Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications By Steven M. Greer

Just an OK book on ET visits and contact since the 40s. 9780967323800 I'm just going to mark this as read since I haven't made time for it because it's an earlier book that includes many things that were updated and printed in Greer's 2017 book Unacknowledged, which I read first. If you were to pick between the two, choose Unacknowledged, it's got more in it and is more urgent to read. Still glad that this book is here, though. 9780967323800 A much better book than his 2009 book, Contact: Countdown to Transformation, which is still nevertheless a great book 9780967323800

Steven M. Greer, an Emergency Physician has written about the best UFO/ET cases and evidence. Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications

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