czasem wyjść poza horyzont tego, co znane. Poznać inne, alternatywne, nieważne jak sensacyjne i niesamowite, teorie na temat przeszłości. I myślę, że w tej kwestii jest to dobrze napisana książka, która w jakiś sposób podsyca wyobraźnię a nawet - dzięki sprawnemu językowi i przejrzyście przedstawionym hipotezom - zainteresować może nurtem nauki i historii alternatywnej. Historii, która wbrew temu, co sugeruje tytuł książki - nie jest zakazana. Po prostu jej fundament opiera się na tym, czego nie wiemy, na interpretacjach nie popartych jednoznacznymi dowodami a w większości jedynie na nadinterpretacji enigmatycznych znalezisk i luk w dziejach ludzkości i świata. Czasem na wizjach jasnowidzów...

Dodatkowo wybór artykułów w tej kompilacji wydaje się dość niefortunny - bywa, że tej samej hipotezie czy odkryciu poświęca się kilka podobnych felietonów, z których żaden nie przedstawia nic nowego, w odniesieniu do pierwszego, w którym ujęto zagadnienie.

Polecam, jako całkiem dobry zbiór artykułów popularno(prawie)naukowych, nie podejmując się jednak oceny tego, co zostało tu objawione. O tym, co z tego może być prawdą a co nie zdecydujcie sami... 9781591430452 This Quiver full of Arrows presents a flavor of the entire gamut of the current thinking of the subject of alternative history..a kind of ‘big picture’..a summary without having to read so many different books to get an overall idea.

Another good thing about the book is that its references to other interesting books. Some sections like “New Models to Ponder” are quite mind-blowing, where we get introduced to the likes of Zecharia Sitchin, Richard Hoagland, and Paul LaViolette . Sitchin’s “12th Planet” definitely looks an excellent path to follow up further. The in-between chapters written by editor Kenyon & also those by David Lewis are particularly clear & refreshing.

However, having already read Hancock’s “ Fingerprints of the Gods”, “Underworld”, and Dunn’s “ Giza Power Plant” before, certain sections of the material may seem somewhat repetitive, particularly those by Dunn.. However, if this collection is the first book being read on the subject, few of the concepts may seem bit tough to follow without clear maps , photos or pictures.

In short, the essence is as below:

The evolution of mankind from the apes as predicted by Darwin in 1859 via “survival of the fittest” theory face stringent scientific scrutiny today because of the absence of any transitional fossils co-relating that of the evolution of either man from ape, or that of the flowering plants from non-flowering plants. At the same time, creation of the universe nearly 6000 years back in 6 days, as told by the Bible, face hurdles in the form of historical evidence of human existence at least upto 30,000 BC. If it is neither “evolution”, nor , “creation”, then what is the history of human race?
The book picks up India , Egypt & the Mayan civilization of Central America to contextualize the question of antiquity of mankind. The underwater city off Western India pushes the dates back to 9000BC by radio-carbon dating. The now submerged landmass, south of India called Kumari Kandam is cited to be staggeringly old at 30,000BC. The Spynx can easily be credited with a two-stage construction, where only the new construction can be dated back to 2500BC, whereas the original structure may easily be traced back to 10,000BC. The Pyramids , as Hancock proposes, has been built as a mirror image of the Orion constellation & the Sphynx a representation of the Leo constellation of 10500 BC, indicating the antiquity of their construction. And that the Mayan civilization was not a mere Stone Age culture, they were a society that possibly built bridges and roadways ( O’Kean, page 120), understood the concept of zero, the precession cycle, an precise calendar system spanning thousands of years, and their stone-building technology is unsurpassed till date even with our modern technologies.

