review Fans AUTHOR Avril Hart
A lively look at fans from the 17th century to the present is illustrated in color with spectacular examples from the Victoria & Albert Museum's famous dress collection. Fans AUTHOR Avril Hart
This is a nice little book which gives an overview of some of the fans in the V&A collection. It starts with some of the rare 17th century fans in the collection and then takes you through the classical myths and pastoral fans of the 18th century. There's a look at Chinoiserie fans and souvenirs and British commemorative fans. In short there's a bit of everything ... or at least as much as can be squeezed into a book of this size. Its a good introduction to the history of hand fans but it only scratches the surface of this multi-discipline subject. Avril Hart A beautiful historical overview with many fine examples in color photographs from the collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum. Avril Hart