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Great adaptation of the 12 rules at especially 12 and older kids (especially girls) reading level. Got this for the daughters of close friends. and 1 more , with membership , Prime Member Exclusive Offer
Countless young men have been helped by the ideas of Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson. The question remains: does this psychologist's opus of work have something to offer young womenClinical social worker and psychotherapist Annette Poizner suggests it does: young women will be fascinated to learn about the map of meaning that they harbor within, a map that the unconscious mind builds to manage chaos, an inherent part of reality. In this book, listeners access a summary of some of the 'rules for life' they can use to architect their best self and enhance self image; rules which provide an anchor, in the face of today's normlessness. Drawing on decades of clinical experience, Poizner speaks directly to young women, tailoring the rules to a reality heavy on electronics, light on consensus. Short chapters provide useable soundbites. Listeners walk away with strategies to make changes and get a personalized introduction to Dr. Peterson's work, designed for those new to some ideas that have taken the world by storm!Annette Poizner, MSW, EdD, RSW, has a Master's in social work degree from Columbia University of New York and a doctorate in Education from the University of Toronto. Her clinical innovations have been featured in dailies across Canada, in trade magazines across North America, and at clinical and academic conferences. Finding One Self: A Teenager#39;s Guide to Jordan Peterson#39;s Rules for Life