And, when it comes to the antiquity of mankind, how can we ignore Atlantis & Lemuria. First narrated by Plato in 360BC in “Timaeus” and “Critias” as a vast island, Atlantis was some sort of a gateway to the whole “opposite continent”. Some 9000 years ago, Plato writes, Atlantis started an unprovoked war against all of Asia and Europe, including Athens, and at the end, the Greeks were victorious. However, immediately afterwards, there was violent earthquakes and floods, and the island of Atlantis disappeared in the depth of the sea in a single day and night of misfortune. According to the Great Solon of Greece, Atlantis existed at the beginning of time, ruled by God Poseidon(Neptune) as a law-abiding, peaceful and prosperous land. However, after Poseidon, the rulers and people there forgot all morality and law-lessness prevailed. Lord Zeus wanted to teach the Atalanteans a lesson and rest is, as they say, history . Was this a mere parable re- told by Plato to Socrates.. no one can be sure. Was the Atlantis somewhere situated in the Atlantic Ocean & the opposite continent referred to, is the Americas; was it somewhere near the Sweden; was it in Aegean Sea near Crete and Santorini; was it the now submerged Kumari Kandan of Ramayan times that extended all the way to present day Maldives in the Indian Ocean; was it the newly discovered underwater city Yonaguni off Okinawa in Japan; or was it the ancient landmass of Sunda Shelf that covered the present geographies of Malaysia & Indonesia.. or finally, was the great land of Atlantis the same land that now lies ice covered and position-shifted in Antarctica by sudden crustal displacement that took place somewhere in 10500BC..

And, apart from the ancient’s amazing precision engineering skills, their stupendous astronomical knowledge & unsurpassed masonry and building technology, how advanced the ancients were? And, who else, but Chris Dunn stands up to explain away in almost a third of the book, in an apparent re-run of his best seller “Giza Power Plant”. Dunn explains that the Pyramids were power plants of the ancients for generation of wireless energy produced by converting the microwave energy bombarding the earth continually to output beams of wireless energy. The pyramid worked as a three stage microwave amplifier, with the earth’s fundamental mechanical hum as the input, converted to acoustic energy in the grand gallery & fed to the quartile King’s Chamber and the five overhead beams ,causing it to oscillate and causing piezo-electric effect to interact on the hydrogen gas produced in the Queen’s chamber, and on the input microwave energy in the sarcophagus of King’s Chamber.

The cause of the end of the ancient world is theorized by some and disputed by many. Is it the “sudden” crustal displacement theory or polar-wandering, where the thin layer of ground slips over and shifts position abruptly over the central core of the planet- just like a lose cover of an Orange can move over the inside , the theory acknowledged by none less than Einstein & credited to Hapgood and made popular in the ‘Fingerprints of the Gods’ by Hancock? Or, was it the numerous bolides ( asteroids, meteorites and comets) impacting the agreed by Schoch? LaViolette provides evidence of a galactic super-wave caused by an explosion in the Galactic Core , that caused the interstellar electrical influence to force down the asteroids etc against the solar wind resulting in an inter-planetary Cataclysm; and that this explosion is a cyclic event every 26000 years at completion of each precessional zodiac cycle. Another bombshell of a theory put forward by Velikovsky is that Venus was ejected from the body of Jupiter in the form of a long-tailed comet and coming close to earth, it caused electromagnetic and electrostatic forces to set in the destruction on a global scale. Taking the theory of Velikovsky’s theory further up, Talbott and Thornhill propose that in the ancient times, earth was tantalizingly close with Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Venus in a co-linear configuration , and there was no moon. The mythical references to Wars of Gods, they say, are not fiction. The massive craters on Moon & the Mars are possible, they theorize, not with floods or with lava, but only with electric arcs from massive thunderbolts.

Few interesting theories include: The Global Flood might have been caused by the oceans of the Moon attracted by the still hot earth’s gravitation forces on the relatively cooler Moon ( Peter Boos, page 51). That the mysterious crop circles are not of human origin. The ancients might have used music or work-songs to levitate heavy material while building the megalithic structures (page 134). The pulsars or pulsating stars, may be light house type beacons installed by ETs at various nebula to highlight the Galactic explosion sites. And, as postulated by Rand Flem-Ath, tens of sacred sites such as the Street of the Dead and other Central American structures, and the Sumerian ziggurat & Jerusalem’s wailing wall, all were aligned to the pre-crustal displacement Polar North , which now lies at Hudson Bay. That the Easter Island at 140 degrees west of Giza, Teotihuacan at 130 degrees, Chichen Itza at 120 degrees, Quito –capital of Inca empire- at 110 degrees, Gateway to Sun at Tiahuanaco at 100 degrees west to the Giza , can not be mere coincidence. Similarly ,to the East, Ur Ziggurat at 15 degrees east of Giza , and Lhasa at 60 degrees east of Giza, indicates all these pre-Ice Age global sacred sites are geological markers constructed by Atlanteans as a means to re-calibrate the earth before a possible crustal displacement cataclysm as part of their investigations. And, that the Shard on the Lunar surface , and ‘Cydonian Face’ on Mars are artificial structures created by ETs, as the Shard seems a remnant of a tall artificial structure made of crystals and glass-like reflective material & the Face seemed like Martian Pyramids.

Finally, taking the whole cosmos to a spiritual realm of Paramhans Yoganand and others, David Bohm describes that it is not just the duality of particle, nor it is the uncertainty of observation as postulated by Heisenberg, there seems to be an intelligence and inter-connectedness in the particles and in the whole cosmos. Two sub-atomic particles that have once interacted can still influence each other even after thousands of years, and even if light years apart. The whole cosmos is interconnected, it is as if all matter and non-matter are holographic projections borne out of the interaction of electromagnetic, and other fields. This holomovement is extended to a multi-dimensional reality, and we live not in a universe, but a multiverse. So, the fundamental unit of reality is not particle, but a quanta of intelligent energy in a continuous field. The whole creation, therefore, is a closed loop of three things - consciousness , information , and the continuous flux of animate and non-animate matter . The holomovement continuously enfolds and unfolds in an infitely-dimensioned multiverse.
9781591430452 Galvanizing points of thinking. It's the only book I could find, no comparison.
Devising from the established scientific disciplines and challenging the establishment,
Revising accepted assumptions, Atlantis Rising. 9781591430452 Yeah, yeah, stop looking at me like that.

I enjoy reading what the fringies write, and this was no exception to the rule. While a bit out of date, this collection of essays still preached what one would expect: Childress, Schoch, Hancock, et al - while not writing there in force, were still being written about in force. While this book was light on the aliens, it was still very strong when it comes to the Mu civilization and the like.

Lego linguistics, poor understanding of physics, and more were to be found. I give the book credit for speaking out against Yonaguni and the Bimini Road, but take away a lot of that credit for their inability to understand why diamond saws aren't needed. I also take away points for them not understanding how Coral Castle was a man-made creation, nor even referencing it. Coral Castle proved that a single man could build something akin to the pyramids.

I wish that people would approach books like this in good humor, give them a chance, and then take away from them everything with a grain of salt. The articles within the book at times entirely contradicted one another: The Ice Age was a lie, but the Ice Age had to exist for the theory of catastrophism to triumph over uniformatarianism. I don't quite get it.

Well, today I learned that Einstein believed in Atlantis. I'm open to Atlantis having existed in some form or another back in the day, and I appreciate their debunking of Thera. While some of the facts they levied against Thera were inaccurate, it still was a decent effort.

So, yeah, I didn't like it. I had fun reading it all the same. 9781591430452

Challenges the scientific theories on the establishment of civilization and technology

• Contains 42 essays by 17 key thinkers in the fields of alternative science and history, including Christopher Dunn, Frank Joseph, Will Hart, Rand Flem-Ath, and Moira Timms

• Edited by Atlantis Rising publisher, J. Douglas Kenyon

In Forbidden History writer and editor J. Douglas Kenyon has chosen 42 essays that have appeared in the bimonthly journal Atlantis Rising to provide readers with an overview of the core positions of key thinkers in the field of ancient mysteries and alternative history. The 17 contributors include among others, Rand Flem-Ath, Frank Joseph, Christopher Dunn, and Will Hart, all of whom challenge the scientific establishment to reexamine its underlying premises in understanding ancient civilizations and open up to the possibility of meaningful debate around alternative theories of humanity's true past.

Each of the essays builds upon the work of the other contributors. Kenyon has carefully crafted his vision and selected writings in six areas: Darwinism Under Fire, Earth Changes--Sudden or Gradual, Civilization's Greater Antiquity, Ancestors from Space, Ancient High Tech, and The Search for Lost Origins. He explores the most current ideas in the Atlantis debate, the origins of the Pyramids, and many other controversial themes.

The book serves as an excellent introduction to hitherto suppressed and alternative accounts of history as contributors raise questions about the origins of civilization and humanity, catastrophism, and ancient technology. The collection also includes several articles that introduce, compare, contrast, and complement the theories of other notable authors in these fields, such as Zecharia Sitchin, Paul LaViolette, John Michell, and John Anthony West. Forbidden History: Prehistoric Technologies, Extraterrestrial Intervention, and the Suppressed Origins of Civilization

Great and broad collection of essays covering forbidden archeology for the last 50 years. Dated now. I would love to see a new version of this in 20 years or so. Some theories have been disproven--some of the underwater temples cited have been hoaxes (even as they're 'lol Piltdown Man') and the Face in Mars has been re-photographed. Some theories have been verified--the dinosaurs probably did die from an asteroid hit and Darwin's understanding of evolution was flawed.

I am well-versed in forbidden archeology and I think someone who hasn't read or become familiar with the major theories like antediluvian societies, Egyptology, Vedic sources, and Atlantis might not get as much out of this book. I spent a lot of time cross-referencing things on Wikipedia as it was.

There's also some fun. Like the idea that Venus and Earth crashed into each other in the distant past. Wow, guys! (Will come back and edit this remark if it ages like milk).

All the essays are well-written (In big part to the editors at Atlantis Rising, I'm sure) and the authors come across as learned. They're all strong believers in evidence, which sets a good example, even if their conclusions from that evidence are erroneous.

The biggest disappointment is that this book, like every other book ever written, cannot tell me why the Bronze Age collapsed. I want to know! 9781591430452 This book was weird, but very interesting. There was a major focus on Atlantis and the Great Pyramids. Other ancient monuments were also mentioned. 9781591430452 In the 1960s a German guy wrote a book a book called Was God an Astronaut? It was a massive commercial success even though it later transpired that some of the alien landing strips he'd discovered in South America were found to be less than ten metres long. (You can do anything with photos, just ask that nice Mr Trump about the size of crowds). From that a whole genre of fiction has developed. I use the word fiction rather than factual because what distinguishes all the discussions about our 'alien ancestors' from sound science is that that it's speculative.

Writers of such books collect information and then use it to support their theories. They don't test or challenge the information and they ignore data that contradicts their views. Sometimes these theories are genuinely held beliefs. Sometimes they are 'beliefs' which are held for the time it takes to write a book and make a fast buck.

I enjoy the speculative nature of this genre but I don't take it too seriously. If you're willing to do the same than Forbidden History is one of the most entertaining examples of this type of book and I'd happily recommend it as an alternative to most science fiction books. Especially as it contains contributions from a wide range of writers rather than just one. Effectively it gives you an overview of some of the most entertaining ideas doing the rounds. And many of the articles are well written. Just don't read them as science.


jim 9781591430452 This collection of essays is probably more than half crazy, and some of it struck me as outright garbage, but there is quite a bit of thought-provoking information as well, and it was easy to read. It's actually quite effective for its intended purpose, but your level of enjoyment will likely depend on your preconceived ideas about science and history. It's a very interesting collection nonetheless. 9781591430452 Prilagodba znanstvenog rada široj čitateljskoj publici. 9781591430452

J. Douglas Kenyon À 2 Summary
